[Pw_forum] Geometry optimization generates same coordinates

Pascal BOULET pascal.boulet at univ-amu.fr
Fri Jan 31 18:53:57 CET 2014


You have to increase the number of geometry optimization steps! 1 is definitely not enough. As you can see at the end PW says: The maximum number of steps has been reached.
There are a few points I shall raise:
* If I am right, your are using ultrasoft PP. Are you sure you need that large a cutoff energy? have you made convergence tests?
* You are mixing UPP with PAW. Not sure it is wise...
* Obviously the geometry is very far from equilibrium: see Total force =   647.681262 and P= 1879.85. According to the job title you are adsorbing a PAH on graphene. If this is right, your starting structure is nonsense. The distance between the PAH and the surface is only 0.06 angstrom! As you can see the first displacements PW is doing is to enlarge the distance between the PAH and the surface.


> ----------------------------------------
> From: jbobak <jbobak at uvic.ca>
> Sent: Fri Jan 31 17:41:03 CET 2014
> To: PWSCF Forum <pw_forum at pwscf.org>
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Geometry optimization generates same coordinates
> Hi,
> Thank you so much for the quick response. I believe the coordinates are
> exactly the same. My output is copied below. It is long, but I'm still too
> new at this to know which parts are most important for you.
> Thank you again,
> Julia
>      Program PWSCF v.5.0.2 (svn rev. 9656) starts on 24Jan2014 at  2:10:51
>      This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
>      for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
>          "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
>           URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
>      in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
>      http://www.quantum-espresso.org/quote.php
>      Parallel version (MPI), running on    32 processors
>      R & G space division:  proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage =      32
>      Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
>      Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
>      Max number of k-points (npk) =  40000
>      Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  3
>      Waiting for input...
>      Reading input from standard input
>                file C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2S 2P renormalized
>      Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue
> problem:
>      scalapack distributed-memory algorithm (size of sub-group:  4*  4 procs)
>      Parallelization info
>      --------------------
>      sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
>      Min        1136     568    147               262871    92934   12287
>      Max        1138     569    148               262884    92991   12291
>      Sum       36367   18193   4729              8412137  2975069  393245
>      Title:
>      TetraceneOnGraphene
>      bravais-lattice index     =            0
>      lattice parameter (alat)  =      33.1600  a.u.
>      unit-cell volume          =   47365.8630 (a.u.)^3
>      number of atoms/cell      =          158
>      number of atomic types    =            2
>      number of electrons       =       596.00
>      number of Kohn-Sham states=          298
>      kinetic-energy cutoff     =      60.0000  Ry
>      charge density cutoff     =     480.0000  Ry
>      convergence threshold     =      1.0E-08
>      mixing beta               =       0.7000
>      number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
>      Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBX  PBC ( 1 4 3 4 0)
>      EXX-fraction              =        0.00
>      nstep                     =            1
>      celldm(1)=  33.160000  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
>      celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000
>      crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
>                a(1) = (   1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 )
>                a(2) = (   0.500000   0.866025   0.000000 )
>                a(3) = (   0.000000   0.000000   1.500000 )
>      reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
>                b(1) = (  1.000000 -0.577350  0.000000 )
>                b(2) = (  0.000000  1.154701  0.000000 )
>                b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  0.666667 )
>      PseudoPot. # 1 for C  read from file:
>      /global/software/espresso-5.0.3-intel-ompi/pseudo/C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
>      MD5 check sum: 00fb224312de0c5b6853bd333518df6f
>      Pseudo is Ultrasoft, Zval =  4.0
>      Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
>      Using radial grid of  627 points,  4 beta functions with:
>                 l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   0
>                 l(3) =   1
>                 l(4) =   1
>      Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients
>      PseudoPot. # 2 for  H read from file:
>      /global/software/espresso-5.0.3-intel-ompi/pseudo/H.pbe-kjpaw.UPF
>      MD5 check sum: b6732a8c2b51919c45a22ac3ed50cb01
>      Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave, Zval =  1.0
>      Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso (espresso distribution)
>      Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
>      Using radial grid of  929 points,  2 beta functions with:
>                 l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   0
>      Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients
>      atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
>         C              4.00    12.00000     C ( 1.00)
>         H              1.00     1.00000      H( 1.00)
>      No symmetry found
>    Cartesian axes
>      site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
>          1           C   tau(   1) = (   0.0827638   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          2           C   tau(   2) = (   0.2229261   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>          3           C   tau(   3) = (  -0.0573984   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          4           C   tau(   4) = (  -0.1975607   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          5           C   tau(   5) = (  -0.3377230   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          6           C   tau(   6) = (  -0.4778910   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          7           C   tau(   7) = (  -0.6180533   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          8           C   tau(   8) = (  -0.7582156   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>          9           C   tau(   9) = (  -0.8983779   0.1316198   0.0000000  )
>         10           C   tau(  10) = (   0.0827638   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         11           C   tau(  11) = (  -0.0573984   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         12           C   tau(  12) = (  -0.1975607   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         13           C   tau(  13) = (  -0.3377230   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         14           C   tau(  14) = (  -0.4778910   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         15           C   tau(  15) = (  -0.6180533   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         16           C   tau(  16) = (  -0.7582156   0.2125429   0.0000000  )
>         17           C   tau(  17) = (   0.0126799   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         18           C   tau(  18) = (  -0.0573984  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         19           C   tau(  19) = (  -0.1274824  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         20           C   tau(  20) = (  -0.1975607  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         21           C   tau(  21) = (  -0.2676447  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         22           C   tau(  22) = (  -0.3377230  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         23           C   tau(  23) = (  -0.4078070  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         24           C   tau(  24) = (   0.1528421   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>         25           C   tau(  25) = (   0.0827638  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>         26           C   tau(  26) = (   0.0126799  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>         27           C   tau(  27) = (  -0.0573984  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>         28           C   tau(  28) = (  -0.1274824  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>         29           C   tau(  29) = (  -0.1975607  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>         30           C   tau(  30) = (  -0.2676447  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>         31           C   tau(  31) = (  -0.1274824   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         32           C   tau(  32) = (  -0.1975607  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         33           C   tau(  33) = (  -0.2676447  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         34           C   tau(  34) = (  -0.3377230  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         35           C   tau(  35) = (  -0.4078070  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         36           C   tau(  36) = (  -0.4778910  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         37           C   tau(  37) = (  -0.5479693  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         38           C   tau(  38) = (  -0.2676447   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         39           C   tau(  39) = (  -0.3377230  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         40           C   tau(  40) = (  -0.4078070  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         41           C   tau(  41) = (  -0.4778910  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         42           C   tau(  42) = (  -0.5479693  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         43           C   tau(  43) = (  -0.6180533  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         44           C   tau(  44) = (  -0.6881316  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         45           C   tau(  45) = (  -0.4078070   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         46           C   tau(  46) = (  -0.4778910  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         47           C   tau(  47) = (  -0.5479693  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         48           C   tau(  48) = (  -0.6180533  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         49           C   tau(  49) = (  -0.6881316  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         50           C   tau(  50) = (  -0.7582156  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         51           C   tau(  51) = (  -0.8282939  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         52           C   tau(  52) = (  -0.5479693   