[Pw_forum] vc-relax

Eric Abel etabel at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 11 08:41:02 CEST 2006


Thank you for your response.  Unfortunately if it were that simple, I 
wouldn't have had the need to post to the forum.

my output file contains a series of scf calculations, which is to be 
expected, after each scf convergence it lists the atomic forces followed by 
the stress:

total energy              =  -357.37450532 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <        2.2E-11 ryd

     convergence has been achieved

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom   1 type  1   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00682942
     atom   2 type  1   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000   -0.00682942
     atom   3 type  2   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.20546159
     atom   4 type  2   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000   -0.20546159
     atom   5 type  3   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000   -0.08327844
     atom   6 type  3   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.08327844

     entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (ryd/bohr**3)                  (kbar)     P=  
  -0.00135974   0.00000000   0.00000000       -200.02      0.00      0.00
   0.00000000  -0.00071001   0.00000000          0.00   -104.45      0.00
   0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00038671          0.00      0.00     56.89

after the last iteration, it lists a set of k-points followed by:

     Writing file     tiocl.save for program phonon

     PWSCF        :    13h57m CPU time

     init_run     :    66.55s CPU
     electrons    : 44803.10s CPU (      50 calls, 896.062 s avg)
     forces       :  1319.61s CPU (      50 calls,  26.392 s avg)
     stress       :  2795.36s CPU (      50 calls,  55.907 s avg)

     electrons    : 44803.10s CPU (      50 calls, 896.062 s avg)
     c_bands      : 37432.39s CPU (     343 calls, 109.132 s avg)
     sum_band     :  6668.94s CPU (     343 calls,  19.443 s avg)
     v_of_rho     :    70.93s CPU (     688 calls,   0.103 s avg)
     newd         :   669.21s CPU (     345 calls,   1.940 s avg)
     mix_rho      :    48.63s CPU (     343 calls,   0.142 s avg)

     c_bands      : 37432.39s CPU (     343 calls, 109.132 s avg)
     init_us_2    :   514.48s CPU (   59025 calls,   0.009 s avg)
     cegterg      : 36838.34s CPU (   25725 calls,   1.432 s avg)

     sum_band     :  6668.94s CPU (     343 calls,  19.443 s avg)
     becsum       :     5.02s CPU (   25725 calls,   0.000 s avg)
     addusdens    :   625.36s CPU (     343 calls,   1.823 s avg)

     wfcrot       :    44.03s CPU (      75 calls,   0.587 s avg)
     cegterg      : 36838.34s CPU (   25725 calls,   1.432 s avg)
     h_psi        : 24259.17s CPU (   85747 calls,   0.283 s avg)
     g_psi        :   203.06s CPU (   59947 calls,   0.003 s avg)
     overlap      :  3791.19s CPU (   59947 calls,   0.063 s avg)
     cdiaghg      :  1084.00s CPU (   60022 calls,   0.018 s avg)
     update       :  1402.85s CPU (   59947 calls,   0.023 s avg)
     last         :  1466.98s CPU (   26082 calls,   0.056 s avg)

     h_psi        : 24259.17s CPU (   85747 calls,   0.283 s avg)
     init         :    96.39s CPU (   85747 calls,   0.001 s avg)
     firstfft     :  8568.69s CPU ( 1932983 calls,   0.004 s avg)
     secondfft    :  8659.88s CPU ( 1932983 calls,   0.004 s avg)
     add_vuspsi   :  2826.23s CPU (   85747 calls,   0.033 s avg)
     s_psi        :  2548.22s CPU (   85747 calls,   0.030 s avg)

     General routines
     ccalbec      :  4178.90s CPU (  118972 calls,   0.035 s avg)
     cft3         :   128.72s CPU (    4378 calls,   0.029 s avg)
     cft3s        : 18657.11s CPU ( 4638404 calls,   0.004 s avg)
     interpolate  :    33.71s CPU (     688 calls,   0.049 s avg)
     davcio       :   147.96s CPU (   84750 calls,   0.002 s avg)

There are a few additional lines, but I don't find the words CELL_PARAMETERS 
or ATOMIC_POSITIONS anywhere.  My instinct tells me that perhaps something 
went wrong, but the program completed without complaint.  I never set the 
verbosity level, so I assume it's set at the default.  Like I said in my 
original post, in the 'relax' calculation, the relevant information was 

Any ideas from anyone?


>From: cesards at msi.umn.edu
>Reply-To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re:[Pw_forum] vc-relax
>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 18:11:12 -0500 (CDT)
>Hi Eric,
>with     verbosity = 'default'     pwscf will report new cell vectors in
>units of a_0, and atomic positions relative to the new cell vector at the
>end of standard output, just before the cpu time breakdow report.
>Search for the keywords CELL_PARAMETERS and ATOMIC_POSITIONS.
>Cesar R.S. da Silva.
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org

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