[Pw_forum] Fwd: Atoms are missing in the pdos output

Abhishek Mishra mishralu at gmail.com
Wed May 22 17:00:53 CEST 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abhishek Mishra <mishralu at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 22, 2013 at 3:56 PM
Subject: Atoms are missing in the pdos output
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org

Dear All,
I am calculating  pdos for system with total 56 atoms in Bi4TaO8Cl, but
after running projwfc.x , Ta atoms are missing in the pdos output.
My input for projwfc.x is -->
    Emin=-50.0, Emax=50.0, DeltaE=0.1
    ngauss=1, degauss=0.00001
my scf input is
    calculation = 'scf'
    tstress = .true.
    tprnfor = .true.
    pseudo_dir = '/home/abhisek/pseudo',
nstep = 500,
    ibrav=  0,
 nat=56 ,
ntyp= 4,
    ecutwfc =25.0, ecutrho=150.0,
occupations = 'smearing',
                    smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
                     degauss = 0.01 ,

                    conv_thr = 1.0D-8,
                 mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,

 Ta    180.9479     Ta.pz-hgh.UPF
 Bi    208.98038    Bi.pz-hgh.UPF
 Cl   35.4527      Cl.pz-hgh.UPF
 O    15.9994        O.pz-hgh.UPF
Ta       0.384181124   1.289852850   6.226339569
Bi       0.024617785   3.733310748   3.767838988
Bi      -0.044651219   0.910363653  10.489171837
Bi       0.009526019   3.236146374   8.000223143
Bi      -0.009341874   1.445483756   1.278529239
Cl       2.264444307   1.419447032  -0.002501388
O        3.374313756   2.072293902   9.342137300
O        1.109229872   2.051587579   9.377886945
O        3.362771642  -0.294348578   9.434129120
O        1.112754456   4.322841330   9.429664273
O        2.244519488   3.354460032   7.591766163
O        2.207334032   3.833798633   3.876144213
O        1.818741982   4.944223406   5.759286107
O        4.090761163  -0.332234448   6.048593167
Ta       2.656748241   3.315054498   5.600854533
Ta       2.662110344   3.591846614  17.416869450
Ta       0.386771181   1.007978652  18.038702041
Bi       2.276580741   0.871644175   8.053198951
Bi       2.306508890   1.429998446  19.873903858
Bi       0.003189415   3.169549748  15.588397684
Bi       2.256805422   3.693167707   1.332099393
Bi       2.228120901   3.215448875  13.153629479
Bi      -0.013469076   1.387316280  22.308665148
Bi       2.309676331   1.368200268   3.820604201
Bi       2.289213208   0.933858051  15.642663827
Bi       0.038924479   3.666955665  19.819567047
Bi       2.234082734   3.157668178  10.542673398
Bi       2.266067910   3.745678228  22.361813127
Bi      -0.036878698   0.851766289  13.100287297
Cl      -0.043868791   3.181351690  11.824273991
Cl      -0.014501916   3.719203583  23.643769779
Cl       2.234989397   0.883113846  11.818746417
O        1.117360812   4.900010590   2.391908739
O        1.090919624   2.005696043  14.208658240
O        3.406814506   0.227608512  21.164783146
O        3.413996099   0.281267288   2.389990599
O        3.388374192   2.020701926  14.208536787
O        1.141413994   4.850451513  21.196566732
O        1.127526875   2.533351845   2.478059648
O        1.101416777   4.373787992  14.306493074
O        3.396365301   2.595573510  21.250588384
O        3.411953255   2.550963101   2.442341207
O        3.385136342  -0.251696588  14.264997877
O        1.143660707   2.580057080  21.249973949
O        4.537554722   1.259290316   4.232777891
O        4.522859918   1.047507197  16.048911567
O        2.265216325   3.564489415  19.411633152
O       -0.098337760   0.763763082   7.945390989
O       -0.058776191   1.527716894  19.763669002
O        2.178707254   3.064943108  15.697651945
O        3.147538695   1.735990599   6.273557924
O        3.152065060   0.570038862  18.079098515
O        1.819068106   1.969085665  17.595676973
O        0.873996509   2.872995634   5.561268045
O        0.874502689   4.032655904  17.367833113
O        4.093295292   2.636756305  17.882088546
CELL_PARAMETERS (alat=  1.88972599)
   4.549146009   0.000548440   0.000708008
   0.000472423   4.604885827   0.000463426
  -0.001974650  -0.002111549  23.640837901
K_POINTS {automatic}
 5 5 2 0 0 0

while even in the output, pdos file, Ta atoms are not present, some line of
o/p of pdos are-->

 Program PROJWFC v.4.3.1    starts on 22May2013 at 15:36:28

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details

   Info: using nr1, nr2, nr3 values from input

   Info: using nr1s, nr2s, nr3s values from input

   Stick Mesh
   nst =   885,  nstw =   181, nsts =   593
               n.st   n.stw   n.sts    n.g    n.gw   n.gs
   min         885     181     593  103553    9499   56461
   max         885     181     593  103553    9499   56461
        885     181     593  103553    9499   56461

     Gaussian broadening (read from input): ngauss,degauss=   1    0.000010

     Calling projwave ....