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         53           C   tau(  53) = (  -0.6180533  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         54           C   tau(  54) = (  -0.6881316  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         55           C   tau(  55) = (  -0.7582156  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         56           C   tau(  56) = (  -0.8282939  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         57           C   tau(  57) = (  -0.8983779  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         58           C   tau(  58) = (  -0.9684618  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         59           C   tau(  59) = (  -0.6881316   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         60           C   tau(  60) = (  -0.7582156  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         61           C   tau(  61) = (  -0.8282939  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         62           C   tau(  62) = (  -0.8983779  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         63           C   tau(  63) = (  -0.9684618  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         64           C   tau(  64) = (  -1.0385401  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         65           C   tau(  65) = (  -1.1086241  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         66           C   tau(  66) = (  -0.8282939   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         67           C   tau(  67) = (  -0.8983779  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         68           C   tau(  68) = (  -0.9684618  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         69           C   tau(  69) = (  -1.0385401  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         70           C   tau(  70) = (  -1.1086241  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         71           C   tau(  71) = (  -1.1787024  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         72           C   tau(  72) = (  -1.2487864  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         73           C   tau(  73) = (  -0.9684618   0.0102351   0.0000000  )
>         74           C   tau(  74) = (  -1.0385401  -0.1111496   0.0000000  )
>         75           C   tau(  75) = (  -1.1086241  -0.2325343   0.0000000  )
>         76           C   tau(  76) = (  -1.1787024  -0.3539190   0.0000000  )
>         77           C   tau(  77) = (  -1.2487864  -0.4753037   0.0000000  )
>         78           C   tau(  78) = (  -1.3188647  -0.5966884   0.0000000  )
>         79           C   tau(  79) = (  -1.3889487  -0.7180731   0.0000000  )
>         80           C   tau(  80) = (   0.0126799   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>         81           C   tau(  81) = (  -0.0573984  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>         82           C   tau(  82) = (  -0.1274824  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>         83           C   tau(  83) = (  -0.1975607  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>         84           C   tau(  84) = (  -0.2676447  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>         85           C   tau(  85) = (  -0.3377230  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>         86           C   tau(  86) = (  -0.4078070  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>         87           C   tau(  87) = (  -0.1274824   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>         88           C   tau(  88) = (  -0.1975607  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>         89           C   tau(  89) = (  -0.2676447  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>         90           C   tau(  90) = (  -0.3377230  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>         91           C   tau(  91) = (  -0.4078070  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>         92           C   tau(  92) = (  -0.4778910  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>         93           C   tau(  93) = (  -0.5479693  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>         94           C   tau(  94) = (  -0.2676447   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>         95           C   tau(  95) = (  -0.3377230  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>         96           C   tau(  96) = (  -0.4078070  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>         97           C   tau(  97) = (  -0.4778910  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>         98           C   tau(  98) = (  -0.5479693  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>         99           C   tau(  99) = (  -0.6180533  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>        100           C   tau( 100) = (  -0.6881316  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>        101           C   tau( 101) = (  -0.4078070   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>        102           C   tau( 102) = (  -0.4778910  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>        103           C   tau( 103) = (  -0.5479693  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>        104           C   tau( 104) = (  -0.6180533  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>        105           C   tau( 105) = (  -0.6881316  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>        106           C   tau( 106) = (  -0.7582156  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>        107           C   tau( 107) = (  -0.8282939  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>        108           C   tau( 108) = (  -0.5479693   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>        109           C   tau( 109) = (  -0.6180533  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>        110           C   tau( 110) = (  -0.6881316  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>        111           C   tau( 111) = (  -0.7582156  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>        112           C   tau( 112) = (  -0.8282939  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>        113           C   tau( 113) = (  -0.8983779  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>        114           C   tau( 114) = (  -0.9684618  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>        115           C   tau( 115) = (  -0.6881316   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>        116           C   tau( 116) = (  -0.7582156  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>        117           C   tau( 117) = (  -0.8282939  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>        118           C   tau( 118) = (  -0.8983779  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>        119           C   tau( 119) = (  -0.9684618  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>        120           C   tau( 120) = (  -1.0385401  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>        121           C   tau( 121) = (  -1.1086241  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>        122           C   tau( 122) = (  -0.8282939   0.0911582   0.0000000  )
>        123           C   tau( 123) = (  -0.8983779  -0.0302265   0.0000000  )
>        124           C   tau( 124) = (  -0.9684618  -0.1516112   0.0000000  )
>        125           C   tau( 125) = (  -1.0385401  -0.2729959   0.0000000  )
>        126           C   tau( 126) = (  -1.1086241  -0.3943806   0.0000000  )
>        127           C   tau( 127) = (  -1.1787024  -0.5157653   0.0000000  )
>        128           C   tau( 128) = (  -1.2487864  -0.6371500   0.0000000  )
>        129           C   tau( 129) = (  -0.4626809  -0.2383927   0.0636671  )
>        130           C   tau( 130) = (  -0.5123802  -0.3008289   0.0659751  )
>        131           C   tau( 131) = (  -0.5924485  -0.2916766   0.0637583  )
>        132           C   tau( 132) = (  -0.6239800  -0.2147939   0.0589200  )
>        133           C   tau( 133) = (  -0.5733917  -0.1520614   0.0566120  )
>        134           C   tau( 134) = (  -0.4941668  -0.1616183   0.0588345  )
>        135           C   tau( 135) = (  -0.6430369  -0.3544034   0.0660606  )
>        136           C   tau( 136) = (  -0.7040427  -0.2056416   0.0566975  )
>        137           C   tau( 137) = (  -0.7537477  -0.2680721   0.0590112  )
>        138           C   tau( 138) = (  -0.7222618  -0.3448465   0.0638438  )
>        139           C   tau( 139) = (  -0.7739443  -0.4081717   0.0661575  )
>        140           H   tau( 140) = (  -0.7501404  -0.4657468   0.0697877  )
>        141           C   tau( 141) = (  -0.8515906  -0.3970590   0.0638837  )
>        142           C   tau( 142) = (  -0.8825010  -0.3216979   0.0591423  )
>        143           C   tau( 143) = (  -0.8350128  -0.2592675   0.0567830  )
>        144           H   tau( 144) = (  -0.6193811  -0.4120982   0.0696965  )
>        145           H   tau( 145) = (  -0.4887073  -0.3585180   0.0696053  )
>        146           H   tau( 146) = (  -0.5970418  -0.0943666   0.0529819  )
>        147           H   tau( 147) = (  -0.7277212  -0.1479583   0.0530673  )
>        148           H   tau( 148) = (  -0.8902513  -0.4459378   0.0656959  )
>        149           H   tau( 149) = (  -0.9443445  -0.3140330   0.0573927  )
>        150           H   tau( 150) = (  -0.8584862  -0.2015613   0.0531585  )
>        151           C   tau( 151) = (  -0.3814158  -0.2472031   0.0658954  )
>        152           H   tau( 152) = (  -0.3579310  -0.3049092   0.0695198  )
>        153           C   tau( 153) = (  -0.4424843  -0.0982988   0.0565208  )
>        154           C   tau( 154) = (  -0.3648380  -0.1094115   0.0587946  )
>        155           H   tau( 155) = (  -0.3261772  -0.0605271   0.0569767  )
>        156           C   tau( 156) = (  -0.3339276  -0.1847726   0.0635361  )
>        157           H   tau( 157) = (  -0.2720727  -0.1924375   0.0652856  )
>        158           H   tau( 158) = (  -0.4662825  -0.0407237   0.0528907  )
>      number of k points=    10
>                        cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
>         k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.1250000
>         k(    2) = (   0.0000000   0.2886751   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>         k(    3) = (   0.0000000  -0.5773503   0.0000000), wk =   0.1250000
>         k(    4) = (   0.2500000  -0.7216878   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>         k(    5) = (  -0.2500000   0.1443376   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>         k(    6) = (   0.2500000   0.1443376   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>         k(    7) = (   0.5000000  -0.2886751   0.0000000), wk =   0.1250000
>         k(    8) = (  -0.5000000  -0.2886751   0.0000000), wk =   0.1250000
>         k(    9) = (  -0.2500000  -0.7216878   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>         k(   10) = (  -0.5000000  -0.5773503   0.0000000), wk =   0.2500000
>      Dense  grid:  8412137 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: ( 240, 240, 360)
>      Smooth grid:  2975069 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: ( 180, 180, 250)
