[Pw_forum] About LDA+U method on ZnO structural optimiztion

Giuseppe Mattioli giuseppe.mattioli at ism.cnr.it
Tue May 20 21:34:44 CEST 2014

Dear J.J.
I've performed several ZnO-related calculations, including DFT+U. In  
particular, you may be interested in the supporting information of  
Mattioli, et al.; J. Phys. Chem. C (2012) 116, 15439-15448, where the  
properties of ZnO bulk obtained at different levels of theory are  
discussed. In my experience, DFT+U alone does not guarantee good  
structural results in metal oxides, if you do not use it with care. In  
the above paper (and in a couple of following contributions), I've  
tested a double (and substantially semiempirical...) DFT+U(Zn,O)  
correction, applied to both Zn 3d (7.0 eV) and O 2p (5.9 eV) shells. I  
was more interested in electronic than structural properties, and the  
former were good. Neverheless I've obtained quite reasonable DFT+U  
lattice parameters (a=3.248, c=5.223). At any rate, your DFT+U results  
seem not so bad: +1.3% on a and +1.9 on c should be considered as  
acceptable overestimates.

Giuseppe Mattioli

Quoting jijun gong <jijungong at gmail.com>:

> Dear all:
>     I am working on ZnO structural optimization using the LDA+U method. As
> in the journal of chemical physics 140, 121105 (2014), the U value on Zn d
> electrons was set to be 4.5 eV, calculated by vasp code, there was a good
> agreement with experimaental data in cell parameters by DFT+U than DFT
> method did.
>     the a, c and u in experimental values are 3.250, 5.210, 0.382,
> respectively.
>     Calculated by VASP code,
>     In DFT,the a, c and u values are 3.286, 5.295, 0.3807, respectively.
>     In DFT+U,the a, c and u values are 3.243, 5.218, 0.3809, respectively.
>     It seems that the DFT+U correction works pretty well with the vasp code.
>     But when using pwscf in vc-relax mode, I got the fellowing results:
>     In DFT,the a, c and u values are 3.290, 5.305, 0.379, respectively.
>     In DFT+U,the a, c and u values are 3.292, 5.309, 0.379, respectively.
>     It shows that in pwscf, the DFT+U correction does not much affect the
> results. also the datas show that there is significant difference in DFT +U
> results between the two codes.
>     My input file with pwscf attached to the following. I want to know
> where I went wrong in the pwscf input file.
>     Any help will be appreciated!
>     J.J. Gong
>     Lanzhou University of technology, China
> the pwscf input file
> calculation = "vc-relax",
> restart_mode = "from_scratch",
> prefix = "ZnO-opt",
> outdir = "/tmp/",
> pseudo_dir = "~/pp",
> !wf_collect=.TRUE.
> !etot_conv_thr = 1d-5
> !forc_conv_thr = 1d-3
> tstress = .true.
> tprnfor = .true.
> /
> ibrav=0,
> celldm(1)=1.88972613,
> ecutwfc=55, ecutrho=550,
> nat=4,ntyp=2,
> lda_plus_U=.true., lda_plus_u_kind = 0, Hubbard_U(1)=4.5, Hubbard_U(2)= 0,
> /
> electron_maxstep = 80,
> mixing_beta=0.5,
> conv_thr=1D-8,
> /
> &ions
> /
> &cell
> /
>   Zn  65.3900  Zn.pbe-van.UPF
>    O  15.9994   o_pbe_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF
> CELL_PARAMETERS (alat=  1.88972613)
>    3.292518870   0.000394478   0.000000646
>   -1.640667267   2.850447665  -0.000000288
>    0.000001154   0.000000426   5.310381081
> O        0.332685749   0.665993276   0.379582752
> O        0.667312132   0.334006494   0.879563839
> Zn       0.333421586   0.666985007   0.000318706
> Zn       0.666579130   0.333015022   0.500232704
> K_POINTS (automatic)
> 4 4 3 1 1 0
> --
> JiJun-Gong
> Department of Applied Physics
> Lanzhou University of Technology
> Lanzhou
> China

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    Giuseppe Mattioli
    v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
    I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
    Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
    E-mail: <giuseppe.mattioli at ism.cnr.it>

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