[Pw_forum] DATAGRID_3D total points
Guido Fratesi
fratesi at mater.unimib.it
Wed Nov 7 11:25:34 CET 2012
Dear Liu,
I guess your case falls into those handled by the "plot_fast" routine in
PP/src/chdens.f90. In that case, nx, ny, nz are ignored in input but
determined by the code as the number of FFT grid points inside the
plotting box, which allows one saving a lot of time not doing
reinterpolation of data. Have a look, into your pp.x output, for the
Requested parallelepiped sides
Redefined parallelepiped sides
and similar for the origin. What do they say, if present?
Your X and Z vectors are not that strange because you ask them to be
1alat long, ie 1celldm(1)=30au=15.875316AA which is what you get.
Your Y vector is a factor 1.2 longer because of a typo in your input:
e3(1) =0.0, e2(2)=0.0, e3(3) = 1.0,
should be
e3(1) =0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3) = 1.0,
If you actually want to reinterpolate the grid, you could manually set
fast3d=.false. in PP/src/chdens.f90 and recompile. The code will use the
plot_3d routine. Apparently, however, it looks like that was meant only
for gopenmol format, see the comment therein: "user has calculated for
very long, be nice and write some output even if the output_format is
wrong; use XSF format as default". I don't understand the logic beyond
this fully.
If you want the charge of molecule-in-a-box, what you might really need
is to shift the origin so that it embraces the molecule, and to resize
it so that the vacuum portion is not included. If you need a denser mesh
for a smoother plot (why? if your cutoff is high enough, that could not
be needed) you can perform interpolation within xcrysden when you open
the datagrid. I actually had the need of a coarser grid to have lighter
files: for that I preferred to take the xsf file and to keep one point
every N in each direction by a simple awk script (I can send it if you
NB from your input nx, ny, nz it looks like you want VERY few points in
a so large box. Is that correct?
Guido Fratesi
Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 02 6448 5183
email: fratesi at mater.unimib.it
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