[Pw_forum] output error

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Wed Mar 19 12:19:42 CET 2003

the code is not able to approach self-consistency and gets increasingly
crazy in the diagonalization step.
The default value of the mixing parameter mixing_beta=0.7 is probably
too large. reduce it until you see that the estimated scf accuracy decreases
as iterations proceeds.


Sergei Lisenkov wrote:

> Dear All,
> I calculated my structure, but I got error:
>      Program PWSCF 1.2.0  starts ...
>      Today is 18Mar2003 at 16:35:52
>      Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
>      Gamma point only
>      current dimensions of program pwscf are:
>      ntypx=    6 npsx =    6 lmax =    3 npk =40000
>      nbrx =     6 lqmax =     7 nqfm =     8
>  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      from  iosys  : error #        -1
>       fixed occupations, gauss. broadening ignored
>  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Warning: card  ignored
>  Reading pseudopotential file in UPF format
>      current restart_mode = from_scratch
>      current disk_io mode = default
>      RECOVER from restart file has been switched off on input
>      Writing file C120.save
>      file written
>  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      from setup : error #        -1
>      Dynamics, you should have no symmetries
>  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>  --- Executing new GGEN Loop ---
>      bravais-lattice index     =            8
>      lattice parameter (a_0)   =      16.6473  a.u.
>      unit-cell volume          =    2221.5829 (a.u.)^3
>      number of atoms/cell      =          120
>      number of atomic types    =            1
>      kinetic-energy cutoff     =      35.0000  Ry
>      charge density cutoff     =     144.0000  Ry
>      convergence threshold     =      1.0E-08
>      beta                      =       0.7000
>      number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
>      Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBE  PBE (1434)
>      iswitch =  3  nstep  =  100
>      celldm(1)=   16.64728  celldm(2)=    0.68880  celldm(3)=    0.69910
>      celldm(4)=    0.00000  celldm(5)=    0.00000  celldm(6)=    0.00000
>      crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
>                a(1) = (  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )
>                a(2) = (  0.0000  0.6888  0.0000 )
>                a(3) = (  0.0000  0.0000  0.6991 )
>      reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
>                b(1) = (  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )
>                b(2) = (  0.0000  1.4518  0.0000 )
>                b(3) = (  0.0000  0.0000  1.4304 )
>      PSEUDO 1 is C  (US)    zval =  4.0   lmax= 2   lloc= 0
>      Version   0  0  0 of US pseudo code
>      Using log mesh of   627 points
>      The pseudopotential has  4 beta functions with:
>                 l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   0
>                 l(3) =   1
>                 l(4) =   1
>      Q(r) pseudized with  0 coefficients,  rinner =    0.000   0.000   0.000
>                                                              0.000   0.000
>      atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
>         C              4.00    12.00000     C ( 1.00)
>       cell mass = 109.42688 UMA
>       2 Sym.Ops. (no inversion)
>                                     s                        frac. trans.
>       isym =  1     identity
>  cryst.   s( 1) = (     1          0          0      )
>                   (     0          1          0      )
>                   (     0          0          1      )
>  cart.    s( 1) = (  1.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000 )
>                   (  0.0000000  1.0000000  0.0000000 )
>                   (  0.0000000  0.0000000  1.0000000 )
>       isym =  2     inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,1]
>  cryst.   s( 2) = (     1          0          0      )
>                   (     0          1          0      )
>                   (     0          0         -1      )
>  cart.    s( 2) = (  1.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000 )
>                   (  0.0000000  1.0000000  0.0000000 )
>                   (  0.0000000  0.0000000 -1.0000000 )
>    Cartesian axes
>      number of k points=    1
>                        cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
>         k(   1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000
>                        cryst. coord.
>         k(   1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000
>      G cutoff = 1010.8564  (  32411 G-vectors)     FFT grid: ( 64, 45, 45)
>      G cutoff =  982.7771  (  31060 G-vectors)  smooth grid: ( 64, 45, 45)
>      nbndx  =   960  nbnd   =   240  natomwfc =   480  npwx   =    3874
>      nelec  =  480.00 nkb   =   960  ngl    =   32411
>      Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
>      Starting wfc are atomic
>      Dynamical memory: 134.46Mb current, 203.45Mb maximum
>      total cpu time spent up to now is     44.10 secs
>      iteration #  1     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  7.0
>      total energy              =  1800.56572720 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <   469.23524379 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    192.67 secs
>      iteration #  2     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  9.0
>      total energy              =  4667.84611459 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <  3628.70639335 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    377.99 secs
>      iteration #  3     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  8.0
>      total energy              =  3381.81861388 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <  2007.40834624 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    596.00 secs
>      iteration #  4     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  7.0
>      total energy              =  2191.21346478 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <   733.09809067 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    763.14 secs
>      iteration #  5     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  7.0
>      total energy              =  2062.46536299 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <   618.67004598 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is    923.56 secs
>      iteration #  6     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  6.0
>      total energy              =  1904.92876740 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <   387.88497183 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   1065.32 secs
>      iteration #  7     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  6.0
>      total energy              =  2471.06441650 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <  1009.02560558 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   1219.91 secs
>      iteration #  8     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  6.0
>      total energy              =  1664.76994329 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    <   129.08756166 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   1388.24 secs
>      iteration #  9     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 11.0
>      total energy              = 12533.96254778 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    < 12864.77168493 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   1671.29 secs
>      iteration # 10     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 13.0
>      total energy              = 15736.11558127 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    < 17723.36598056 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   1986.18 secs
>      iteration # 11     ecut=    35.00 ryd     beta=0.70
>      Davidson diagonalization with overlap
>      ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 21.0
>      total energy              = 38301.41287537 ryd
>      estimated scf accuracy    < 51506.98177710 ryd
>      total cpu time spent up to now is   2371.85 secs
>      itera

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