[Pw_forum] inadequate format statements in PHonon

David Strubbe dstrubbe at berkeley.edu
Thu Dec 6 00:42:48 CET 2012

Dear QE developers,

There are a number of places in the PHonon code where "i2" is used as a
format for writing indices of atoms or modes, which means that if you have
more than 33 atoms you get ** instead of the actual number. I suggest you
patch these to i6 or something, for more useful output.

dyndia.f90:93:9010 format   (5x,'omega(',i2,') =',f15.6,' [THz] =',f15.6,'
elphon.f90:749:9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,'
elphon.f90:963:9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,'
lambda.f90:178:9010 format(12x,i2,2x,f8.4,9x,f8.2)
phq_summary.f90:123:  WRITE( stdout, '(7x,i2,5x,a6,f8.4,"   tau(",i2, &
write_eigenvectors.f90:51:9010 format(5x,'omega(',i2,') =',f15.6,' [THz]
=',f15.6,' [cm-1]')
write_eigenvectors.f90:101:9010 format(5x,'omega(',i2,') =',f15.6,' [THz]
=',f15.6,' [cm-1]')

David Strubbe
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