[Pw_forum] slow convergency in non-collinear calculations
Javad hashemifar
jhashemifar at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 10:20:09 CET 2007
Dear pwscf users
I am trying to calculate the non-collinear helical magnetic ground
state of the orthorhombic CrAs. The system has "No symmetry!" and I am
using ecut=30, ecutrho=300, smearing="mp", degauss=0.05D0,
mixing_beta=0.1, mixing_mode="local-TF", please find the input file
below. Unfortunately the system does not converge and "estimated scf
accuracy" is oscillating around ~ 0.01. I would appreciate your
comments and suggestions in this regard.
Thanks in advance
Javad Hashemifar
calculation = "scf",
prefix = "csMP-AFh",
restart_mode= "from_scratch",
tstress = .true.,
tprnfor = .true.,
pseudo_dir = "/homes/hp0070/psps",
outdir = "/tmp/javad/results-pwscf/CrAs-MP/explat",
ibrav = 8,
celldm(1) = 10.849,
celldm(2) = 0.6072449074,
celldm(3) = 3.2514148769,
nat = 24,
ntyp = 7,
ecutwfc = 30.0,
ecutrho = 400.0,
occupations = "smearing",
smearing = "mp",
degauss = 0.05D0,
noncolin = .true.
angle1(1)=90.0, angle1(2)=90.0, angle1(3)=90.0
angle1(4)=90.0, angle1(5)=90.0, angle1(6)=90.0
angle2(1)=0.0, angle2(3)=120.0, angle2(5)=240.0
angle2(2)=100.0, angle2(4)=220.0, angle2(6)=340.0
electron_maxstep = 200,
mixing_beta = 0.1,
mixing_mode = "local-TF",
conv_thr = 1.0d-8,
Cr1 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
Cr2 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
Cr3 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
Cr4 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
Cr5 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
Cr6 51.9960 Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
As 74.9220 As.pbe-n-van.UPF
As 0.20000000 0.15181123 0.08670384
Cr1 0.49000000 0.45543368 0.20592220
Cr2 0.99000000 0.45543368 0.33598027
As 0.70000000 0.15181123 0.45519864
As 0.30000000 0.45543368 0.62860632
Cr1 0.01000000 0.15181123 0.74782468
Cr2 0.51000000 0.15181123 0.87788275
As 0.80000000 0.45543368 0.99710112
As 0.20000000 0.15181123 1.17050880
Cr3 0.49000000 0.45543368 1.28972716
Cr4 0.99000000 0.45543368 1.41978523
As 0.70000000 0.15181123 1.53900359
As 0.30000000 0.45543368 1.71241128
Cr3 0.01000000 0.15181123 1.83162964
Cr4 0.51000000 0.15181123 1.96168771
As 0.80000000 0.45543368 2.08090607
As 0.20000000 0.15181123 2.25431376
Cr5 0.49000000 0.45543368 2.37353212
Cr6 0.99000000 0.45543368 2.50359019
As 0.70000000 0.15181123 2.62280855
As 0.30000000 0.45543368 2.79621624
Cr5 0.01000000 0.15181123 2.91543460
Cr6 0.51000000 0.15181123 3.04549267
As 0.80000000 0.45543368 3.16471103
K_POINTS (automatic)
8 8 2 1 1 1
Seyed Javad Hashemifar, Ph.D.
Tel:+49-203-3794743 Fax:+49-203-3794742
Fachbereich Physik (AG Kratzer), Universitat Duisburg-Essen
47048 Dusiburg, Germany
Tel: +98-311-3912375 Fax: +98-311-3912376
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology
84156 Isfahan, Iran
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