>      Largest allocated arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
>         Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions        53.07 Mb     (  11672,  298)
>         NL pseudopotentials           212.30 Mb     (  11672, 1192)
>         Each V/rho on FFT grid         10.55 Mb     ( 691200)
>         Each G-vector array             2.01 Mb     ( 262884)
>         G-vector shells                 0.92 Mb     ( 120571)
>      Largest temporary arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
>         Auxiliary wavefunctions       212.30 Mb     (  11672, 1192)
>         Each subspace H/S matrix        1.36 Mb     ( 298, 298)
>         Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix      5.42 Mb     (   1192,  298)
>         Arrays for rho mixing          84.38 Mb     ( 691200,   8)
>      writing wfc files to a dedicated directory
>      Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
>      Check: negative starting charge=   -0.000637
>      starting charge  595.99221, renormalised to  596.00000
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.637E-03 0.000E+00
>      Starting wfc are  596 randomized atomic wfcs
>      Checking if some PAW data can be deallocated...
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     2135.4 secs
>      Self-consistent Calculation
>      iteration #  1     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  5.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.787E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     5499.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -656.59753717 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -878.96518520 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     278.73101783 Ry
>      iteration #  2     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  9.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.209E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     9183.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -146.20733491 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1228.13300180 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <    6349.35450339 Ry
>      iteration #  3     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  8.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.127E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    13534.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -588.22128407 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -945.79968521 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <    2391.18358435 Ry
>      iteration #  4     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  8.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.547E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    18607.4 secs
>      total energy              =    -704.27610052 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -847.41845681 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     963.56221168 Ry
>      iteration #  5     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  6.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.620E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    20661.0 secs
>      total energy              =    -768.68237964 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -808.03695808 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     235.50576066 Ry
>      iteration #  6     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  5.9
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.744E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    22055.5 secs
>      total energy              =    -785.36816127 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -791.17664392 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <      22.37477099 Ry
>      iteration #  7     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  3.75E-03,  avg # of iterations =  5.3
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.795E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    23294.2 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.32509580 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -788.41725699 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <      13.23334987 Ry
>      iteration #  8     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.22E-03,  avg # of iterations =  7.4
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.837E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    24488.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.70227363 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -787.29504644 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       4.70830784 Ry
>      iteration #  9     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  7.90E-04,  avg # of iterations =  8.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.887E-03 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    25735.8 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.55155875 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -787.10107355 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       4.28695480 Ry
>      iteration # 10     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  7.19E-04,  avg # of iterations =  9.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.106E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    27021.2 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.14358724 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.95118328 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       4.01980893 Ry
>      iteration # 11     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  6.74E-04,  avg # of iterations =  8.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.137E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    28153.2 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.05170069 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.50813637 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       1.53321883 Ry
>      iteration # 12     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.57E-04,  avg # of iterations =  9.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.132E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    29551.8 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.08406211 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.41205270 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       1.28760960 Ry
>      iteration # 13     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.16E-04,  avg # of iterations =  8.5
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.130E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    30947.6 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.11888639 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.45384922 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       2.10990649 Ry
>      iteration # 14     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.16E-04,  avg # of iterations =  9.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.129E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    32539.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.20009006 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.35710265 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.59197567 Ry
>      iteration # 15     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  9.93E-05,  avg # of iterations =  7.9
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.129E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    35274.5 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.16158714 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.42514542 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       1.55075267 Ry
>      iteration # 16     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  9.93E-05,  avg # of iterations = 10.1
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.129E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    36759.9 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.26311682 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.32503549 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.33637091 Ry
>      iteration # 17     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  5.64E-05,  avg # of iterations = 11.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.131E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    38286.3 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.28826751 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29458484 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.02147105 Ry
>      iteration # 18     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  3.60E-06,  avg # of iterations = 10.7
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.131E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    40165.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.28781343 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29785555 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.06395944 Ry
>      iteration # 19     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  3.60E-06,  avg # of iterations = 10.9
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.131E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    41879.8 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.28264888 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.30179497 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.15829656 Ry
>      iteration # 20     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  3.60E-06,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.131E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    43622.8 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29215707 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29498096 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.02208388 Ry
>      iteration # 21     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  3.60E-06,  avg # of iterations = 11.1
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.132E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    45189.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29240463 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29429819 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.01052806 Ry
>      iteration # 22     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.77E-06,  avg # of iterations = 10.6
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.132E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    46873.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29183858 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29543442 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.01976526 Ry
>      iteration # 23     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.77E-06,  avg # of iterations = 10.6
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.132E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    48500.0 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29332120 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29393083 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00309577 Ry
>      iteration # 24     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  5.19E-07,  avg # of iterations = 13.7
