[Pw_forum] spin polarized lowdin charges
Francesco Antoniella
francesco.antoniella at aquila.infn.it
Thu Apr 29 13:40:02 CEST 2004
Il gio, 2004-04-29 alle 08:07, Cyrille Barreteau ha scritto:
> Dear pwscf users,
> I am doing a calculation of a magnetic Fe (cuboctahedron) cluster and I would
> like to get the magnetic decomposition on each atomic site of the cluster.
> From projwfc.x I am able to get the total Lowdin charge decomposition
> (see below) but I would also like the up and down spin charge decomposition.
> How can I obtain this information?
> thanks,
> cyrille
> Lowdin Charges:
> Atom # 1: total charge = 7.4091, s, p, d, f = 0.8321 0.0000 6.5770
> Atom # 2: total charge = 7.9526, s, p, d, f = 0.8952 0.0000 7.0574
> Atom # 3: total charge = 7.9526, s, p, d, f = 0.8952 0.0000 7.0574
> Atom # 4: total charge = 7.9526, s, p, d, f = 0.8952 0.0000 7.0574
> Atom # 5: total charge = 7.9526, s, p, d, f = 0.8952 0.0000 7.0574
> Atom # 6: total charge = 7.9526, s, p, d, f = 0.8952 0.0000 7.0574
> Atom # 7: total !
This is the modification of the code
---->put this in the variables declaration
charges_up(:,:), charges_down(:,:)
in place of :
---->put this in the lowdin charges calc
allocate ( charges_up (nat, 0:lmax_wfc ) )
allocate ( charges_down (nat, 0:lmax_wfc ) )
do ik = 1, nkstot
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
na= nlmchi(nwfc)%na
l = nlmchi(nwfc)%l
if((.not.(lsda)).or.((lsda).and.(ik.le.(nkstot/2)))) then
charges_up(na,l) = charges_up(na,l) + wg (ibnd,ik) * &
proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
charges_down(na,l) = charges_down(na,l) + wg (ibnd,ik)
* &
proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
end if
end do
end do
write (4, '(/"Lowdin Charges: "/)')
psum = 0.0
do na = 1, nat
totcharge_up = 0.d0
totcharge_down = 0.d0
do l = 0, lmax_wfc
totcharge_up = totcharge_up + charges_up(na,l)
totcharge_down = totcharge_down + charges_down(na,l)
end do
psum = psum + totcharge_up+totcharge_down
if(.not.(lsda)) then
write (4, '(5x,"Atom # ",i3,": total charge = ",f8.4, &
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up, ( charges_up(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x,"Atom # ",i3,": total charge spin up = ",f8.4,
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up, ( charges_up(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x," ",i3,": total charge spin down = ",f8.4,
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_down, ( charges_down(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x," ",i3,": total pol. (up-down) = ",f8.4,
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up-totcharge_down,&
( charges_up(na,l)-charges_down(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
end if
end do
psum = psum / nelec
write (4, '(5x,"Spilling Parameter: ",f8.4)') 1.0 - psum
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