[Pw_forum] cpmd2upf sodium pseudopotentials

Ananya Mondal ananyamondol3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 18:36:51 CEST 2012

Dear pwscf users,
I am trying to convert semi core norm conserving TM pseudopotentials
for Na atoms using cpmd2upf.x converter. I am however not sure of what
I should do. In particular, I am not sure
of the local reference state used in this pseudos.
For the Na atom, I attached the cpmd pseudopotential and  here are the
instructions I gave for conversion:
Input file > Na_MT_PBE_SEMI.psp
Radial grid r(i) has  650 points
Assuming log radial grid: r(i)=exp[(i-1)*amesh]*r(1), with:
amesh = log (r(mesh)/r(1))/(mesh-1) =   0.017349
    |    Pseudopotential Report                                |
    |  Atomic Symbol                   :   NA                  |
    |  Atomic Number                   :  11                   |
    |  Number of core states           :   1                   |
    |  Number of valence states        :   2                   |
    |  Exchange-Correlation Functional :                       |
    |     Slater exchange :  0.6667                            |
    |     LDA correlation : Ceperley-Alder                     |
    |     Exchange GC     : Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof             |
    |     Correlation GC  : Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof             |
    |  Scalar-relativistic calculation                         |
    |  Electron Configuration :   N   L  Occupation            |
    |                             1   S    2.0000              |
    |                             2   S    2.0000              |
    |                             2   P    6.0000              |
    |  Full Potential Total Energy =     -179.798823           |
    |  Trouiller-Martins normconserving PP                     |
    |     n    l        rc       energy                        |
    |     2    S    1.0000     -2.36868                        |
    |     2    P    1.0000     -1.33583                        |
    |     3    D    1.0000     -1.33583                        |
    |  Number of Mesh Points :   650                           |
    |  Pseudoatom Total Energy =  -47.408078                   |
    |  Warning: semi-core PP to be used with 80 Ry cut-off     |
    |        LOC=S  LMAX=P                                     |
max L to use ( <= 2 ) > 2
local L ( <= 2 ), Rc for local pot (au) > 1
Assuming DFT: SLA-PW-PBX-PBC . Please check this is what you want
Wavefunction # 1: label (e.g. 4s), occupancy > 2s 2.0
Wavefunction # 2: label (e.g. 4s), occupancy > 2p 6.0
Wavefunction # 3: label (e.g. 4s), occupancy > 3d 0.0
Pseudopotential successfully converted
Output PP file in UPF format :  Na_MT_PBE_SEMI.psp.UPF
Pseudopotential successfully written
Please review the content of the PP_INFO fields
*** Please TEST BEFORE USING !!! ***

I have used "local L" > 1, is it correct?
Of course, I should test these converted pseudopotentials, but I would
like to be aware of potential problems before.

It is highly appreciated that if someone can send the
Troullier-Martins norm-conserving pseudopotentials  for sodium and
pottasium in UPF format.

I would be very thankfull for any help,

Best regards,

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