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    50219.0 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29361017 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29374630 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00084690 Ry
>      iteration # 25     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.42E-07,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    51989.5 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29361410 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29375243 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00064859 Ry
>      iteration # 26     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.09E-07,  avg # of iterations = 11.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    53687.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29366059 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29371590 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00036601 Ry
>      iteration # 27     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  6.14E-08,  avg # of iterations = 11.8
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    55803.3 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29365638 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29372966 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00044966 Ry
>      iteration # 28     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  6.14E-08,  avg # of iterations = 11.0
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    57760.7 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29368310 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29370368 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00012335 Ry
>      iteration # 29     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.07E-08,  avg # of iterations = 11.8
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    59651.0 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369091 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369679 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00001580 Ry
>      iteration # 30     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.65E-09,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    61919.3 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29367681 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29371068 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00028144 Ry
>      iteration # 31     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.65E-09,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    63879.4 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29368789 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29370159 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00011769 Ry
>      iteration # 32     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.65E-09,  avg # of iterations = 10.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    65865.5 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369197 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369831 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00003962 Ry
>      iteration # 33     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.65E-09,  avg # of iterations = 10.6
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    67934.4 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369484 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369525 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000173 Ry
>      iteration # 34     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.91E-10,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    70033.9 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369496 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369527 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000151 Ry
>      iteration # 35     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  2.54E-10,  avg # of iterations = 11.5
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    72022.3 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369506 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369516 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000030 Ry
>      iteration # 36     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  5.06E-11,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    74239.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369506 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369517 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000080 Ry
>      iteration # 37     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  5.06E-11,  avg # of iterations = 11.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    76517.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369509 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369514 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000027 Ry
>      iteration # 38     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  4.56E-11,  avg # of iterations = 11.9
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    78705.1 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369510 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369512 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000008 Ry
>      iteration # 39     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.30E-11,  avg # of iterations = 11.6
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    80982.8 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369510 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369512 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000008 Ry
>      iteration # 40     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.27E-11,  avg # of iterations = 12.2
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    83397.5 secs
>      total energy              =    -786.29369510 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369511 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000003 Ry
>      iteration # 41     ecut=    60.00 Ry     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  5.47E-12,  avg # of iterations = 10.8
>      negative rho (up, down):  0.133E-02 0.000E+00
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    85923.0 secs
>      End of self-consistent calculation
>           k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 (372069 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0246 -31.0111 -30.8899
>    -30.8559 -30.5057 -30.1590 -29.8497 -29.7866 -29.5374 -29.3706 -29.3082
>    -29.2617 -28.9387 -28.6167 -28.5288 -28.4101 -28.3860 -28.1865 -28.0052
>    -27.8043 -27.5679 -27.5622 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3476 -27.3112 -27.2926
>    -27.2585 -27.2115 -27.1933 -27.0495 -26.7690 -26.7561 -26.7370 -26.6948
>    -26.5360 -26.2368 -26.1510 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8418 -24.7938
>    -24.5627 -24.5368 -24.5232 -24.4393 -24.1880 -24.1225 -24.0236 -23.8423
>    -23.8056 -23.7033 -23.5424 -23.5320 -23.4784 -23.4520 -23.3979 -23.3664
>    -23.3098 -23.2616 -23.2204 -23.2176 -23.1552 -22.7495 -22.7344 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5528 -22.4518 -22.0909 -21.8926 -21.6089 -21.3634 -21.3002
>    -21.2560 -21.1794 -21.0258 -20.8438 -20.7882 -20.5995 -20.5364 -20.3917
>    -20.3208 -20.2114 -20.1030 -20.0810 -19.9452 -19.7412 -19.6421 -19.5589
>    -19.2836 -19.1776 -19.1220 -18.9575 -18.7566 -18.6286 -18.3851 -18.3069
>    -18.1784 -18.1289 -18.0467 -17.8720 -17.8256 -17.7571 -17.6958 -17.5740
>    -17.4628 -17.3666 -17.2120 -17.1156 -16.9981 -16.9735 -16.7965 -16.4618
>    -16.3762 -16.3147 -16.2016 -16.1664 -16.0923 -16.0008 -15.6931 -15.6491
>    -15.5765 -15.4156 -15.3271 -15.2284 -15.1299 -15.0162 -14.9724 -14.6889
>    -14.5078 -14.2273 -14.1297 -14.0420 -13.8666 -13.7393 -13.6668 -13.4774
>    -13.2979 -13.1870 -13.1013 -12.9654 -12.8593 -12.7331 -12.6332 -12.5773
>    -12.4893 -12.2871 -12.1694 -12.0792 -12.0408 -11.8302 -11.7898 -11.7028
>    -11.6332 -11.5239 -11.4123 -11.3582 -11.2853 -11.2220 -11.1926 -11.1073
>    -10.8543 -10.8075 -10.7558 -10.7416 -10.5392 -10.4482 -10.4176 -10.2088
>    -10.1938 -10.0695  -9.9340  -9.8446  -9.7577  -9.6518  -9.5773  -9.5249
>     -9.5080  -9.3837  -9.3167  -9.2840  -9.1430  -9.0792  -9.0083  -8.9698
>     -8.8717  -8.8178  -8.6886  -8.5611  -8.4571  -8.3591  -8.2978  -8.1583
>     -8.0476  -7.9004  -7.8727  -7.8303  -7.6967  -7.5775  -7.5375  -7.4427
>     -7.3605  -7.3070  -7.1887  -7.0996  -7.0330  -6.9580  -6.9439  -6.9317
>     -6.8480  -6.7907  -6.6162  -6.5485  -6.4734  -6.4497  -6.3551  -6.2433
>     -6.1244  -5.9568  -5.8519  -5.8178  -5.7669  -5.6510  -5.6187  -5.5963
>     -5.5176  -5.4597  -5.4272  -5.2847  -5.2278  -5.1981  -5.0854  -4.9285
>     -4.8812  -4.7400  -4.6288  -4.5430  -4.4697  -4.3173  -4.2581  -4.0989
>     -3.9781  -3.8944  -3.6605  -3.5425  -3.4956  -3.3585  -3.2445  -3.2000
>     -3.1733  -3.1669  -3.0128  -3.0047  -2.9240  -2.8902  -2.8105  -2.7788
>     -2.6666  -2.5807  -2.5175  -2.4495  -2.3830  -2.2470  -2.1054  -1.9861
>     -1.9434  -1.8235  -1.7356  -1.7081  -1.3954  -1.3780  -1.3406  -1.3184
>     -1.1760  -1.0964  -0.9455  -0.8817  -0.6928  -0.6349  -0.4573  -0.2397
>     -0.1797  -0.1081
>           k = 0.0000 0.2887 0.0000 (371769 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0247 -31.0110 -30.8898
>    -30.8561 -30.5057 -30.1565 -29.8475 -29.7994 -29.5373 -29.3679 -29.3051
>    -29.2437 -28.9387 -28.6376 -28.5290 -28.5079 -28.2945 -28.1870 -27.9431
>    -27.8041 -27.6250 -27.5676 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3607 -27.3471 -27.2585
>    -27.2489 -27.1978 -27.1904 -27.0495 -26.7691 -26.7561 -26.7364 -26.6952
>    -26.5359 -26.2351 -26.1513 -26.1214 -25.3250 -25.1452 -24.8415 -24.7940
>    -24.5627 -24.5345 -24.5249 -24.4409 -24.1791 -24.1324 -24.0159 -23.8436
>    -23.8001 -23.7206 -23.5450 -23.5319 -23.4790 -23.4455 -23.3846 -23.3663
>    -23.3098 -23.2799 -23.2203 -23.2146 -23.1552 -22.7494 -22.7345 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5600 -22.4472 -22.0686 -21.8657 -21.6547 -21.3961 -21.2750
>    -21.2292 -21.1666 -21.0097 -20.8517 -20.7899 -20.6553 -20.5403 -20.4548
>    -20.3562 -20.2042 -20.0918 -20.0259 -19.8847 -19.7561 -19.6113 -19.4797
>    -19.3800 -19.1971 -19.0127 -18.9693 -18.7843 -18.6369 -18.4768 -18.2912
>    -18.1782 -18.1269 -18.0135 -17.9517 -17.8438 -17.7742 -17.6880 -17.5161
>    -17.4747 -17.3721 -17.1991 -17.0799 -16.9809 -16.9544 -16.7676 -16.4897
>    -16.3996 -16.3355 -16.2093 -16.1344 -16.0821 -16.0032 -15.6947 -15.6406
>    -15.5660 -15.4233 -15.3242 -15.2347 -15.1358 -15.0268 -14.9935 -14.6696
>    -14.4806 -14.2361 -14.1490 -14.0720 -13.9391 -13.7360 -13.6346 -13.4790
>    -13.2312 -13.1612 -13.1250 -12.9521 -12.8593 -12.7109 -12.6175 -12.5625
>    -12.4913 -12.2761 -12.2496 -12.1103 -12.0209 -11.8842 -11.7903 -11.6318
>    -11.6047 -11.5178 -11.4297 -11.3683 -11.2758 -11.2321 -11.1669 -11.0956
>    -10.8902 -10.8263 -10.8029 -10.6957 -10.5647 -10.4519 -10.4103 -10.2267
>    -10.1921 -10.0633  -9.9244  -9.8260  -9.7493  -9.6308  -9.5784  -9.5194
>     -9.4953  -9.3940  -9.3060  -9.2722  -9.1564  -9.0851  -9.0084  -8.9990
>     -8.8979  -8.8122  -8.6975  -8.5414  -8.4704  -8.3184  -8.2853  -8.1593
>     -8.0705  -7.9521  -7.8595  -7.8338  -7.6556  -7.5682  -7.5410  -7.4403
>     -7.3492  -7.3068  -7.1978  -7.1211  -7.0144  -6.9761  -6.9567  -6.9263
>     -6.8396  -6.7978  -6.6176  -6.5441  -6.4684  -6.4339  -6.3279  -6.2495
