[Pw_forum] Convergence threshold

Carlo Sbraccia sbraccia at sissa.it
Wed Apr 6 23:56:44 CEST 2005

Dear Sergey,

do the dots mean that the code performs other iterations after the message 
"End of self-consistent calculation" ??? Can you post the complete output 
file and the details of your input ?


On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, Sergey Lisenkov wrote:

> Dear PWscf authors and users,
> I am wondering about one thing. I put the next criteria in my input file:
> conv_thr =  1.0d-8
> Sometimes the code finish the scf loop after reaching of this criteria, but sometimes it goes next:
> total cpu time spent up to now is   5982.74 secs
>     total energy              =  -304.04820402 ryd
>     estimated scf accuracy    <        5.4E-09 ryd
>     iteration #  7     ecut=    38.00 ryd     beta=0.30
>     Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>     ethr =  6.69E-12,  avg # of iterations =  2.3
>     total cpu time spent up to now is   6031.30 secs
>     End of self-consistent calculation
> ....
> !    total energy              =  -304.04820402 ryd
>     estimated scf accuracy    <        5.6E-10 ryd
> Is it normal?
> Best ,
>   Sergey
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