[Pw_forum] Convergence with vc-relax

Sergey Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Mon Oct 17 21:21:06 CEST 2005

Dear PWscf users,

I have a question regarding convergence criteria during vc-relaxation. At my last iteration (not finished yet) I have:

  Total force =     0.000324     Total SCF correction =     0.000008

    entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (ryd/bohr**3)                  (kbar)     P=   -0.15
   0.00000113  -0.00000182  -0.00000043          0.17     -0.27     -0.06
  -0.00000182  -0.00000232   0.00000001         -0.27     -0.34      0.00
  -0.00000043   0.00000001  -0.00000192         -0.06      0.00     -0.28

     Entering Dynamics;  it =   514   time =  1.86219 pico-seconds

AFAIK, convergence criteria for stresses should be 0.5, which was already reached. Am I wrong? What is then criteria for VC-relax? PW's version  is 2.1.4

 Thanks a lot,
   Best wishes,

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