>     -6.1332  -5.9474  -5.9036  -5.8218  -5.7685  -5.6653  -5.6158  -5.5645
>     -5.5284  -5.4482  -5.4103  -5.3187  -5.2380  -5.1458  -5.1059  -4.9355
>     -4.8710  -4.7561  -4.6296  -4.5407  -4.4686  -4.3359  -4.2560  -4.1070
>     -3.9849  -3.8806  -3.6444  -3.5418  -3.4798  -3.3693  -3.2372  -3.1914
>     -3.1417  -3.1057  -3.0280  -2.9985  -2.9121  -2.9012  -2.8149  -2.7897
>     -2.6668  -2.6110  -2.5487  -2.4634  -2.3541  -2.2526  -2.1413  -1.9884
>     -1.9456  -1.9232  -1.7773  -1.6917  -1.3923  -1.3696  -1.3259  -1.2731
>     -1.0941  -1.0571  -0.9046  -0.8793  -0.7167  -0.6410  -0.4235  -0.3030
>     -0.1962  -0.1261
>           k = 0.0000-0.5774 0.0000 (371814 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0248 -31.0109 -30.8896
>    -30.8563 -30.5057 -30.1538 -29.8435 -29.8136 -29.5372 -29.3660 -29.3033
>    -29.2224 -28.9387 -28.6695 -28.5395 -28.5286 -28.2632 -28.1875 -27.8279
>    -27.7964 -27.7468 -27.5676 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3765 -27.3472 -27.2584
>    -27.2400 -27.1948 -27.1739 -27.0494 -26.7693 -26.7562 -26.7358 -26.6956
>    -26.5359 -26.2333 -26.1515 -26.1214 -25.3251 -25.1452 -24.8412 -24.7943
>    -24.5627 -24.5300 -24.5287 -24.4424 -24.1631 -24.1489 -24.0082 -23.8431
>    -23.7982 -23.7341 -23.5510 -23.5319 -23.4793 -23.4421 -23.3664 -23.3649
>    -23.3095 -23.2893 -23.2239 -23.2198 -23.1553 -22.7493 -22.7346 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5665 -22.4425 -22.0341 -21.8554 -21.6949 -21.4091 -21.2777
>    -21.1833 -21.1444 -21.0173 -20.8898 -20.7366 -20.7132 -20.5851 -20.4819
>    -20.3766 -20.1966 -20.0993 -19.9804 -19.8449 -19.6985 -19.5898 -19.5472
>    -19.3316 -19.1834 -19.0557 -18.8779 -18.7948 -18.6748 -18.5854 -18.2748
>    -18.1668 -18.1069 -18.0399 -17.9766 -17.8539 -17.7986 -17.6863 -17.5037
>    -17.4650 -17.3677 -17.1861 -17.0531 -16.9754 -16.9156 -16.7291 -16.5300
>    -16.4282 -16.3432 -16.2130 -16.1193 -16.0666 -16.0072 -15.6961 -15.6333
>    -15.5519 -15.4319 -15.3200 -15.2425 -15.1426 -15.0442 -15.0046 -14.6544
>    -14.4380 -14.2513 -14.2019 -14.0911 -13.9669 -13.7389 -13.6227 -13.4800
>    -13.2003 -13.1456 -13.0971 -12.9334 -12.8636 -12.6627 -12.6263 -12.5363
>    -12.5131 -12.3458 -12.2547 -12.1331 -12.0078 -11.9014 -11.7828 -11.6195
>    -11.5683 -11.5121 -11.4452 -11.3479 -11.3001 -11.2304 -11.1457 -11.0756
>    -10.9297 -10.8402 -10.8328 -10.6992 -10.5558 -10.4643 -10.3946 -10.2548
>    -10.1878 -10.0586  -9.9191  -9.8108  -9.7457  -9.6221  -9.5200  -9.5158
>     -9.4937  -9.4351  -9.2839  -9.2380  -9.1909  -9.0906  -9.0348  -9.0082
>     -8.9205  -8.8090  -8.7036  -8.5269  -8.4743  -8.2998  -8.2634  -8.1588
>     -8.0648  -8.0141  -7.8612  -7.8265  -7.6262  -7.5583  -7.5429  -7.4411
>     -7.3330  -7.3064  -7.2117  -7.1365  -6.9976  -6.9936  -6.9690  -6.9195
>     -6.8356  -6.8048  -6.6202  -6.5392  -6.4648  -6.4215  -6.2895  -6.2452
>     -6.1453  -5.9892  -5.9160  -5.8089  -5.7861  -5.6573  -5.6361  -5.5501
>     -5.5157  -5.4503  -5.3925  -5.3163  -5.2622  -5.1394  -5.0894  -4.9556
>     -4.8494  -4.7778  -4.6318  -4.5476  -4.4357  -4.3826  -4.2507  -4.1091
>     -3.9904  -3.8698  -3.6310  -3.5449  -3.4554  -3.3738  -3.2328  -3.1908
>     -3.0872  -3.0761  -3.0222  -2.9990  -2.9090  -2.8850  -2.8252  -2.7988
>     -2.6843  -2.6451  -2.5581  -2.4750  -2.3081  -2.2593  -2.2428  -2.0260
>     -1.9805  -1.9212  -1.7730  -1.6810  -1.4015  -1.3674  -1.3255  -1.2621
>     -1.0249  -0.9917  -0.9004  -0.7956  -0.7424  -0.6123  -0.4646  -0.3814
>     -0.1869  -0.1461
>           k = 0.2500-0.7217 0.0000 (371763 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0250 -31.0107 -30.8895
>    -30.8565 -30.5057 -30.1502 -29.8545 -29.8137 -29.5371 -29.3584 -29.2983
>    -29.2099 -28.9386 -28.6877 -28.5968 -28.5285 -28.1897 -28.1625 -27.8873
>    -27.8017 -27.6859 -27.5676 -27.5142 -27.4536 -27.4040 -27.3472 -27.2585
>    -27.2324 -27.1943 -27.1429 -27.0489 -26.7694 -26.7559 -26.7358 -26.6958
>    -26.5358 -26.2322 -26.1513 -26.1214 -25.3250 -25.1452 -24.8414 -24.7957
>    -24.5627 -24.5366 -24.5155 -24.4463 -24.1777 -24.1340 -24.0131 -23.8451
>    -23.8172 -23.7147 -23.5480 -23.5319 -23.4793 -23.4339 -23.3665 -23.3629
>    -23.3094 -23.2995 -23.2203 -23.2131 -23.1554 -22.7492 -22.7347 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5631 -22.4536 -22.0922 -21.8242 -21.6297 -21.4391 -21.2921
>    -21.1962 -21.1530 -21.0559 -20.8595 -20.7848 -20.6306 -20.5091 -20.4648
>    -20.3379 -20.1974 -20.1014 -20.0296 -19.9129 -19.7733 -19.5969 -19.5505
>    -19.3886 -19.1807 -19.0405 -18.8017 -18.7680 -18.6308 -18.5394 -18.3175
>    -18.1907 -18.0868 -18.0573 -17.9779 -17.8361 -17.7529 -17.6747 -17.5435
>    -17.4570 -17.4109 -17.1765 -17.0827 -16.9778 -16.9161 -16.7731 -16.5107
>    -16.4235 -16.3224 -16.2192 -16.1338 -16.0820 -15.9904 -15.6911 -15.6340
>    -15.5356 -15.4310 -15.3105 -15.2343 -15.1463 -15.0392 -15.0033 -14.6877
>    -14.4813 -14.2393 -14.1479 -14.0643 -13.9305 -13.7232 -13.6373 -13.4894
>    -13.2300 -13.1722 -13.1274 -12.9521 -12.8563 -12.7318 -12.6057 -12.5488
>    -12.4990 -12.2701 -12.2420 -12.1259 -12.0024 -11.8808 -11.8044 -11.6165
>    -11.5582 -11.5153 -11.4613 -11.3428 -11.2978 -11.2236 -11.1696 -11.0888
>    -10.9086 -10.8257 -10.8163 -10.7123 -10.5653 -10.4559 -10.4044 -10.2278
>    -10.1972 -10.0605  -9.9299  -9.8495  -9.7508  -9.6117  -9.5889  -9.5190
>     -9.4849  -9.3894  -9.3043  -9.2623  -9.1593  -9.1038  -9.0104  -9.0075
>     -8.8993  -8.7996  -8.7008  -8.5263  -8.4772  -8.3061  -8.2296  -8.1439
>     -8.0742  -7.9988  -7.8725  -7.8508  -7.6169  -7.5724  -7.5185  -7.4461
>     -7.3570  -7.3033  -7.2008  -7.1360  -7.0258  -6.9991  -6.9611  -6.9312
>     -6.8308  -6.8015  -6.6347  -6.5403  -6.4508  -6.3754  -6.2859  -6.2406
>     -6.1422  -6.0346  -5.9034  -5.8131  -5.7790  -5.6907  -5.6249  -5.5721
>     -5.5066  -5.4573  -5.4007  -5.3428  -5.2462  -5.0959  -5.0846  -4.9388
>     -4.8607  -4.7689  -4.6194  -4.5550  -4.4731  -4.3358  -4.2596  -4.1265
>     -3.9808  -3.8763  -3.6540  -3.5339  -3.4791  -3.3625  -3.2398  -3.1922
>     -3.1344  -3.0552  -3.0120  -2.9803  -2.8807  -2.8577  -2.8168  -2.8009
>     -2.6676  -2.6232  -2.5464  -2.4763  -2.3569  -2.2713  -2.2409  -2.0352
>     -2.0027  -1.9360  -1.8378  -1.6822  -1.4007  -1.3639  -1.3214  -1.1634
>     -1.0508  -0.9896  -0.8988  -0.8050  -0.7483  -0.6086  -0.4458  -0.3945
>     -0.1858  -0.1435
>           k =-0.2500 0.1443 0.0000 (371769 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0247 -31.0109 -30.8898
>    -30.8561 -30.5057 -30.1556 -29.8572 -29.7908 -29.5372 -29.3640 -29.2910
>    -29.2621 -28.9387 -28.6527 -28.5296 -28.4871 -28.2950 -28.1837 -27.9504
>    -27.8042 -27.6338 -27.5676 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3499 -27.3433 -27.2585
>    -27.2426 -27.2064 -27.1933 -27.0501 -26.7691 -26.7559 -26.7369 -26.6950
>    -26.5359 -26.2351 -26.1513 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8416 -24.7957
>    -24.5627 -24.5341 -24.5197 -24.4445 -24.1789 -24.1297 -24.0180 -23.8424
>    -23.7983 -23.7226 -23.5430 -23.5318 -23.4799 -23.4322 -23.4153 -23.3663
>    -23.3097 -23.2621 -23.2205 -23.2192 -23.1553 -22.7494 -22.7345 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5598 -22.4557 -22.0378 -21.8800 -21.6707 -21.3665 -21.3150
>    -21.2060 -21.1582 -21.0420 -20.8531 -20.7643 -20.6353 -20.5538 -20.4622
>    -20.3363 -20.1938 -20.0845 -20.0479 -19.9168 -19.7132 -19.6568 -19.5324
>    -19.2940 -19.2305 -19.0909 -18.8900 -18.7742 -18.6207 -18.4297 -18.3021
>    -18.2633 -18.1231 -17.9682 -17.9290 -17.8523 -17.7500 -17.7045 -17.5384
>    -17.4778 -17.3725 -17.1918 -17.0905 -16.9906 -16.9594 -16.7610 -16.4935
>    -16.3897 -16.3153 -16.2142 -16.1756 -16.0877 -16.0006 -15.6878 -15.6465
>    -15.5494 -15.4269 -15.3226 -15.2323 -15.1309 -15.0163 -14.9894 -14.6812
>    -14.4880 -14.2307 -14.1430 -14.0764 -13.9336 -13.7189 -13.6363 -13.4871
>    -13.2250 -13.1693 -13.0961 -12.9651 -12.8668 -12.7242 -12.6114 -12.5859
>    -12.4877 -12.2943 -12.2426 -12.1113 -12.0109 -11.8809 -11.8178 -11.6358
>    -11.5808 -11.5003 -11.4182 -11.3519 -11.3162 -11.2269 -11.1936 -11.0857
>    -10.8799 -10.8073 -10.7780 -10.7187 -10.5527 -10.4540 -10.4046 -10.2323
>    -10.2095 -10.0623  -9.9195  -9.8367  -9.7532  -9.6343  -9.5728  -9.5211
>     -9.5013  -9.3925  -9.3072  -9.2707  -9.1473  -9.0913  -9.0083  -8.9891
>     -8.8955  -8.8105  -8.6945  -8.5743  -8.4612  -8.3286  -8.2895  -8.1499
>     -8.0462  -7.9352  -7.8585  -7.8125  -7.6845  -7.5692  -7.5411  -7.4279
>     -7.3726  -7.3191  -7.1901  -7.0951  -7.0332  -6.9919  -6.9637  -6.9017
>     -6.8425  -6.7949  -6.6265  -6.5445  -6.4718  -6.4197  -6.3396  -6.2444
>     -6.1309  -5.9579  -5.8969  -5.8411  -5.7498  -5.6759  -5.5982  -5.5691
>     -5.5178  -5.4729  -5.3970  -5.2907  -5.2340  -5.2004  -5.1194  -4.9104
>     -4.8696  -4.7571  -4.6301  -4.5213  -4.4706  -4.3440  -4.2625  -4.0973
>     -3.9808  -3.8858  -3.6543  -3.5377  -3.4799  -3.3670  -3.2431  -3.2045
>     -3.1477  -3.0929  -3.0163  -2.9941  -2.9410  -2.8719  -2.8170  -2.7829
>     -2.6667  -2.6127  -2.5519  -2.4799  -2.3526  -2.2459  -2.1282  -2.0134
>     -1.9531  -1.8483  -1.8042  -1.6981  -1.3863  -1.3690  -1.3307  -1.3079
>     -1.0925  -1.0562  -0.9327  -0.8654  -0.6811  -0.6540  -0.4713  -0.2821
>     -0.1731  -0.1052
>           k = 0.2500 0.1443 0.0000 (371769 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0248 -31.0108 -30.8897
>    -30.8563 -30.5057 -30.1530 -29.8561 -29.8022 -29.5371 -29.3623 -29.2911
>    -29.2398 -28.9387 -28.6310 -28.6052 -28.5283 -28.1915 -28.1616 -27.9936
>    -27.8034 -27.5734 -27.5674 -27.5142 -27.4683 -27.4040 -27.3472 -27.2585
>    -27.2328 -27.1943 -27.1592 -27.0493 -26.7693 -26.7559 -26.7364 -26.6954
>    -26.5359 -26.2339 -26.1511 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8417 -24.7954
>    -24.5627 -24.5378 -24.5152 -24.4446 -24.1869 -24.1240 -24.0212 -23.8456
>    -23.8162 -23.7044 -23.5376 -23.5317 -23.4789 -23.4380 -23.3952 -23.3664
>    -23.3096 -23.2804 -23.2202 -23.2040 -23.1553 -22.7493 -22.7346 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5563 -22.4628 -22.1078 -21.8529 -21.5908 -21.4106 -21.2867
>    -21.2424 -21.1842 -21.0493 -20.8602 -20.7756 -20.5860 -20.4998 -20.3964
>    -20.2840 -20.2182 -20.1325 -20.0952 -19.9148 -19.8164 -19.6208 -19.5743
>    -19.3773 -19.1694 -19.0486 -18.8582 -18.7439 -18.6201 -18.4049 -18.3235
>    -18.2564 -18.1050 -18.0327 -17.9343 -17.7845 -17.7405 -17.6787 -17.5810
>    -17.4654 -17.4160 -17.1851 -17.1186 -16.9812 -16.9455 -16.8030 -16.4955
>    -16.3992 -16.2965 -16.2192 -16.1498 -16.0843 -15.9971 -15.6884 -15.6403
>    -15.5548 -15.4242 -15.3091 -15.2264 -15.1397 -15.0222 -14.9923 -14.7050
>    -14.5064 -14.2327 -14.1230 -14.0335 -13.8635 -13.7367 -13.6581 -13.4883
>    -13.2988 -13.1860 -13.1203 -12.9629 -12.8611 -12.7509 -12.5991 -12.5792
>    -12.4904 -12.2789 -12.1831 -12.0813 -12.0267 -11.8420 -11.8077 -11.6723
>    -11.5881 -11.5178 -11.4288 -11.3489 -11.2847 -11.2302 -11.2107 -11.0933
>    -10.8690 -10.8081 -10.7807 -10.7292 -10.5601 -10.4484 -10.4106 -10.2164
>    -10.1862 -10.0730  -9.9403  -9.8586  -9.7615  -9.6412  -9.5816  -9.5205
>     -9.4995  -9.3841  -9.3237  -9.2740  -9.1371  -9.0977  -9.0082  -8.9793
>     -8.8766  -8.8028  -8.6934  -8.5457  -8.4772  -8.3028  -8.2649  -8.1545
>     -8.0332  -7.9964  -7.8743  -7.8343  -7.6293  -7.5779  -7.5398  -7.4425
