[Pw_forum] Error in routine regterg (5014): cannot allocate psi

vijaya subramanian vijaya65 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 2 19:06:26 CET 2013

I tried running an scf calculation for a supercell with 120 atoms. I get the following 
error message :
Error in routine regterg (5014):   cannot allocate psi

Below is the output from the run:
Largest allocated arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
   Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions       137.43 Mb     (  37527,  240)
   NL pseudopotentials           412.28 Mb     (  37527,  720)
   Each V/rho on FFT grid         21.09 Mb     (1382400)
   Each G-vector array             2.43 Mb     ( 318482)
   G-vector shells                 0.03 Mb     (   3845)
Largest temporary arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
   Auxiliary wavefunctions       274.86 Mb     (  37527,  960)
   Each subspace H/S matrix        7.03 Mb     ( 960, 960)
   Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix      1.32 Mb     (    720,  240)
   Arrays for rho mixing         168.75 Mb     (1382400,   8)

I have 4 GB ram on my machine.  Is the error due to memory problems or something else.
>From the output it appears I have enough memory but not sure how that works.

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