[QE-developers] Fwd: q-e | Syntax rules in QE (#143)

Andrea Ferretti andrea.ferretti at nano.cnr.it
Tue Oct 1 11:22:00 CEST 2019

Hi All,

a few points from my side (not sure I am the most entitled here):

* shall we really keep fortran keywords capitalized ?
   I have the impression that with syntax highlighting it may no longer be

* concerning variable delclaration, I would tend to keep things short
   real(DP)  instead of   real(KIND = DP)
   (just a matter of taste)

* very good to have a code beautification tool

take care

> Any opinions? Paolo
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Samuel Poncé <gitlab at mg.gitlab.com>
> Date: Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 5:22 PM
> Subject: q-e | Syntax rules in QE (#143)
> To: <p.giannozzi at gmail.com>
> Samuel Poncé created an issue:
> Dear QE developers,
> After carefully thinking about a general syntax rules for the code, trying to make them as consistent with each other as possible, I propose
> the following rules:
>   Pre-processing
>  *  Preprocessing options should be capitalized and start with two underscores. Examples:__MPI, __LINUX, ...
>  *  Use preprocessing syntax#if defined (XXX), not #if defined XXX or #ifdef XXX
>   Common style
>  *  Fortran commands should be capitalized: CALL something(XXX)
>  *  Variable names should be lowercase: foo = bar/2
>  *  Use (KIND = DP) (defined in module kinds) to define the type of real and complex variables
>   Order of declaration
>  *  The recommanded order is as follow:
> CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: var
> LOGICAL :: var
> INTEGER :: var
> REAL(KIND = DP) :: var
> REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATED :: var(:)
> COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: var
>  *  First all INTENT variables are declared (in that order) and then all the local variables are declared (in that order).
>  *  Note: Do not use DIMENSION(:)
>   Typical header of subroutines
> !------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SUBROUTINE name(arg1, arg2)
> !------------------------------------------------------------------------
> !!
> !!  Description of subroutine
> !!
> !------------------------------------------------------------------------
> USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
> USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg, alat
> !
> !
> !  input variables
> !
> INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: arg1
> !! Description
> REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: arg2(3, 5)
> !! Description
> !
> ! Local variables
> !
> INTEGER :: ik
> !! Description
> !------------------------------------------------------------------------
> !------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Indentation
>  *  Use two spaces for indentation
> DO ik = 1, nkf
>   DO imode = 1, nmodes
>     code
>   Spaces
>  *  Leave one space after a comma "," and between "multiple conditions" in a IF statement
> IF (cond) THEN
>   CALL name(arg1, arg2, arg3)
> ALLOCATE(var1(dim1, dim2), STAT = ierr)
> IF (ierr /= 0) CALL io_error('Error allocating var1 in subroutine_name')
> DO ik = 1, nkf
>   ikk = 2 * ik - 1
>   ikq = 2 * ik
>   IF ((MINVAL(ABS(var1(:, ikk) - ef)) < fsthick) .AND. (MINVAL(ABS(var1(:, ikq) - ef)) < fsthick)) THEN
> DEALLOCATE(var1, STAT = ierr)
> IF (ierr /= 0) CALL io_error('Error deallocating var1 in subroutine_name')
>   Allocating and deallocating arrays
>  *  Check the status once an array is allocated or deallocated
> ALLOCATE(var1(dim1, dim2), STAT = ierr)
> IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('subroutine_name', 'Error allocating var1', 1)
> DEALLOCATE(var1, STAT = ierr)
> IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('subroutine_name', 'Error deallocating var1', 1)
>   Reading and writing files
>  *  Leave one space after a comma "," and after a statement
> OPEN(UNIT = file_unit, FILE = 'file_name', STATUS = 'old', FORMAT = 'formatted', IOSTAT = ios)
> IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('subroutine', 'error opening file_name', iunit_name)
> READ(file_unit) index
> CLOSE(file_unit)
> OPEN(UNIT = file_unit, FILE = 'file_name', STATUS = 'old', FORMAT = 'formatted', IOSTAT = ios)
> IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('subroutine', 'error opening file_name', iunit_name)
> WRITE(file_unit, '(i7)') index
> CLOSE(file_unit)
>   Intrinsic functions
>  *  Use capital letters when calling an intrinsic function or logical:
> a = MATMUL(c, d)
> f = .TRUE.
>   Relational operator
>  *  Use modern relational operators:
> > instead of .gt.
> < instead of .lt.
> == instead of .eq.
> /= instead of .neq.
>   Mathematical operator
>  *  Use one space between mathematical operators
> a = b + i
> c = c / SQRT(s)
>   Spaces in the code
>  *  Avoid white space in the code. When a space is need, add a comment (!) that follows the indentation:
> !
> a = b
> ! 
> DO i = 1, n
>   !
>   y = a + c
>   Conditional allocation
>  *  Do NOT use: IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(var)) ALLOCATE(var(dim1))
>  *  Do use:
> ALLOCATE(var1(dim1, dim2), STAT = ierr)
> IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('subroutine_name', 'Error allocating var1', 1)
> Indeed conditional allocations create potential memory leaks and can always be avoided.
>   Good practice
>  *  Conversions should be explicitly indicated. For conversions to real, use DBLE, or else REAL(..., KIND = DP). For conversions to complex,
>     use CMPLX(...,...,KIND = DP). For complex conjugate, use CONJG. For imaginary part, use AIMAG.
>  *  Do not use REAL or CMPLX without KIND = DP, or else you will lose precision (except when you take the real part of a double precision
>     complex number).
>  *  Do not use automatic arrays (e.g. REAL(KIND = DP) :: A(N) with N defined at run time) unless you are sure that the array is small in all
>     cases: large arrays may easily exceed the stack size, or the memory size.
>  *  Do not use pointers unless you have a good reason to: pointers may hinder optimization. Allocatable arrays should be used instead.
>  *  If you use pointers, nullify them before performing tests on their status.
>  *  Be careful with F90 array syntax and in particular with array sections. Passing an array section to a routine may look elegant but it may
>     turn out to be inefficient: a copy will be silently done if the section is not contiguous in memory (or if the compiler decides it is the
>     right thing to do), increasing the memory footprint.
>  *  Do not pass unallocated arrays as arguments, even in those cases where they are not actually used inside the subroutine: some compilers
>     don't like it.
>  *  Always use IMPLICIT NONE and declare all local variables. All variables passed as arguments to a routine should be declared as
>     INTENT(in), (out) , or (inout). All variables from modules should be explicitly specified via USE module, ONLY : variable. Variables used
>     in an array declaration must be declared first, as in the following example:
> REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: A(N)
> in this order (some compilers complain if you put the second line before the first).
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> --
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

Andrea Ferretti, PhD
S3 Center, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR
via Campi 213/A, 41125, Modena, Italy
Tel: +39 059 2055322;  Skype: andrea_ferretti
URL: http://www.nano.cnr.it

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