[Pw_forum] New user dealing with compilation error

Paolo Giannozzi giannozz at nest.sns.it
Mon Jun 5 18:32:22 CEST 2006

On Monday 05 June 2006 17:51, Chin-Cheng Su wrote:

> Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'kinds.mod' at (1) for reading: 
> No such file or directory

there should be a file "Modules/make.depend" that containes the
dependencies of files upon other files. The first two lines should be

atom.o : kind.o
atom.o : parameters.o

instructing make to compile kinds.f90 and parameters.f90 first.
It is created by script "makedeps.sh" that is executed by "configure"
(but you can run it manually). You should find out whether it is
there or not there or there but incorrect, and why

Paolo Giannozzi             e-mail:  giannozz at nest.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore    Phone:   +39/050-509876, Fax:-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7      I-56126 Pisa, Italy

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