[QE-developers] How to handle error in scale_h

Lorenzo Bastonero lbastone at uni-bremen.de
Thu Apr 13 15:45:49 CEST 2023

Dear QE Developers,

I am writing on behalf of the aiida-quantumespresso developers. We would like to implement an handler for the following error:

     Error in routine scale_h (1):
     Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a larger cell_factor.

This occurred in some cases for some structure undergoing huge volume relaxation. Looking at the definition of the input `cell_factor`, we noticed it is related to some Pseudopotential table generation.

Thus the questions:
1. Would it be fine to just start the vc-relax FROM SCRATCH using the last calculated structure?
2. Or it would be more proper to RESTART the vc-relax structure but with increased `cell_factor` (e.g. twice as much)? (As the error suggested)

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot and best wishes,

Lorenzo Bastonero

PhD Student
U Bremen Excellence Chair,
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science,
and MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes

University of Bremen
Faculty of Production Engineering
TAB-Building, Room 3.32
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen, DE


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