[Pw_forum] Problems compiling pwscf 1.2.0

Marcos Verissimo Alves verissim at df.ufscar.br
Wed Feb 19 17:27:53 CET 2003

Hi all,

My name is Marcos and I am new to this list, so hello :). I have
downloaded the latest version today and I am trying to compile it with
lahey lf95. I am having some trouble with the compilation of the module
io_base. The error message is the following:

/lib/cpp -P -traditional -I/home/verissim/pwscf-1.2 -DPC -DFFTW
-D"FFTW3D_F77_CREATE_PLAN=fftw3d_f77_create_plan_" io_base.f90
lf95 --staticlink --dbl -O -I/home/verissim/pwscf-1.2e
-I/home/verissim/pwscf-1.2/Modules -I/home/verissim/pwscf-1.2/PW
-I/home/verissim/pwscf-1.2/PH -c io_base.F90 -o io_base.o
Module subprogram name(write_restart_header2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 274: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(read_restart_header1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 554: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_xdim2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 638: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_symmetry2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 817: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_pseudo3)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 1185: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_pseudo2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 1211: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_gvec1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 1873: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_gvec2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 1893: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_gkvec1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2095: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_gkvec2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2115: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_cell1)
  2043-S: "io_base.F90", line 2281: Value must be assigned for
INTENT(OUT) variable htvel.
  2043-S: "io_base.F90", line 2282: Value must be assigned for
INTENT(OUT) variable xnosp.
  2043-S: "io_base.F90", line 2283: Value must be assigned for
INTENT(OUT) variable xnos0.
  2043-S: "io_base.F90", line 2284: Value must be assigned for
INTENT(OUT) variable xnosm.
  2043-S: "io_base.F90", line 2285: Value must be assigned for
INTENT(OUT) variable xnosm2.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_cell2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2315: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_ions2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2561: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_electrons1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2874: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_electrons2)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 2941: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_wfc1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 3360: idum is used but never set.
 Module subprogram name(write_restart_charge1)
  2005-W: "io_base.F90", line 3775: idum is used but never set.
Encountered 5 errors, 16 warnings in file io_base.F90.

The lines containing "xxxx-S:" are the actual errors, the others are
simply warnings. Although the compiler is not supported officially by
the PWSCF team, I guess this error can be a rather common thing. This is
the only thing that's missing to compile the new version with lahey f95.
Does anyone have any guess about it ? By the way, if anyone wants the
tips for compiling pwscf 1.1.x with lahey, I can send them.



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