>     -7.3701  -7.3085  -7.1864  -7.1150  -7.0273  -7.0017  -6.9622  -6.9190
>     -6.8429  -6.7937  -6.6311  -6.5430  -6.4542  -6.3780  -6.3417  -6.2458
>     -6.1308  -5.9745  -5.9049  -5.8201  -5.7706  -5.6865  -5.6100  -5.5738
>     -5.5302  -5.4570  -5.4235  -5.3310  -5.2274  -5.1287  -5.0736  -4.9219
>     -4.8822  -4.7481  -4.6193  -4.5486  -4.4852  -4.3054  -4.2683  -4.1200
>     -3.9761  -3.8889  -3.6693  -3.5322  -3.4981  -3.3530  -3.2488  -3.1984
>     -3.1634  -3.0893  -3.0175  -2.9845  -2.9184  -2.8674  -2.8156  -2.7739
>     -2.6707  -2.5799  -2.5193  -2.4527  -2.4087  -2.2487  -2.0956  -2.0611
>     -1.9731  -1.9543  -1.8366  -1.6941  -1.3875  -1.3691  -1.3171  -1.1483
>     -1.0976  -1.0667  -0.9490  -0.8682  -0.7104  -0.6339  -0.4594  -0.2911
>     -0.1799  -0.1388
>           k = 0.5000-0.2887 0.0000 (371814 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0249 -31.0108 -30.8897
>    -30.8563 -30.5057 -30.1521 -29.8653 -29.7940 -29.5370 -29.3600 -29.2681
>    -29.2645 -28.9387 -28.6937 -28.5301 -28.5072 -28.2619 -28.1813 -27.8366
>    -27.8000 -27.7617 -27.5676 -27.5142 -27.4040 -27.3550 -27.3460 -27.2585
>    -27.2299 -27.1958 -27.1903 -27.0503 -26.7692 -26.7557 -26.7368 -26.6952
>    -26.5359 -26.2335 -26.1516 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8413 -24.7976
>    -24.5627 -24.5325 -24.5142 -24.4506 -24.1658 -24.1406 -24.0121 -23.8416
>    -23.7921 -23.7392 -23.5531 -23.5319 -23.4816 -23.4460 -23.3666 -23.3635
>    -23.3099 -23.2959 -23.2202 -23.2180 -23.1554 -22.7493 -22.7346 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5663 -22.4524 -21.9910 -21.8260 -21.7746 -21.3607 -21.2902
>    -21.2242 -21.1296 -21.0051 -20.9205 -20.7100 -20.6859 -20.5919 -20.4877
>    -20.3393 -20.1772 -20.0817 -20.0381 -19.8841 -19.6989 -19.6638 -19.5251
>    -19.2729 -19.1974 -19.1267 -18.8430 -18.8034 -18.5993 -18.5088 -18.3287
>    -18.2297 -18.1028 -18.0095 -17.9538 -17.8095 -17.7845 -17.7155 -17.5601
>    -17.4490 -17.3635 -17.1794 -17.0771 -16.9850 -16.9360 -16.7172 -16.5112
>    -16.4159 -16.3362 -16.2162 -16.1838 -16.0843 -15.9989 -15.6847 -15.6444
>    -15.5007 -15.4541 -15.3273 -15.2341 -15.1308 -15.0214 -14.9954 -14.6775
>    -14.4488 -14.2502 -14.2007 -14.0909 -13.9517 -13.6927 -13.6263 -13.4976
>    -13.2097 -13.1160 -13.0877 -12.9691 -12.8494 -12.7064 -12.6074 -12.5553
>    -12.5101 -12.3510 -12.2944 -12.1290 -11.9881 -11.9031 -11.8310 -11.6038
>    -11.5480 -11.4914 -11.4164 -11.3492 -11.3045 -11.2452 -11.1793 -11.0598
>    -10.9355 -10.8298 -10.7591 -10.7155 -10.5640 -10.4546 -10.3931 -10.2561
>    -10.2214 -10.0529  -9.9071  -9.8492  -9.7411  -9.6367  -9.5208  -9.5128
>     -9.4864  -9.4251  -9.3204  -9.2297  -9.1663  -9.0961  -9.0192  -9.0080
>     -8.9141  -8.8032  -8.7005  -8.5863  -8.4667  -8.2988  -8.2818  -8.1336
>     -8.0415  -7.9722  -7.8634  -7.7802  -7.6768  -7.5643  -7.5388  -7.4133
>     -7.3860  -7.3328  -7.1890  -7.0809  -7.0451  -7.0176  -6.9739  -6.8920
>     -6.8377  -6.7908  -6.6421  -6.5401  -6.4706  -6.4046  -6.2935  -6.2455
>     -6.1433  -5.9875  -5.9222  -5.8504  -5.7384  -5.7003  -5.5942  -5.5346
>     -5.5064  -5.4863  -5.3744  -5.2958  -5.2505  -5.1940  -5.1527  -4.8949
>     -4.8562  -4.7736  -4.6342  -4.5043  -4.4517  -4.3876  -4.2697  -4.0919
>     -3.9822  -3.8740  -3.6567  -3.5357  -3.4523  -3.3710  -3.2445  -3.2142
>     -3.1094  -3.0492  -3.0002  -2.9766  -2.9474  -2.8432  -2.8324  -2.8000
>     -2.6715  -2.6346  -2.5834  -2.5026  -2.3228  -2.2617  -2.1888  -2.0626
>     -1.9608  -1.8536  -1.8011  -1.6824  -1.3932  -1.3731  -1.3322  -1.2964
>     -1.0504  -1.0193  -0.9512  -0.7198  -0.6848  -0.6727  -0.4687  -0.4090
>     -0.1730  -0.0717
>           k =-0.5000-0.2887 0.0000 (371814 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1027 -31.0251 -31.0105 -30.8894
>    -30.8567 -30.5057 -30.1465 -29.8653 -29.8138 -29.5369 -29.3528 -29.2935
>    -29.1930 -28.9386 -28.7220 -28.6225 -28.5283 -28.1878 -28.0364 -27.9821
>    -27.8022 -27.5858 -27.5747 -27.5675 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3471 -27.2585
>    -27.2297 -27.1942 -27.1184 -27.0490 -26.7695 -26.7557 -26.7357 -26.6960
>    -26.5358 -26.2311 -26.1511 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8416 -24.7970
>    -24.5627 -24.5385 -24.5062 -24.4511 -24.1860 -24.1255 -24.0181 -23.8524
>    -23.8230 -23.7047 -23.5347 -23.5313 -23.4796 -23.4224 -23.3934 -23.3664
>    -23.3093 -23.2948 -23.2203 -23.1949 -23.1555 -22.7492 -22.7347 -22.6270
>    -22.6115 -22.5603 -22.4728 -22.1218 -21.8126 -21.5692 -21.4515 -21.3028
>    -21.2302 -21.1581 -21.0827 -20.8778 -20.7628 -20.5741 -20.4659 -20.3841
>    -20.2514 -20.2350 -20.1491 -20.1010 -19.9320 -19.8658 -19.6242 -19.5762
>    -19.3633 -19.2237 -19.0281 -18.7919 -18.6481 -18.5880 -18.4716 -18.3582
>    -18.3082 -18.0835 -18.0143 -17.9914 -17.7707 -17.7093 -17.6603 -17.5932
>    -17.4931 -17.4432 -17.1650 -17.1091 -16.9811 -16.9301 -16.7918 -16.4999
>    -16.4335 -16.2796 -16.2337 -16.1603 -16.0849 -15.9780 -15.6842 -15.6350
>    -15.5216 -15.4283 -15.2979 -15.2268 -15.1524 -15.0336 -15.0069 -14.7189
>    -14.5051 -14.2375 -14.1175 -14.0248 -13.8605 -13.7374 -13.6454 -13.5014
>    -13.2977 -13.1856 -13.1333 -12.9611 -12.8667 -12.7635 -12.6009 -12.5566
>    -12.4902 -12.2677 -12.1928 -12.0835 -12.0139 -11.8465 -11.8291 -11.6402
>    -11.5375 -11.5067 -11.4575 -11.3406 -11.2943 -11.2519 -11.2037 -11.0854
>    -10.8857 -10.8109 -10.7904 -10.7303 -10.5749 -10.4427 -10.4130 -10.2257
>    -10.1745 -10.0815  -9.9462  -9.8665  -9.7657  -9.6386  -9.5886  -9.5186
>     -9.4867  -9.3829  -9.3185  -9.2671  -9.1336  -9.1189  -9.0082  -8.9877
>     -8.8787  -8.7915  -8.6985  -8.5249  -8.4817  -8.3015  -8.2030  -8.1448
>     -8.0582  -7.9824  -7.9134  -7.8575  -7.6037  -7.5858  -7.4977  -7.4502
>     -7.3782  -7.3029  -7.1920  -7.1334  -7.0440  -7.0092  -6.9749  -6.9323
>     -6.8271  -6.7945  -6.6464  -6.5386  -6.4379  -6.3354  -6.2710  -6.2255
>     -6.1388  -6.1032  -5.8876  -5.8161  -5.7706  -5.7177  -5.6216  -5.5822
>     -5.5069  -5.4648  -5.4240  -5.3487  -5.2274  -5.0796  -5.0594  -4.9202
>     -4.8829  -4.7570  -4.6121  -4.5513  -4.4985  -4.2962  -4.2796  -4.1369
>     -3.9727  -3.8863  -3.6773  -3.5226  -3.5009  -3.3477  -3.2505  -3.2040
>     -3.1541  -3.0449  -3.0092  -2.9574  -2.8573  -2.8314  -2.8272  -2.7674
>     -2.6693  -2.5841  -2.5220  -2.4645  -2.4261  -2.3134  -2.2475  -2.0677
>     -1.9912  -1.9629  -1.8579  -1.6788  -1.3955  -1.3648  -1.3240  -1.1067
>     -1.0614  -0.9992  -0.8939  -0.8146  -0.7361  -0.6079  -0.4422  -0.3687
>     -0.2174  -0.1237
>           k =-0.2500-0.7217 0.0000 (371763 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0248 -31.0108 -30.8897
>    -30.8563 -30.5057 -30.1530 -29.8562 -29.8021 -29.5371 -29.3592 -29.3005
>    -29.2324 -28.9387 -28.6799 -28.5328 -28.5246 -28.2575 -28.1836 -27.8441
>    -27.8058 -27.7355 -27.5676 -27.5141 -27.4040 -27.3690 -27.3470 -27.2585
>    -27.2356 -27.1948 -27.1803 -27.0498 -26.7692 -26.7559 -26.7363 -26.6954
>    -26.5359 -26.2334 -26.1516 -26.1214 -25.3250 -25.1452 -24.8413 -24.7960
>    -24.5627 -24.5323 -24.5206 -24.4462 -24.1646 -24.1449 -24.0097 -23.8428
>    -23.7963 -23.7345 -23.5565 -23.5319 -23.4799 -23.4329 -23.3756 -23.3662
>    -23.3097 -23.2899 -23.2211 -23.2195 -23.1554 -22.7493 -22.7346 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5664 -22.4476 -22.0162 -21.8331 -21.7416 -21.3843 -21.2829
>    -21.2030 -21.1350 -21.0142 -20.9061 -20.7185 -20.6936 -20.5964 -20.4863
>    -20.3592 -20.1851 -20.0932 -19.9925 -19.9006 -19.6974 -19.6082 -19.4899
>    -19.3643 -19.1773 -19.0961 -18.8620 -18.7866 -18.6350 -18.5560 -18.2978
>    -18.1954 -18.1045 -18.0210 -17.9609 -17.8520 -17.7826 -17.6984 -17.5395
>    -17.4491 -17.3661 -17.1834 -17.0620 -16.9832 -16.9346 -16.7081 -16.5229
>    -16.4205 -16.3426 -16.2142 -16.1537 -16.0852 -15.9939 -15.6911 -15.6391
>    -15.5285 -15.4380 -15.3255 -15.2393 -15.1355 -15.0326 -15.0001 -14.6663
>    -14.4425 -14.2512 -14.2011 -14.0907 -13.9597 -13.7167 -13.6248 -13.4882
>    -13.2041 -13.1317 -13.0925 -12.9507 -12.8580 -12.6856 -12.6155 -12.5427
>    -12.5133 -12.3486 -12.2763 -12.1282 -11.9999 -11.9024 -11.8058 -11.6028
>    -11.5747 -11.5010 -11.4204 -11.3481 -11.3155 -11.2275 -11.1621 -11.0681
>    -10.9333 -10.8365 -10.8039 -10.6973 -10.5589 -10.4595 -10.3958 -10.2548
>    -10.2046 -10.0563  -9.9131  -9.8341  -9.7384  -9.6328  -9.5203  -9.5143
>     -9.4881  -9.4317  -9.2984  -9.2337  -9.1776  -9.0956  -9.0275  -9.0081
>     -8.9193  -8.8058  -8.6991  -8.5567  -8.4657  -8.3228  -8.2583  -8.1416
>     -8.0852  -7.9363  -7.8592  -7.8339  -7.6622  -7.5612  -7.5331  -7.4251
>     -7.3616  -7.3135  -7.1975  -7.1194  -7.0332  -6.9935  -6.9593  -6.9167
>     -6.8269  -6.8037  -6.6302  -6.5401  -6.4688  -6.4003  -6.3063  -6.2517
>     -6.1327  -5.9888  -5.9215  -5.8369  -5.7459  -5.6873  -5.6202  -5.5477
>     -5.5105  -5.4505  -5.3938  -5.3063  -5.2542  -5.1551  -5.1373  -4.9206
>     -4.8516  -4.7760  -4.6327  -4.5277  -4.4422  -4.3856  -4.2595  -4.1007
>     -3.9861  -3.8719  -3.6440  -3.5398  -3.4535  -3.3732  -3.2372  -3.2052
>     -3.1025  -3.0566  -3.0175  -2.9858  -2.9240  -2.8663  -2.8259  -2.7995
>     -2.6710  -2.6469  -2.5726  -2.4953  -2.3129  -2.2596  -2.2193  -2.0142
>     -1.9473  -1.9117  -1.8263  -1.6806  -1.3977  -1.3679  -1.3360  -1.2368
>     -1.0491  -1.0056  -0.9198  -0.7773  -0.7416  -0.6254  -0.4536  -0.3937
>     -0.1757  -0.1127
>           k =-0.5000-0.5774 0.0000 (371763 PWs)   bands (ev):
>    -59.8662 -59.8586 -56.5863 -56.5572 -46.5870 -46.2986 -31.6555 -31.6326
>    -31.6031 -31.6024 -31.5935 -31.5157 -31.1026 -31.0250 -31.0106 -30.8896
>    -30.8565 -30.5057 -30.1493 -29.8653 -29.8041 -29.5370 -29.3560 -29.2878
>    -29.2232 -28.9387 -28.7030 -28.5799 -28.5281 -28.1938 -28.1506 -27.8960
>    -27.8020 -27.6964 -27.5676 -27.5142 -27.4412 -27.4040 -27.3471 -27.2585
>    -27.2298 -27.1942 -27.1469 -27.0497 -26.7693 -26.7557 -26.7363 -26.6956
>    -26.5358 -26.2323 -26.1514 -26.1214 -25.3249 -25.1452 -24.8415 -24.7973
>    -24.5627 -24.5360 -24.5097 -24.4509 -24.1777 -24.1311 -24.0153 -23.8437
>    -23.8159 -23.7166 -23.5434 -23.5318 -23.4805 -23.4374 -23.3831 -23.3663
>    -23.3094 -23.2794 -23.2203 -23.2163 -23.1555 -22.7492 -22.7346 -22.6269
>    -22.6115 -22.5630 -22.4616 -22.0692 -21.8286 -21.6526 -21.4127 -21.3137
>    -21.1829 -21.1343 -21.0956 -20.8613 -20.7633 -20.6089 -20.5314 -20.4602
>    -20.3178 -20.1873 -20.0992 -20.0655 -19.9163 -19.7477 -19.6553 -19.5768
>    -19.3208 -19.2183 -19.0569 -18.8145 -18.7134 -18.6127 -18.4885 -18.3559
>    -18.2575 -18.0937 -18.0082 -17.9506 -17.8317 -17.7348 -17.6907 -17.5691
>    -17.4669 -17.4039 -17.1714 -17.0899 -16.9829 -16.9288 -16.7681 -16.5016
>    -16.4235 -16.3025 -16.2287 -16.1722 -16.0844 -15.9881 -15.6846 -15.6393
>    -15.5163 -15.4373 -15.3136 -15.2303 -15.1391 -15.0279 -15.0004 -14.6983
>    -14.4885 -14.2339 -14.1425 -14.0697 -13.9250 -13.7078 -13.6346 -13.4989
>    -13.2247 -13.1751 -13.1075 -12.9613 -12.8621 -12.7433 -12.6067 -12.5732
>    -12.4897 -12.2880 -12.2379 -12.1249 -11.9923 -11.8767 -11.8321 -11.6095
>    -11.5533 -11.4999 -11.4367 -11.3531 -11.2884 -11.2477 -11.1941 -11.0798
>    -10.8940 -10.8193 -10.7842 -10.7319 -10.5549 -10.4583 -10.3974 -10.2341
>    -10.2190 -10.0551  -9.9256  -9.8592  -9.7542  -9.6225  -9.5741  -9.5193
>     -9.4896  -9.3901  -9.3063  -9.2694  -9.1460  -9.1099  -9.0085  -9.0010
