[Pw_forum] MD-GIPAW problem

Aleksander Jaworski aleksander.jaworski at mmk.su.se
Mon Mar 31 20:40:10 CEST 2014

Dear QE users and developers,

my name is Aleksander, I'm a PhD student at the Division of Physical
Chemistry at the Stockholm University. My research focuses on structural
studies of glasses using solid state nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy. Since last autumn, when I have attended CECAM workshop in
Zürich on calculating NMR and EPR parameters using GIPAW method, I'm
getting in to the Quantum Espresso code hoping for getting support and
better assignments for my experimental NMR data. 

I've got pw and gipaw running for the reference crystalline compounds, but
I have problems when it comes to the glasses. 

I can not get the pw.x calculations running for the structures of the
glasses, which have been created from classical MD simulations
trajectories. When looking at the input in the xcrysden, the structures
seem to be ok (according to me). 

I'm attaching input and output files.

The error which I'm getting:

     Error in routine read_pseudo_gipaw (1): 
     Reading pseudo file 


     stopping …

….is suggesting problems with pseudopotential, but exactly same
pseudopotential (Sc.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.3.UPF) seems to work for the
crystalline systems which I have tested. At least I'm not getting any
errors then and calculations converge.

not the case, because I simply can not find them in the mentioned
pseudopotential file. 

I went across the mailing list archive and the manuals, and I cannot
conclude what is wrong in this case.  

I would really appreciate if more experienced users could take a look on
the input and share with me hints and suggestions how to solve this

best regards,
Aleksander Jaworski

PhD student
Physical Chemistry Division
Stockholm University
-------------- next part --------------
    calculation = 'scf'
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
    prefix = 'Sc_glass'
    pseudo_dir = './pseudo/'
    outdir = './scratch/'
    tstress = .true.
    tprnfor = .true.
    ibrav = 0
    a = 11.1813144884
    nat = 113
    ntyp = 4
    ecutwfc = 50
    ecutrho = 500
    spline_ps = .true.
    diagonalization = 'david'
    diago_thr_init = 1e-4
    mixing_mode = 'plain'
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr =  1e-10
 1.0000000000       0.0000000000        0.0000000000  
 0.0000000000       1.0000000000        0.0000000000  
 0.0000000000       0.0000000000        1.0000000000

Sc     44.955     Sc.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.3.UPF
Al     26.982     Al.pbe-tm-gipaw-dc.UPF
Si     28.086     Si.pbe-tm-new-gipaw-dc.UPF
O      15.999     O.pbe-rrkjus-gipaw-dc.UPF