     Atomic states used for projection
     (read from pseudopotential files):

     state #   1: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #   2: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #   3: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #   4: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #   5: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #   6: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #   7: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #   8: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #   9: atom   2 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  10: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  11: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  12: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  13: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  14: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  15: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  16: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  17: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  18: atom   3 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  19: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  20: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  21: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  22: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  23: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  24: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  25: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  26: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  27: atom   4 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  28: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  29: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  30: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  31: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  32: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  33: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  34: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  35: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  36: atom   5 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  37: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  38: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  39: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  40: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  41: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  42: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  43: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  44: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  45: atom   6 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  46: atom   7 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  47: atom   7 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  48: atom   7 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  49: atom   7 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  50: atom   8 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  51: atom   8 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  52: atom   8 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  53: atom   8 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  54: atom   9 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  55: atom   9 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  56: atom   9 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  57: atom   9 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  58: atom  10 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  59: atom  10 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  60: atom  10 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  61: atom  10 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  62: atom  11 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  63: atom  11 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  64: atom  11 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  65: atom  11 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  66: atom  12 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  67: atom  12 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  68: atom  12 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  69: atom  12 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  70: atom  13 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  71: atom  13 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  72: atom  13 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  73: atom  13 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  74: atom  14 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  75: atom  14 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  76: atom  14 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  77: atom  14 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  78: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  79: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  80: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  81: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  82: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  83: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  84: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  85: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  86: atom  18 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  87: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  88: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  89: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  90: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state #  91: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state #  92: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state #  93: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state #  94: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state #  95: atom  19 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state #  96: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state #  97: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state #  98: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state #  99: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 100: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 101: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 102: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 103: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 104: atom  20 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 105: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 106: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 107: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 108: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 109: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 110: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 111: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 112: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 113: atom  21 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 114: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 115: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 116: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 117: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 118: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 119: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 120: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 121: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 122: atom  22 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 123: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 124: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 125: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 126: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 127: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 128: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 129: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 130: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 131: atom  23 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 132: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 133: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 134: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 135: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 136: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 137: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 138: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 139: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 140: atom  24 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 141: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 142: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 143: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 144: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 145: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 146: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 147: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 148: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 149: atom  25 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 150: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 151: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 152: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 153: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 154: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 155: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 156: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 157: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 158: atom  26 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 159: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 160: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 161: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 162: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 163: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 164: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 165: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 166: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 167: atom  27 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 168: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 169: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 170: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 171: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 172: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 173: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 174: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 175: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 176: atom  28 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 177: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 178: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 179: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 180: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 181: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 182: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 183: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 184: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 185: atom  29 (Bi ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 186: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 187: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 188: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 189: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 190: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 191: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 192: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 193: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 194: atom  30 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 195: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 196: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 197: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 198: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 199: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 200: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 201: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 202: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 203: atom  31 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 204: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 205: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 206: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 207: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 208: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 1)
     state # 209: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 2)
     state # 210: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 3)
     state # 211: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 4)
     state # 212: atom  32 (Cl ), wfc  3 (l=2 m= 5)
     state # 213: atom  33 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 214: atom  33 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 215: atom  33 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 216: atom  33 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 217: atom  34 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 218: atom  34 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 219: atom  34 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 220: atom  34 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 221: atom  35 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 222: atom  35 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 223: atom  35 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 224: atom  35 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 225: atom  36 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 226: atom  36 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 227: atom  36 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 228: atom  36 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 229: atom  37 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 230: atom  37 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 231: atom  37 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 232: atom  37 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 233: atom  38 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 234: atom  38 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 235: atom  38 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 236: atom  38 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 237: atom  39 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 238: atom  39 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 239: atom  39 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 240: atom  39 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 241: atom  40 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 242: atom  40 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 243: atom  40 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 244: atom  40 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 245: atom  41 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 246: atom  41 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 247: atom  41 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 248: atom  41 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 249: atom  42 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 250: atom  42 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 251: atom  42 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 252: atom  42 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 253: atom  43 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 254: atom  43 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 255: atom  43 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 256: atom  43 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 257: atom  44 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 258: atom  44 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 259: atom  44 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 260: atom  44 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 261: atom  45 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 262: atom  45 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 263: atom  45 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 264: atom  45 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 265: atom  46 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 266: atom  46 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 267: atom  46 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 268: atom  46 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 269: atom  47 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 270: atom  47 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 271: atom  47 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 272: atom  47 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 273: atom  48 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 274: atom  48 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 275: atom  48 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 276: atom  48 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 277: atom  49 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 278: atom  49 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 279: atom  49 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 280: atom  49 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 281: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 282: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 283: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 284: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 285: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 286: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 287: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 288: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 289: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 290: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 291: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 292: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 293: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 294: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 295: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 296: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 297: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 298: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 299: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 300: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 301: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 302: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 303: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 304: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
     state # 305: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
     state # 306: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
     state # 307: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
     state # 308: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
As you can see atoms 1, 15,16,17 are missing here also. I tried with lsym =
.false. also, but it didint work

Thanking you in advance!
Dr. Abhishek Mishra
JNCASR, Bangalore, INDIA
abhishek_kumar at jncasr.ac.in
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