[Pw_forum] Problem

Chao Cao cao at qtp.ufl.edu
Wed Dec 8 18:38:36 CET 2004

I guess what you mean is the program just got stalled, without any error,
output whatsoever, am I right?
Actually I got the same problem when I do vc-relax. In my case, it runs
well for the first two steps, and then no output, no error any more until
it's killed. 

It seems that this problem is actually related with MPI, and, somehow with
the library you used. I tried to use a serial version of pw, and it runs
OK. Furthurmore, if I abandom MKL, it also runs without stalled. Did you
use MKL to compile this code?

Best wishes,

Chao Cao

QTP, University of Florida
NPB 2331, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. 32611

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Sergey Lisenkov wrote:

> Dear Kostya,
>  you know, I got the same "frozen situation", when I try to do variable-cell dynamics. But I used NFS disk and PWscf is frozen again after 2 steps:
>  Program PWSCF     v.2.1.1  starts ...
>      Today is  7Dec2004 at 19:43:51
>      Parallel version (MPI)
>      Number of processors in use:      18
>      R & G space division:  nprocp =   18
>      Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
>      Current dimensions of program pwscf are:
>      ntypx =10   npk =40000  lmax = 3
>      nchix = 6  ndmx = 2000  nbrx =14 nqfx = 8
>      Planes per process (thick) : nr3 = 80 npp =   5 ncplane = 2640
>      Planes per process (smooth): nr3s= 72 npps=   4 ncplanes= 2376
>  Proc/  planes cols    G   planes cols    G    columns  G
>  Pool       (dense grid)      (smooth grid)   (wavefct grid)
>   1      5     98   4730    4     94   4480   26    656
>   2      5     98   4730    4     94   4478   27    655
>   3      5     98   4730    4     94   4480   27    655
>   4      5     98   4730    4     94   4486   26    654
>   5      5     98   4730    4     94   4480   26    656
>   6      5     98   4730    4     95   4489   26    656
>   7      5     98   4730    4     95   4485   26    654
>   8      5     98   4730    4     95   4485   26    654
>   9      4     98   4730    4     95   4487   26    654
>  10      4     98   4730    4     95   4483   26    654
>  11      4     98   4730    4     94   4480   26    654
>  12      4     98   4730    4     94   4482   26    654
>  13      4     98   4728    4     94   4480   26    654
>  14      4     98   4724    4     94   4476   26    654
>  15      4     98   4724    4     94   4472   27    655
>  16      4     98   4724    4     94   4474   28    654
>  17      4     98   4724    4     94   4472   26    654
>  18      4     97   4723    4     94   4478   26    654
>   0     80   1763  85107   72   1697  80647  473  11781
>  bravais-lattice index     =            8
>      lattice parameter (a_0)   =       8.0748  a.u.
>      unit-cell volume          =    2883.5668 (a.u.)^3
>      number of atoms/cell      =           16
>      number of atomic types    =            2
>      kinetic-energy cutoff     =      35.0000  Ry
>      charge density cutoff     =     145.0000  Ry
>      convergence threshold     =      1.0E-06
>      beta                      =       0.1500
>      number of iterations used =            7  plain     mixing
>      Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBE  PBE (1434)
>      iswitch =  3  nstep  = ****
>      celldm(1)=   8.074803  celldm(2)=   2.340276  celldm(3)=   2.340276
>      celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000
>      crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
>                a(1) = (  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000 )
>                a(2) = (  0.000000  2.340276  0.000000 )
>                a(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  2.340276 )
>      reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
>                b(1) = (  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000 )
>                b(2) = (  0.000000  0.427300  0.000000 )
>                b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  0.427300 )
>      PSEUDO 1 is B  (US)    zval =  3.0   lmax= 1   lloc= 0
>      Version   0  0  0 of US pseudo code
>      Using log mesh of   781 points
>      The pseudopotential has  4 beta functions with:
>                 l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   0
>                 l(3) =   1
>                 l(4) =   1
>      Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    1.100   1.100   1.100
>      PSEUDO 2 is N  (US)    zval =  5.0   lmax= 1   lloc= 0
>      Version   0  0  0 of US pseudo code
>      Using log mesh of   729 points
>      The pseudopotential has  4 beta functions with:
>              l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   0
>                 l(3) =   1
>                 l(4) =   1
>      Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    0.800   0.800   0.800
>      atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
>         B              3.00    10.81110     B ( 1.00)
>         N              5.00    14.00674     N ( 1.00)