>     -8.8948  -8.7966  -8.6974  -8.5607  -8.4737  -8.3049  -8.2341  -8.1452
>     -8.0529  -7.9752  -7.8754  -7.8280  -7.6434  -7.5666  -7.5291  -7.4248
>     -7.3842  -7.3171  -7.1879  -7.1110  -7.0436  -7.0100  -6.9763  -6.9127
>     -6.8283  -6.7961  -6.6449  -6.5394  -6.4538  -6.3652  -6.2869  -6.2481
>     -6.1367  -6.0344  -5.9080  -5.8376  -5.7479  -5.7112  -5.6123  -5.5550
>     -5.5096  -5.4694  -5.4042  -5.3266  -5.2407  -5.1347  -5.1043  -4.9064
>     -4.8595  -4.7709  -4.6233  -4.5314  -4.4765  -4.3432  -4.2656  -4.1193
>     -3.9753  -3.8808  -3.6633  -3.5304  -3.4793  -3.3597  -3.2468  -3.2010
>     -3.1365  -3.0580  -3.0031  -2.9620  -2.9009  -2.8399  -2.8271  -2.7868
>     -2.6704  -2.6163  -2.5526  -2.4956  -2.3634  -2.2564  -2.2258  -2.0642
>     -1.9730  -1.9306  -1.8407  -1.6759  -1.3912  -1.3724  -1.3313  -1.1823
>     -1.0506  -1.0078  -0.9416  -0.7560  -0.7207  -0.6260  -0.4581  -0.3968
>     -0.1972  -0.1014
> !    total energy              =    -786.29369509 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -786.29369511 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <          7.8E-09 Ry
>      The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
>      one-electron contribution =  -34082.40333531 Ry
>      hartree contribution      =   17096.62462868 Ry
>      xc contribution           =    -602.78833308 Ry
>      ewald contribution        =   16802.27493964 Ry
>      one-center paw contrib.   =      -0.00159503 Ry
>      convergence has been achieved in  41 iterations
>      Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):
>      atom    1 type  1   force =  -125.82192014  -72.64160402   -0.00085931
>      atom    2 type  1   force =  -125.84052940  -72.65351871   -0.00081832
>      atom    3 type  1   force =   -35.99345455  -62.60478207   -0.00668247
>      atom    4 type  1   force =   -35.95416245  -62.55377637    0.00597555
>      atom    5 type  1   force =   -35.91177702  -62.51466072   -0.00217197
>      atom    6 type  1   force =   -35.93641961  -62.50049194   -0.00524499
>      atom    7 type  1   force =   -35.83293644  -62.41600212    0.00331773
>      atom    8 type  1   force =   -35.24571943  -62.56240474   -0.00241044
>      atom    9 type  1   force =    74.52994899 -130.34083038    0.00011418
>      atom   10 type  1   force =   -36.09914981  -60.53927169   -0.00044680
>      atom   11 type  1   force =   -36.03896722  -60.95516183    0.00355256
>      atom   12 type  1   force =   -35.99893965  -60.96941390   -0.00354017
>      atom   13 type  1   force =   -36.00122979  -60.98011496    0.00805522
>      atom   14 type  1   force =   -35.98452906  -60.99438155    0.00341560
>      atom   15 type  1   force =   -36.03963114  -61.11541570    0.00463681
>      atom   16 type  1   force =    75.62153699 -129.70955225    0.00087510
>      atom   17 type  1   force =   -72.22600871    0.13243895   -0.00372120
>      atom   18 type  1   force =   -72.13945721    0.15418818    0.00147901
>      atom   19 type  1   force =   -72.12300573    0.15931570   -0.00329229
>      atom   20 type  1   force =   -72.09192243    0.15008918    0.00681929
>      atom   21 type  1   force =   -71.98431587    0.17111195   -0.00429730
>      atom   22 type  1   force =   -71.80981276    0.75722260   -0.00077639
>      atom   23 type  1   force =   -75.61870001  129.71137288    0.00027261
>      atom   24 type  1   force =   -70.43507548   -0.99348259   -0.00100954
>      atom   25 type  1   force =   -70.78495205   -0.71780397   -0.01237031
>      atom   26 type  1   force =   -70.79344419   -0.69504537   -0.01207194
>      atom   27 type  1   force =   -70.78879797   -0.69735931   -0.02254356
>      atom   28 type  1   force =   -70.82303893   -0.67576527   -0.00470804
>      atom   29 type  1   force =   -70.95631244   -0.65016130   -0.00315279
>      atom   30 type  1   force =   -74.52915711  130.34311583    0.00030855
>      atom   31 type  1   force =    -0.05066939   -0.02765737    0.00549204
>      atom   32 type  1   force =    -0.07820162   -0.04906844   -0.00690618
>      atom   33 type  1   force =     0.00872358   -0.15872525   -0.23928350
>      atom   34 type  1   force =    -0.02277052   -0.12042315   -0.08663954
>      atom   35 type  1   force =    -0.06648978   -0.04815869    0.00477102
>      atom   36 type  1   force =     0.04508554    0.49071813    0.00229827
>      atom   37 type  1   force =    36.03488592   61.11722619    0.00257154
>      atom   38 type  1   force =    -0.00376779    0.00072725   -0.04690226
>      atom   39 type  1   force =     0.37840750    0.02523252   -1.12809295
>      atom   40 type  1   force =    -0.01112871    0.04907562   -0.68500688
>      atom   41 type  1   force =     0.01451286   -0.18566477   -0.23253539
>      atom   42 type  1   force =    -0.01463209    0.01636700   -0.00698752
>      atom   43 type  1   force =    -0.00544314    0.49929889    0.00167026
>      atom   44 type  1   force =    35.98729206   61.00337830    0.00050775
>      atom   45 type  1   force =     0.04007368    0.05874906   -0.10326007
>      atom   46 type  1   force =    -0.15985488    0.02290666   -0.96682822
>      atom   47 type  1   force =     0.01672418   -0.02142013   -0.59773358
>      atom   48 type  1   force =     0.16119279   -0.17250735   -0.71940483
>      atom   49 type  1   force =     0.04890224   -0.08190714   -0.07166484
>      atom   50 type  1   force =    -0.03595857    0.44306381   -0.00147733
>      atom   51 type  1   force =    36.00917362   60.97802029   -0.01235394
>      atom   52 type  1   force =    -0.04307160   -0.01297518   -0.04230844
>      atom   53 type  1   force =    -0.21680906    0.16578975   -0.41655110
>      atom   54 type  1   force =     0.25764380   -0.30719081   -1.19582970
>      atom   55 type  1   force =     0.03182028   -0.06187071   -0.62076516
>      atom   56 type  1   force =    -0.00406721   -0.32618436   -0.27931128
>      atom   57 type  1   force =    -0.03834487    0.46120231    0.00426557
>      atom   58 type  1   force =    35.99064105   60.94191123   -0.00076819
>      atom   59 type  1   force =    -0.04335489   -0.03349407    0.00841139
>      atom   60 type  1   force =    -0.19163425    0.18072810   -0.15726896
>      atom   61 type  1   force =     0.11248678    0.44510169   -1.41603200
>      atom   62 type  1   force =    -0.24649842   -0.21208587   -0.82418519
>      atom   63 type  1   force =    -0.03015754   -0.01227527   -0.00348848
>      atom   64 type  1   force =    -0.06190678    0.43876037   -0.00376977
>      atom   65 type  1   force =    36.04116704   60.95184380   -0.00518952
>      atom   66 type  1   force =     0.43625659   -0.20589114    0.00126374
>      atom   67 type  1   force =     0.41541551   -0.24656251   -0.00116385
>      atom   68 type  1   force =     0.39610547   -0.24695661   -0.01097241
>      atom   69 type  1   force =     0.37805182   -0.24098269   -0.00513791
>      atom   70 type  1   force =     0.35395801   -0.26983602    0.00429345
>      atom   71 type  1   force =     0.06632273    0.03987568   -0.00072517
>      atom   72 type  1   force =    36.09495189   60.54020070    0.00207979
>      atom   73 type  1   force =    70.94408201    0.65248653    0.00591904
>      atom   74 type  1   force =    70.80214952    0.67319993    0.01814792
>      atom   75 type  1   force =    70.83445009    0.70529139    0.00158116
>      atom   76 type  1   force =    70.78623694    0.67928448   -0.00783316
>      atom   77 type  1   force =    70.80990232    0.73090707    0.00533249
>      atom   78 type  1   force =    70.48393509    0.99462182    0.00073646
>      atom   79 type  1   force =   125.83637432   72.65126665    0.00071744
>      atom   80 type  1   force =    -0.06146660   -0.03654501    0.00057020
>      atom   81 type  1   force =    -0.34093785    0.27419172   -0.00782807
>      atom   82 type  1   force =    -0.36198229    0.24640453   -0.00099733
>      atom   83 type  1   force =    -0.40079190    0.25985954    0.02159200
>      atom   84 type  1   force =    -0.41738180    0.25029640    0.00090942
>      atom   85 type  1   force =    -0.45365539    0.21114726    0.00008207
>      atom   86 type  1   force =    35.24427044   62.56175768   -0.00005517
>      atom   87 type  1   force =     0.06604013   -0.43648856    0.00109573
>      atom   88 type  1   force =     0.01794909    0.03594920    0.00090046
>      atom   89 type  1   force =     0.22338816    0.11743057   -0.27748969
>      atom   90 type  1   force =     0.19966047   -0.10544381   -0.34185724
>      atom   91 type  1   force =     0.06131074    0.00081802   -0.01839131
>      atom   92 type  1   force =     0.07009479    0.03120150    0.00541853
>      atom   93 type  1   force =    35.84047298   62.41762522   -0.00583589
>      atom   94 type  1   force =     0.03481574   -0.46124809    0.01180708
>      atom   95 type  1   force =     0.06629509    0.32766536   -0.25450475
>      atom   96 type  1   force =     0.06144926   -0.09948553   -0.50283614
>      atom   97 type  1   force =    -0.11120506   -0.13254914   -0.61420382
>      atom   98 type  1   force =     0.05299100   -0.14728263   -0.22649139
>      atom   99 type  1   force =     0.00994892    0.02472333   -0.00799671
>      atom  100 type  1   force =    35.94633393   62.51707447    0.00031715
>      atom  101 type  1   force =     0.02526986   -0.47897056    0.00931436
>      atom  102 type  1   force =    -0.20508723    0.33524194   -0.45118077
>      atom  103 type  1   force =     0.44213321   -0.06751542   -1.46481270
>      atom  104 type  1   force =     0.02923592    0.09252934   -0.72943943
>      atom  105 type  1   force =     0.03573198   -0.19649328   -0.43023405
>      atom  106 type  1   force =     0.02192662   -0.04532592   -0.09006792
>      atom  107 type  1   force =    35.92128711   62.52185701   -0.00548196
>      atom  108 type  1   force =     0.00638861   -0.49326448    0.01180650
>      atom  109 type  1   force =    -0.01484502    0.13347801   -0.07407476
>      atom  110 type  1   force =     0.01831850    0.16960999   -0.36030364
>      atom  111 type  1   force =    -0.14374240   -0.12028122   -2.11402477
>      atom  112 type  1   force =     0.19244111   -0.21573299   -0.82269533
>      atom  113 type  1   force =     0.05483015   -0.00411780   -0.05613753
>      atom  114 type  1   force =    35.94513236   62.55707932   -0.00127007
>      atom  115 type  1   force =    -0.04651236   -0.50314807    0.00257564
>      atom  116 type  1   force =     0.05191173    0.02798303   -0.00822339
>      atom  117 type  1   force =     0.06994900    0.17704561   -0.12102925
>      atom  118 type  1   force =    -0.19553462    0.21307339   -0.51680459
>      atom  119 type  1   force =    -0.02418663   -0.02935391   -0.08031863
>      atom  120 type  1   force =     0.03146667    0.02108813    0.00449783
>      atom  121 type  1   force =    35.98540501   62.61089887   -0.00089702
>      atom  122 type  1   force =    71.75896037   -0.75835373    0.00090057
>      atom  123 type  1   force =    71.97558462   -0.17714710    0.00289060
>      atom  124 type  1   force =    72.07701282   -0.13403924    0.00395464
>      atom  125 type  1   force =    72.05100287   -0.15099749   -0.00129451
