[Pw_forum] process killed

toufik esssakhri tousak at hotmail.fr
Wed Jun 18 10:47:35 CEST 2014

Dear Prof. Giuseppe

> try disk_io='high': the calculation should be slower but it also 
should use less memory. Remember to force some soft exit (like 
max_seconds=40000, or something suitable), if you want to properly restart the calculation.

i tried disk_io='high' and  
max_seconds=40000 with the maximum of ressources as can, i fix ulimit -s unlimited to use all available RAM.
i have the following error: 
forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)
Image                      PC                                   Routine                     Line           Source
libc.so.6                  0000003AD8ADC238       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libopen-pal.so.0      00007F6C6FEEB4EC        Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libopen-pal.so.0      00007F6C6FEE8229        Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libopen-pal.so.0      00007F6C6FEDAFDC       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi.so.0              00007F6C7043BDB4       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi.so.0              00007F6C7048A70E        Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi.so.0              00007F6C70494F38        Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi.so.0              00007F6C7048AAAF       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi.so.0              00007F6C70455BAF       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
libmpi_f77.so.0       00007F6C7085FD03       Unknown                   Unknown      Unknown
pw.x                        0000000000733C91       mp_mp_mp_barrier_        1812     mp.f90
pw.x                        00000000006EAAA0       fft_base_mp_cgath             609     fft_base.f90
pw.x                        0000000000468841       exx_mp_exxinit_                 909     exx.f90
pw.x                        0000000000446443       electrons_                           552    electrons.f90
pw.x                        0000000000441533       MAIN__                                101    pwscf.f90
pw.x                        000000000044127C       Unknown                    Unknown    Unknown
libc.so.6                  0000003AD8A1ECDD      Unknown                    Unknown   Unknown
pw.x                        0000000000441179        Unknown                    Unknown   Unknown
mpirun: clean termination accomplished

> The EXX routines have been extensively modified in QE 5.1. This often implies that the calculations a) are faster; b) use less resources.

to move to the new version QE 5.1, I must wait a while for administrative reasons.

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