>       cell mass =  15.08744 UMA
>      No symmetry!
>    Cartesian axes
>      site n.     atom                  positions (a_0 units)
>          1           N   tau(  1) = (   0.4993804  -0.1221248   0.2955561  )
>          2           B   tau(  2) = (   0.1642459  -0.0857586   0.2955638  )
>          3           B   tau(  3) = (  -0.3356975   0.0260137   0.5652328  )
>          4           N   tau(  4) = (  -0.0006116   0.0002668   0.5910044  )
>          5           B   tau(  5) = (   0.1642593   0.2957787   0.6767961  )
>          6           N   tau(  6) = (   0.4993832   0.2957965   0.7132159  )
>          7           B   tau(  7) = (  -0.3357281   0.0257259   0.0257129  )
>          8           B   tau(  8) = (  -0.3357254   0.5654183   0.5649323  )
>          9           N   tau(  9) = (  -0.0006333   0.5911870   0.5906732  )
>         10           N   tau( 10) = (   0.4993471   0.7132579   0.2950897  )
>         11           B   tau( 11) = (   0.1642120   0.6768934   0.2951413  )
>         12           B   tau( 12) = (  -0.3357535   0.5651029   0.0254115  )
>         13           N   tau( 13) = (  -0.0006388  -0.0000407   0.0000457  )
>         14           N   tau( 14) = (  -0.0006613   0.5908415  -0.0002828  )
>         15           N   tau( 15) = (   0.4993523   0.2953286  -0.1226120  )
>         16           B   tau( 16) = (   0.1642320   0.2953550  -0.0861093  )
>      number of k points=    3
>                        cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
>         k(   1) = (   0.0833333   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.6666667
>         k(   2) = (   0.2500000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.6666667
>    k(   3) = (   0.4166667   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.6666667
>      G cutoff =  239.4816  (  85107 G-vectors)     FFT grid: ( 32, 80, 80)
>      G cutoff =  231.2236  (  80647 G-vectors)  smooth grid: ( 32, 72, 72)
>      nbndx  =   128  nbnd   =    32  natomwfc =    64  npwx   =     574
>      nelec  =   64.00 nkb   =   128  ngl    =    4730
>      Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
>      Starting wfc are atomic
>      total cpu time spent up to now is      4.79 secs
>      Self-consistent Calculation
>      iteration #  1     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  2.0
>      total cpu time spent up to now is      7.02 secs
>      total energy              =  -208.10720991 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     3.25606013 ryd
>      iteration #  2     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  5.09E-03,  avg # of iterations =  1.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is      8.79 secs
>      total energy              =  -208.82465604 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     1.56463136 ryd
>      iteration #  3     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  2.44E-03,  avg # of iterations =  2.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     10.89 secs
>   total energy              =  -209.44549531 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.16948246 ryd
>      iteration #  4     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  2.65E-04,  avg # of iterations =  2.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     12.98 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.47783435 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.10070496 ryd
>      iteration #  5     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  1.57E-04,  avg # of iterations =  2.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     15.45 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.48609317 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.02032163 ryd
>      iteration #  6     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  3.18E-05,  avg # of iterations =  2.7
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     17.24 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.48646142 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.01660795 ryd
>      iteration #  7     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  2.59E-05,  avg # of iterations =  2.0
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     19.01 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49166262 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00417486 ryd
>      iteration #  8     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  6.52E-06,  avg # of iterations =  2.7
>  total cpu time spent up to now is     21.11 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49352509 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00117656 ryd
>      iteration #  9     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  1.84E-06,  avg # of iterations =  2.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     23.08 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49335203 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00183403 ryd
>      iteration # 10     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  1.84E-06,  avg # of iterations =  2.7