K_POINTS automatic
4 4 4 0 0 0

Sc	     5.368065654        -0.9675387665        0.03985187300            
Sc	    -4.759982143        -3.366830232         2.676270546                
Sc	    -4.604280703        -2.424349367        -2.786796595                
Sc	    -2.689350695         1.365710482        -1.303716127                
Sc	     4.824238525        -2.215469558         5.242379642                
Sc	     1.767452452        -2.730190884        -0.5686011336                
Sc	     1.616049506        -3.761322311         2.759350562                
Sc	    -0.2308131431       -0.3688299948       -1.633366096                
Sc	    -3.480191030        -4.783018474        -0.2266882172                
Sc	    -2.635113923        -1.597443018         0.7846150540 
Al	    -1.098568809        -0.3892831946        3.418751177                
Al	     2.407562408        -5.580996868         0.3651222492                
Al	     2.924289837         0.3576462843       -1.137194879                
Al	    -4.948453718         3.989089378        -5.092564091                
Al	     2.702931754         2.006621376        -3.162128306                
Al	    -4.053723963        -4.316441450        -5.513564585                
Al	    -0.7561834710       -4.639100817         1.088350534                
Al	    -4.210572024         2.031360381         1.593234769                
Al	    -1.236319679        -3.071846275        -2.307594412                
Al	    -1.386886035        -4.313950109         4.276039689                
Al	    -3.222337129         2.231749570         4.317431892                
Al	     2.875084671         4.166476901         2.673423471                
Al	    -5.428846613         0.7332392794       -2.823283642                
Al	    -3.664749979        -0.6402426196        4.160264140                
Al	     4.493544309        -5.383875336         4.404378871                
Al	    -5.058804585         4.382112123         2.204714873                
Si	     0.5096076898       -2.488044269         5.402384584                
Si	     1.347238574        -0.6037995682        1.437700026                
Si	     0.5024498461        2.700695616        -1.128698828                
Si	     3.769807978        -4.144552684        -2.218985083                
Si	     4.222728151         2.849531208         0.1621427049                
Si	     5.344985154         1.092754767         5.245300812                
Si	    -2.018986578        -0.3214157835       -4.277136927                
Si	    -5.099358919         3.707532480        -1.924415574                
Si	    -1.286103960         3.432105309         1.113278854                
Si	     2.370109230        -1.700622752        -3.558646288                
Si	    -0.1192340446        4.032184549         3.949813300                
Si	    -2.121457570         4.572489101        -5.051333734                
Si	     2.724728115         0.9598387753        3.635701022                
Si	     2.887337939         5.009486140        -4.312341867                
Si	     0.4151947131        1.477235698        -5.404522138                
Si	     0.03525617868       5.185452486        -3.075280964 
O	     3.268391078         3.564380707        -3.759100061                
O	     3.131660407         5.255113932         5.330602017                
O	     1.805544601        -3.143849868         4.615912389                
O	    -2.968619604        -3.355358640        -1.924746506                
O	     4.055839921         0.6066002328        4.436132241                
O	    -1.504279708        -1.452287167        -3.281998056                
O	    -0.7763195998        0.5936895277       -4.842284690                
O	    -2.072021580        -0.2975213435       -0.6175104046                
O	     1.539909904        -2.205811729         1.444563640                
O	     2.822265193         2.389573147         3.074316580                
O	    -1.041263419         4.269375957        -3.902380973                
O	     1.929115553         2.103163356        -1.478317183                
O	     4.672683092         3.642007339        -1.159113148                
O	    -4.893258022        -3.003493044        -4.656216041                
O	     4.018630644         0.9940430420       -2.572426820                
O	     3.678839042        -5.129389788        -3.415500904                
O	    -5.031964654         4.016986958        -3.410528283                
O	     4.657199946         4.673089605         3.076660016                
O	    -2.059733276         1.064243784         3.806954645                
O	     1.349993394        -0.1932091573       -0.03038824358          
O	    -2.852603547        -0.8199406880       -5.501781893                
O	    -2.915562688        -5.346987746        -4.652335744                
O	    -1.030662578         3.554505355         2.647226133                
O	     1.409508369         1.680800288        -4.237490628                
O	     1.045244778        -1.916530724        -4.440928250                
O	    -2.845821635         0.7090724013       -3.338085589                
O	     5.495988629         3.077380819         1.100965463                
O	     2.004825949        -0.5554769763       -2.505401119                
O	    -5.017340613        -0.7548774363       -1.960751484                
O	     3.122139884        -4.544026848        -0.8030879437                
O	     3.952334494         1.307139272         0.03703521659        
O	     5.141462868        -3.484466928        -2.009737404                
O	     3.602707018        -1.647822320        -4.522928608                
O	    -4.955186979        -1.754723659         3.893328864                
O	    -4.168968211         4.665847559        -1.149781899                
O	    -0.6016084851       -3.542719828         5.573436010                
O	    -2.571048371         2.553977932         0.6884858305                
O	    -0.1065238514        2.770388977         4.977108229                
O	    -2.035525292        -3.517651654         0.5861778414                
O	    -4.727830661        -2.408414617         0.9804811898                
O	    -4.335700049        -5.290373817         1.753069291                
O	    -4.697936072         2.105430607        -1.933300050                
O	     4.834230116        -3.868338264         3.833332396                
O	    -4.539569900         0.5257869012        0.9631614517                
O	    -3.911710720         3.089529983         2.959292381                
O	     1.456391474         0.8931554989        4.616757803                
O	    -3.180824531         3.484371589        -5.574307320                
O	    -0.06414942352      -2.395708238        -1.285681201                
O	     2.777523067        -5.139164975         1.958949378                
O	    -0.06477220477      -0.2545306333        1.960152089                
O	     0.4615998508        4.159825124        -1.842815309                
O	     3.526551073        -1.408039870        -0.4666185394                
O	     2.377547432        -0.02646928704       2.506197962                
O	    -4.502792355         0.9395646500        4.338739710                
O	    -2.603567887        -1.303238192         2.809044183                
O	    -0.04511334774       2.825748735         0.3428403038                
O	     1.217030458         4.467198952         3.366962553                
O	     1.324657726         5.188712843        -3.940222608                
O	    -0.4252845526       -4.267689653         2.837675840                
O	    -0.5885239815       -4.655277920        -2.676848274                
O	    -5.294546664         5.515577331         5.428802693                
O	    -1.186997823         4.996637574         4.788822480                
O	     2.585699676        -2.955777012        -2.619979537                
O	    -0.4944201652        1.615191463        -1.711497146                
O	    -0.1596017024       -1.500566859         4.340315354                
O	     5.360108669         2.620859834         5.462256608                
O	     3.049312888         3.833868118         0.7265264865                
O	    -1.490305852         4.973170941         0.7822845991                
O	    -3.113589787        -4.089486689         4.203164323                
O	     0.8236459059       -4.850033421         0.3046003355                
O	    -5.456836682         0.3771986295       -4.566271304	
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