[Pw_forum] Problem of pseudopotential file

Clark Lee jibiaoli at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 13:51:34 CEST 2007

Hi All,
In a recent disscution with M. Pozzo, I learned that the Ni pseudopotential
files available from the PWSCF web-page had some convergency issue with
respect to the plane-wave and charge density cutoffs. I got a Ni
pseudopotential file (PBE) by which M.Pozzo et.al.reasonablely obtained
parameters including adsorption energy of water on Ni(111) [JCP,126, 164706
2007] using QE 3.2 code.   M.Pozzo Said the PP was working fine for them
with version 3.2.  However,  my  calculations  always  stop with an error

     Program PWSCF     v.3.0    starts ...
     Today is 17Jan2008 at 19:40:58

     Parallel version (MPI)

     Number of processors in use:       2
     K-points division:     npool     =    2

     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

     Current dimensions of program pwscf are:

     ntypx = 10   npk = 40000  lmax =  3
     nchix =  6  ndmx =  2000  nbrx = 14  nqfx =  8

     from readvan : error #        59
     error reading pseudo file

     stopping ...

THe first part of the PP is shown below:
    7    3    4   12    3 2004
Ni (US s-loc)          28.000000000   10.000000000    5.000000000
    3  939 -9.53855345677E+01
  320    8.000000000   -0.652240294
  400    2.000000000   -0.414755227
  410    0.000000000   -0.090035867
    3    1    1.200000000
    3    0 -0.41475    3    8 10.00000
  1.20000000000E+00  1.20000000000E+00  1.20000000000E+00  1.20000000000E+00
  2.03000000000E+00  2.22802202189E+00  2.00000000000E+00
    3  677
 -9.00366252122E-02  0.00000000000E+00 -7.19962583407E-13 -2.92845340520E-12
 -6.70053286789E-12 -1.21142191010E-11 -1.92505951636E-11 -2.81939199977E-11
 -3.90317432609E-11 -5.18550241718E-11 -6.67582545070E-11 -8.38395858919E-11
 -1.03200961533E-10 -1.24948252542E-10 -1.49191399020E-10 -1.76044556043E-10
 -2.05626244746E-10 -2.38059508658E-10 -2.73472075477E-10 -3.11996524474E-10
... ...

Any suggestions?

Yours sincerely,

Clark Lee

State Key Lab of Corrosion and Protection (SKLCP)
Institute of Metal Research (IMR)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Phone: 024-23971339
Email: jibiaoli at imr.ac.cn or jibiaoli at gmail.com
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