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     25.19 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49404888 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00014904 ryd
>      iteration # 11     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  2.33E-07,  avg # of iterations =  3.7
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     27.54 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49413146 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00000388 ryd
>      iteration # 12     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  6.07E-09,  avg # of iterations =  4.3
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     30.11 secs
>      total energy              =  -209.49413365 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00000433 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     32.20 secs
>      End of self-consistent calculation
> !    total energy              =  -209.49413488 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00000065 ryd
>      convergence has been achieved
>      Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):
>      atom   1 type  2   force =    -0.00001007    0.00016467   -0.00001999
>      atom   2 type  1   force =    -0.00001424    0.00001237    0.00003827
>      atom   3 type  1   force =    -0.00004530    0.00010475   -0.00005932
>      atom   4 type  2   force =     0.00003382    0.00014103   -0.00018160
>      atom   5 type  1   force =    -0.00003876    0.00003243   -0.00013273
>      atom   6 type  2   force =    -0.00003223   -0.00000721   -0.00017324
>      atom   7 type  1   force =    -0.00004009    0.00007679    0.00013730
>      atom   8 type  1   force =    -0.00000606   -0.00004819   -0.00006458
>      atom   9 type  2   force =    -0.00001970   -0.00014764   -0.00014193
>      atom  10 type  2   force =     0.00002075   -0.00018103    0.00001522
>      atom  11 type  1   force =     0.00002795   -0.00008695   -0.00000023
>      atom  12 type  1   force =     0.00001893   -0.00002804    0.00014747
>      atom  13 type  2   force =     0.00004076    0.00010451    0.00006335
>      atom  14 type  2   force =     0.00007473   -0.00016426    0.00006457
>      atom  15 type  2   force =     0.00000220   -0.00002651    0.00026057
>      atom  16 type  1   force =    -0.00001268    0.00005328    0.00004687
>      Total force =     0.000647     Total SCF correction =     0.001402
>      entering subroutine stress ...
>           total   stress  (ryd/bohr**3)                  (kbar)     P=   -1.94
>   -0.00001858   0.00000014  -0.00000017         -2.73      0.02     -0.03
>    0.00000014  -0.00001029  -0.00000002          0.02     -1.51      0.00
>   -0.00000017  -0.00000002  -0.00001067         -0.03      0.00     -1.57
>      Parrinello-Rahman Damped Cell-Dynamics Minimization
>      convergence thresholds: EPSE = 0.10E-03  EPSF = 0.40E-03  EPSP = 0.50E+00
>      Entering Dynamics;  it =     1   time =  0.00000 pico-seconds
>   new lattice vectors (alat unit) :
>    0.999999960   0.000000000   0.000000000
>    0.000000000   2.340276143   0.000000000
>   -0.000000001   0.000000000   2.340276143
>   new unit-cell volume =   2883.5666 (a.u.)^3
>   new positions in cryst coord
> N        0.499380448  -0.052183941   0.126291113
> B        0.164245854  -0.036644631   0.126294431
> B       -0.335697516   0.011115641   0.241523960
> N       -0.000611582   0.000114005   0.252536172
> B        0.164259343   0.126386219   0.289194955
> N        0.499383204   0.126393838   0.304757172
> B       -0.335728076   0.010992689   0.010987113
> B       -0.335725411   0.241603240   0.241395573
> N       -0.000633330   0.252614195   0.252394656
> N        0.499347077   0.304775112   0.126091828
> B        0.164211956   0.289236550   0.126113890
> B       -0.335753463   0.241468487   0.010858335
> N       -0.000638785  -0.000017395   0.000019527
> N       -0.000661288   0.252466555  -0.000120820
> N        0.499352259   0.126193896  -0.052392090
> B        0.164231976   0.126205211  -0.036794508
>   new positions in cart coord (alat unit)
> N        0.499380428  -0.122124831   0.295556079
> B        0.164245847  -0.085758556   0.295563844
> B       -0.335697502   0.026013669   0.565232761
> N       -0.000611582   0.000266803   0.591004378
> B        0.164259337   0.295778652   0.676796053
> N        0.499383184   0.295796484   0.713215939
> B       -0.335728063   0.025725927   0.025712879
> B       -0.335725397   0.565418298   0.564932301
> N       -0.000633330   0.591186974   0.590673191
> N        0.499347057   0.713257923   0.295089698
> B        0.164211950   0.676893397   0.295141328
> B       -0.335753450   0.565102940   0.025411502
> N       -0.000638785  -0.000040709   0.000045699
> N       -0.000661288   0.590841456  -0.000282752
> N        0.499352239   0.295328564  -0.122611959
> B        0.164231970   0.295355045  -0.086109309
>      Ekin =     0.00000000 Ryd   T =    0.0 K  Etot =  -209.49413488
