[Pw_forum] Meatl USPP and light impurity atom
Darío Fdez-Pello Lois
pello.lois at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 23:46:54 CEST 2012
Hi Emine,
Thanks once again for your reply and explanations!
Related to what you said about doing a test of tranferability
(iswitch=2, and &TEST card), is it possible to increase the total
number of electrons in the &TEST card for the, say, bulk metal? In
such a way that the H may donate some charge to the metal.
Look at the following output except, the PP has 6 valence electrons
but on the 3th and last entry there are 7 and 6.25 respectively and
the results of the former are really poor:
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 4.00) -0.38352 -0.38352 0.00000030
1 0 6S 1( 1.50) -0.46038 -0.46038 0.00000066
2 1 6P 1( 0.50) -0.12980 -0.12980 0.00000024
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 4.00) -0.43350 -0.43449 0.00098780
1 0 6S 1( 1.00) -0.49664 -0.49674 0.00010364
2 1 6P 1( 1.00) -0.15552 -0.15526 -0.00026814
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 4.00) -0.28879 -0.09801 -0.19077538
1 0 6S 1( 1.00) -0.35863 -0.16223 -0.19639633
2 1 6P 1( 2.00) -0.03712 0.00000 -0.03712055
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 4.00) -0.32927 -0.32874 -0.00053748
1 0 6S 1( 2.00) -0.41988 -0.42005 0.00017716
2 1 6P 1( 0.00) -0.10005 -0.10040 0.00034334
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 6.00) -0.17986 -0.17925 -0.00061351
1 0 6S 1( 0.00) -0.34699 -0.34462 -0.00237051
2 1 6P 1( 0.00) -0.07413 -0.07460 0.00047171
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 5.00) -0.24381 -0.24447 0.00065454
1 0 6S 1( 1.00) -0.37816 -0.37720 -0.00096032
2 1 6P 1( 0.00) -0.08390 -0.08449 0.00059227
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
3 2 5D 1( 4.00) -0.24011 -0.23973 -0.00037453
1 0 6S 1( 2.00) -0.33447 -0.33468 0.00020786
2 1 6P 1( 0.25) -0.03101 -0.03121 0.00020354
Could that be the problem?
2012/10/15 Emine Kucukbenli <kucukben at sissa.it>:
> Hi Dario,
> First, i think it would be better if you send an input/output etc so that we
> understand that the problem is not due to something else.
> Second, band structure/dos/lattice parameter/bulk modulus are not really
> transferability tests, as they are all done on the same underlying
> electronic structure. With transferability it is usually meant that the
> pseudopotential gives acceptable results for a bunch of different electronic
> environment, such as metallic or covalent, like a Fe pp in bulk metal and in
> a metalloenzyme surrounded by atoms like O or S.. or in your case, H.
> A quick way of having an idea on this property might be testing the pseudo
> in the generation stage with several different occupancies in its orbitals.
> (iswitch=2, and &TEST card)
> ciao
> emine kucukbenli, postdoc @theos, epfl switzerland
> Quoting Darío Fdez-Pello Lois <pello.lois at gmail.com>:
>> Hi Emine,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> Indeed it looks like it is not transferable but what strikes me is the
>> good results of the bands structure, DOS, lattice parameter and bulk
>> modulus i.e. is there any other item to test a PP that I am missing?
>> Darío.
>> 2012/10/14, Emine Kucukbenli <kucukben at sissa.it>:
>>> Hi Dario,
>>> so you are saying that the pseudopotential you have generated is not
>>> as transferable as you wish it to be..
>>> emine kucukbenli, postdoc @theos, epfl switzerland
>>> Quoting Darío Fdez-Pello Lois <pello.lois at gmail.com>:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I've generated a metal USPP and the bands structure and DOS are very
>>>> similar to the ones calculated by an All Electron code. What is more,
>>>> both lattice parameter and Bulk Modulus are in excellent agreement
>>>> with experiments and the same happens to each and every calculation
>>>> that has been performed in which only the metal was involved.
>>>> However, awful results are shown when adding a light impurity atom,
>>>> namely H. For H, I've tried all PPs provided at QE's site.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Darío.
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