[Pw_forum] Regarding supercell dimensions

dipak thakur deepak.p.thakur at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 19:49:38 CEST 2011

I am nobe to quantum espresso and using supercell for first time.
Can any one help me in understanding few things regarding the supecell

The following is a typical input file I am using (copied from one of the
earlier post).

  title = 'Graphene mono layer'
  calculation =   "relax"   ,
  restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
  outdir='/home/usuarios/baldini/espresso-4.2.1/tmp/' ,
  pseudo_dir = '/home/usuarios/baldini/espresso-4.2.1/pseudo' ,
              etot_conv_thr = 1.0E-4  ,
              forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-3 ,
                      ibrav = 0.,
                      ntyp = 2 ,
                      nat = 33 ,
                      ecutwfc = 50.0 ,
                      ecutrho = 400.0,
            electron_maxstep = 300.,
            conv_thr  =  1.0d-8  ,
            mixing_mode = 'plain',
            mixing_beta = 0.5,
            diagonalization   =   'cg' ,
            diago_cg_maxiter = 50,
16.12131954   9.383047808   0.0000000
0.00000000  18.658162370   0.0000000
0.0000000    0.0000000    56.6893424
C   12.0107   C.pbe-van_ak.UPF
Ti  47.8670   Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
C      2.89163        7.40219        1.8862
C      3.59292        8.63832        1.8826
C      3.60349        6.16702        1.8884
C      5.0186         8.64501        1.8612
C      5.0215         6.16598        1.8904
C      5.73302        7.40522        1.8718
C      1.47184        7.39616        1.891
C      2.89112        9.87066        1.886
C      2.89471        4.93264        1.8916
C      5.73319        9.8885         1.8612
C      5.73643        4.9413         1.8924
C      7.16348        7.41203        1.882
C      1.47474        4.9269         1.8924
C      0.762281       8.62783        1.8946
C      0.763134       6.16172        1.8914
C      1.4715         9.86335        1.8934
C      3.60341        11.1095        1.8868
C      5.02124        11.1239        1.882
C      3.60512        3.70156        1.8932
C      5.02645        3.70789        1.891
C      7.87807        8.65532        1.8816
C      7.16373        9.89497        1.872
C      7.16203        4.94814        1.8954
C      7.87619        6.17677        1.8996
C      5.73634        12.3522        1.8872
C      0.772689       3.69102        1.898
C      0.762793       1.22003        1.8968
C      7.87645        11.1337        1.8894
C      7.16203        12.3587        1.889
C      7.87201        13.5922        1.8942
C      2.89479        2.46619        1.8922
C      1.47482        2.45878        1.8952
Ti     6.41604        8.65974        3.74
K_POINTS {automatic}
6.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Can anyone help me understanding how are these Cell parameters calculated?
Also in some cases celld(m) are used. Can anyone comment on these also?
How are the cell parameters and lattice constant or atomic spacing related?

Any clue would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.

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