>      NEW-OLD atomic charge density approx. for the potential
>    0.0833333   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.6666667
>    0.2500000   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.6666667
>    0.4166667   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.6666667
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     41.82 secs
>      Self-consistent Calculation
>      iteration #  1     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.15
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  1.00E-05,  avg # of iterations =  2.0
>      Threshold (ethr) on eigenvalues was too large:
>      Diagonalizing with lowered threshold
>      Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
>      ethr =  9.68E-09,  avg # of iterations =  1.0
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     44.79 secs
>      End of self-consistent calculation
> !    total energy              =  -209.49415398 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <     0.00000068 ryd
>      convergence has been achieved
>      Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):
>      atom   1 type  2   force =    -0.00002733   -0.00001631    0.00000017
>      atom   2 type  1   force =    -0.00004559    0.00001704    0.00002749
>      atom   3 type  1   force =    -0.00004336    0.00011056   -0.00002767
>      atom   4 type  2   force =    -0.00000177    0.00002277   -0.00011466
>      atom   5 type  1   force =    -0.00002565    0.00004549   -0.00012336
>      atom   6 type  2   force =    -0.00000297   -0.00002501   -0.00003472
>      atom   7 type  1   force =    -0.00000558    0.00008407    0.00010816
>      atom   8 type  1   force =     0.00002779   -0.00005580   -0.00003582
>      atom   9 type  2   force =    -0.00001384   -0.00007975   -0.00010757
>      atom  10 type  2   force =     0.00000353   -0.00000007   -0.00000444
>      atom  11 type  1   force =    -0.00000348   -0.00009170    0.00000976
>      atom  12 type  1   force =     0.00002145   -0.00003381    0.00011541
>      atom  13 type  2   force =     0.00004664    0.00003672    0.00002990
>      atom  14 type  2   force =     0.00003904   -0.00004607   -0.00000093
>      atom  15 type  2   force =     0.00003154   -0.00000831    0.00012058
>      atom  16 type  1   force =    -0.00000043    0.00004016    0.00003770
>      Total force =     0.000380     Total SCF correction =     0.002323
>      entering subroutine stress ...
>           total   stress  (ryd/bohr**3)                  (kbar)     P=   -2.11
>   -0.00001899   0.00000014  -0.00000017         -2.79      0.02     -0.03
>    0.00000014  -0.00001184   0.00000000          0.02     -1.74      0.00
>   -0.00000017   0.00000000  -0.00001211         -0.03      0.00     -1.78
>      Entering Dynamics;  it =     2   time =  0.00005 pico-seconds
>   new lattice vectors (alat unit) :
>    0.999999859   0.000000001  -0.000000001
>    0.000000001   2.340276117   0.000000000
>   -0.000000002   0.000000000   2.340276116
>   new unit-cell volume =   2883.5663 (a.u.)^3
>   new positions in cryst coord
> N        0.499380447  -0.052183941   0.126291113
> B        0.164245853  -0.036644631   0.126294431
> B       -0.335697516   0.011115641   0.241523960
> N       -0.000611582   0.000114005   0.252536171
> B        0.164259343   0.126386219   0.289194954
> N        0.499383204   0.126393838   0.304757172
> B       -0.335728076   0.010992690   0.010987114
> B       -0.335725411   0.241603239   0.241395573
> N       -0.000633330   0.252614194   0.252394655
> N        0.499347077   0.304775112   0.126091828
> B        0.164211956   0.289236549   0.126113890
> B       -0.335753462   0.241468487   0.010858336
> N       -0.000638785  -0.000017395   0.000019527
> N       -0.000661288   0.252466555  -0.000120820
> N        0.499352260   0.126193896  -0.052392089
> B        0.164231976   0.126205211  -0.036794508
>   new positions in cart coord (alat unit)
> N        0.499380377  -0.122124830   0.295556075
> B        0.164245830  -0.085758555   0.295563841
> B       -0.335697469   0.026013669   0.565232755
> N       -0.000611582   0.000266803   0.591004369
> B        0.164259319   0.295778650   0.676796043
> N        0.499383134   0.295796481   0.713215931
> B       -0.335728029   0.025725929   0.025712882
> B       -0.335725363   0.565418291   0.564932295
> N       -0.000633330   0.591186966   0.590673183
> N        0.499347007   0.713257916   0.295089694
> B        0.164211933   0.676893389   0.295141325
> B       -0.335753415   0.565102933   0.025411504
> N       -0.000638785  -0.000040709   0.000045699
> N       -0.000661287   0.590841450  -0.000282753
> N        0.499352190   0.295328561  -0.122611955
> B        0.164231953   0.295355042  -0.086109308
>      Ekin =     0.00000000 Ryd   T =    0.0 K  Etot =  -209.49415398
>      NEW-OLD atomic charge density approx. for the potential
> I guess there are some hidden problems in the code. Did you have the same problem?
>   Best wishes,
>     Sergey
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