>      atom  126 type  1   force =    72.14370356   -0.15442195   -0.00047673
>      atom  127 type  1   force =    72.22227078   -0.13409847   -0.00267157
>      atom  128 type  1   force =   125.82151422   72.63898616    0.00090181
>      atom  129 type  1   force =    -0.01941226    0.22252886    0.64662583
>      atom  130 type  1   force =    -0.06047909   -0.07336036    0.47765923
>      atom  131 type  1   force =     0.13979395    0.07716693    0.71005335
>      atom  132 type  1   force =     0.13762687    0.01465520    0.60799729
>      atom  133 type  1   force =    -0.57552464   -0.02095207    1.49928179
>      atom  134 type  1   force =     0.13403038   -0.10585489    0.61074950
>      atom  135 type  1   force =    -0.11857356   -0.27614195    0.69905501
>      atom  136 type  1   force =    -0.01989812    0.24082050    1.22345430
>      atom  137 type  1   force =     0.02090158    0.10866189    2.08396943
>      atom  138 type  1   force =    -0.00166018    0.02384394    0.65599291
>      atom  139 type  1   force =     0.04057588    0.04687038    0.53730208
>      atom  140 type  2   force =     0.00500660    0.02626122    0.08233383
>      atom  141 type  1   force =    -0.24525108   -0.06572354    0.96599198
>      atom  142 type  1   force =    -0.06226492    0.15765451    0.91584322
>      atom  143 type  1   force =    -0.13960846   -0.37790436    1.43585342
>      atom  144 type  2   force =    -0.00328433   -0.02661780    0.19634626
>      atom  145 type  2   force =     0.03461495   -0.02438772    0.21272464
>      atom  146 type  2   force =     0.00734123    0.17697411    0.36999094
>      atom  147 type  2   force =    -0.10161322    0.09262418    0.21006166
>      atom  148 type  2   force =    -0.01936546    0.06126142    0.12767911
>      atom  149 type  2   force =    -0.08576877    0.01143478    0.27110354
>      atom  150 type  2   force =    -0.08936222    0.10928166    0.32471828
>      atom  151 type  1   force =     0.11214536   -0.07469867    0.66969037
>      atom  152 type  2   force =    -0.04044197   -0.05545333    0.16850504
>      atom  153 type  1   force =     0.23816420   -0.13244757    0.92101160
>      atom  154 type  1   force =    -0.30098451   -0.19689470    1.14830675
>      atom  155 type  2   force =     0.09626573    0.17445988    0.29253683
>      atom  156 type  1   force =     0.09979189    0.00676031    0.59588174
>      atom  157 type  2   force =    -0.00205060    0.00657962    0.26236163
>      atom  158 type  2   force =    -0.02016738    0.16663416    0.46492354
>      Total force =   647.681262     Total SCF correction =     0.000272
>      entering subroutine stress ...
>           total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)                   (kbar)     P=
> 1879.85
>    0.02208952   0.00579788  -0.00003345       3249.48    852.90     -4.92
>    0.00579788   0.01543249   0.00000885        852.90   2270.20      1.30
>   -0.00003345   0.00000885   0.00081498         -4.92      1.30    119.89
>      BFGS Geometry Optimization
>      The maximum number of steps has been reached.
>      End of BFGS Geometry Optimization
> Begin final coordinates
> C        1.452300000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C        3.911800000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C       -1.007200000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000   2.309600000   0.000000000
> C        1.452300000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C       -1.007200000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000   3.729600000   0.000000000
> C        0.222500000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C       -1.007200000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C       -2.237000000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C        2.682000000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C        1.452300000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C        0.222500000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C       -1.007200000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C       -2.237000000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -2.237000000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -18.223800000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -19.453600000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C      -18.223800000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C      -19.453600000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -20.683300000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -21.913100000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000   0.179600000   0.000000000
> C      -18.223800000  -1.950400000   0.000000000
> C      -19.453600000  -4.080400000   0.000000000
> C      -20.683300000  -6.210400000   0.000000000
> C      -21.913100000  -8.340400000   0.000000000
> C      -23.142800000 -10.470400000   0.000000000
> C      -24.372600000 -12.600400000   0.000000000
> C        0.222500000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C       -1.007200000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C       -2.237000000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -2.237000000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C       -3.466700000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -4.696500000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C       -5.926200000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -7.156000000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C       -8.385800000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -9.615500000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C      -10.845300000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C      -12.075000000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C      -13.304800000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C      -18.223800000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C      -19.453600000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C      -14.534500000   1.599600000   0.000000000
> C      -15.764300000  -0.530400000   0.000000000
> C      -16.994100000  -2.660400000   0.000000000
> C      -18.223800000  -4.790400000   0.000000000
> C      -19.453600000  -6.920400000   0.000000000
> C      -20.683300000  -9.050400000   0.000000000
> C      -21.913100000 -11.180400000   0.000000000
> C       -8.118900000  -4.183200000   1.117200000
> C       -8.991000000  -5.278800000   1.157700000
> C      -10.396000000  -5.118200000   1.118800000
> C      -10.949300000  -3.769100000   1.033900000
> C      -10.061600000  -2.668300000   0.993400000
> C       -8.671400000  -2.836000000   1.032400000
> C      -11.283700000  -6.218900000   1.159200000
> C      -12.354200000  -3.608500000   0.994900000
> C      -13.226400000  -4.704000000   1.035500000
> C      -12.673900000  -6.051200000   1.120300000
> C      -13.580800000  -7.162400000   1.160900000
> H      -13.163100000  -8.172700000   1.224600000
> C      -14.943300000  -6.967400000   1.121000000
> C      -15.485700000  -5.645000000   1.037800000
> C      -14.652400000  -4.549500000   0.996400000
> H      -10.868600000  -7.231300000   1.223000000
> H       -8.575600000  -6.291100000   1.221400000
> H      -10.476600000  -1.655900000   0.929700000
> H      -12.769700000  -2.596300000   0.931200000
> H      -15.621700000  -7.825100000   1.152800000
> H      -16.570900000  -5.510500000   1.007100000
> H      -15.064300000  -3.536900000   0.932800000
> C       -6.692900000  -4.337800000   1.156300000
> H       -6.280800000  -5.350400000   1.219900000
> C       -7.764500000  -1.724900000   0.991800000
> C       -6.402000000  -1.919900000   1.031700000
> H       -5.723600000  -1.062100000   0.999800000
> C       -5.859600000  -3.242300000   1.114900000
> H       -4.774200000  -3.376800000   1.145600000
> H       -8.182100000  -0.714600000   0.928100000
> End final coordinates
>      Writing output data file Tetracene.save
>      init_run     :   1877.19s CPU   2132.74s WALL (       1 calls)
>      electrons    :  56955.10s CPU  83787.67s WALL (       1 calls)
>      forces       :    186.46s CPU    187.73s WALL (       1 calls)
>      stress       :    802.00s CPU    805.92s WALL (       1 calls)
>      Called by init_run:
>      wfcinit      :   1733.29s CPU   1987.08s WALL (       1 calls)
>      potinit      :      5.74s CPU      6.48s WALL (       1 calls)
>      Called by electrons:
>      c_bands      :  49049.95s CPU  74475.37s WALL (      41 calls)
>      sum_band     :   5825.81s CPU   6701.46s WALL (      41 calls)
>      v_of_rho     :     30.29s CPU     35.60s WALL (      42 calls)
>      newd         :    840.03s CPU    847.43s WALL (      42 calls)
>      mix_rho      :      7.26s CPU      8.23s WALL (      41 calls)
>      Called by c_bands:
>      init_us_2    :     44.74s CPU     45.84s WALL (     850 calls)
>      cegterg      :  48787.87s CPU  53107.95s WALL (     410 calls)
>      Called by *egterg:
>      h_psi        :  36091.90s CPU  40194.30s WALL (    4481 calls)
>      s_psi        :   3629.01s CPU   3643.02s WALL (    4481 calls)
>      g_psi        :     52.81s CPU     52.94s WALL (    4061 calls)
>      cdiaghg      :   2116.59s CPU   2190.12s WALL (    4471 calls)
>      Called by h_psi:
>      add_vuspsi   :   3633.83s CPU   3647.85s WALL (    4481 calls)
>      General routines
>      calbec       :   6034.70s CPU   6055.75s WALL (    4911 calls)
>      fft          :    224.44s CPU    232.56s WALL (     676 calls)
>      ffts         :      1.68s CPU      2.21s WALL (      83 calls)
>      fftw         :  30852.38s CPU  35682.44s WALL (  814750 calls)
>      interpolate  :      5.60s CPU      7.44s WALL (      83 calls)
>      davcio       :     33.10s CPU  21482.66s WALL (    1270 calls)
>      Parallel routines
>      fft_scatter  :  24847.42s CPU  27652.86s WALL (  815509 calls)
>      PAW routines
>      PAW_pot      :      0.55s CPU      0.55s WALL (      42 calls)
>      PAW_ddot     :      0.64s CPU      0.66s WALL (    1561 calls)
>      PWSCF        :     0d   16h42m CPU        1d    1h40m WALL
>    This run was terminated on:   3:50:57  25Jan2014
> =------------------------------------------------------------------------------=
>    JOB DONE.
> =------------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> > On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 14:55 -0800, jbobak wrote:
> >
> >> I am trying to do a geometry optimization of a molecule
> >> sitting on the surface of graphene using Espresso 5.0.3.
> >> The optimization seems to run correctly, it converges and
> >> I get no errors, but the Final Coordinates it generates
> >> are always the same as the input coordinates.
> >
> > "exactly the same", or "almost the same"? the latter is
> > likely the correct result. It would be useful to see your
> > output
> >
> > P.
> > --
> >  Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
> >  Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> >  Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> >
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Pascal Boulet
Aix-Marseille University 
MADIREL Laboratory
Avenue Normandie-Niemen
13397 Marseille Cedex 20
Email: pascal.boulet at univ-amu.fr
Tel. +33 413 55 18 10
Fax  +33 413 55 18 50

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