[QE-developers] rgd_blk subroutine

Lorenzo Paulatto paulatz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 16:46:10 CEST 2020

>       nr1x = int ( sqrt (geg) / &
>                    sqrt (bg (1, 1) **2 + bg (2, 1) **2 + bg (3, 1) **2) 
Hello Lorenzo,
I think that initial calculation is only used to give a very rough 
estimate of the number of points required. Later on geg is actually 
recomputed accurately.

If you want to re-implement this routine with another unit of measure, 
you can safely assume that it was written thinking of silicon, with 
alat=10.2 and 2pi/alat = 0.62¹.

It does not really matter, as long as you are going far enough the Ewald 
sum will be converged.

[1] This happens to be close to the Å to bohr conversion, and a frequent 
cause of headaches when learning Wannier functions with the silicon example.


Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris

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