[Q-e-developers] Re: About Charge Density
Jiqiang Li
jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
Sun Jun 14 05:40:20 CEST 2015
Dear Paolo,
I am afraid the potinit.f90 initializes the potential by calling subroutine "v_of_rho" at very beginning of a calculation. However, I want to calculate the potential by new charge density in every SCF loop, |i> changes with the iterations, but the array psi_m(r)*psi_n(r) is fixed. so I focus on the electron.f90 and modified the subroutine "sum_band". I am not sure the correct place to add the additional term of charge density. I have some puzzle as mentioned in the previous email:
(1)The subroutine symrho is marked as "symmetrize rho(G)", what does the "symmetrize charge density in G space' mean? and what's its consequence? Should I add the term before this symmetrization process or after it?
(2)I add the code after line 443 in subroutine "sum_band" in QE(v5.1) as follow, ( the band index of |m> and |n> are (nbnd -level_ccmg1) and (nbnd-level_ccmg2), respectively. )
IF (loc_ccmg) THEN
IF ( nks > 1 ) REWIND( iunigk )
ik_ccmg = 1
IF (lsda) current_spin = isk(ik_ccmg)
npw = ngk(ik_ccmg)
w1_ccmg = 2.0 / omega
IF (nks > 1) THEN
READ( iunigk) igk
CALL get_buffer(evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik_ccmg) ! copy evc(1:nwordwfc) from the ik-th record in file with a unit of iunwfc, i.e. wavefucntion
IF (nkb > 0) CALL init_us_2(npw, igk, xk(1, ik_ccmg), vkb)
IF (noncolin) THEN
IF ( io_wave_ccmg == 'write' ) THEN
psic(:) = (0.D0, 0.D0)
psic(nls(igk(1:npw))) = evc(1:npw, nbnd-level_ccmg1) + &
(0.D0, 1.D0) * evc(1:npw, nbnd -level_ccmg2)
psic(nlsm(igk(1:npw))) = CONJG(evc(1:npw, nbnd -level_ccmg1) - &
(0.D0, 1.D0) * evc(1:npw, nbnd -level_ccmg2))
CALL invfft('Wave', psic, dffts)
CALL get_rho_gamma_ccmg(rho_r_ccmg(:,current_spin), dffts % nnr, psic, w1_ccmg)
ENDIF ! noncolinear or colinear
ENDIF ! loc_ccmg or not
IF (loc_ccmg) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
! the case of noncolinear has not been supported so far, remaining further work.
IF ( io_wave_ccmg == 'write' ) THEN
CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid_ccmg, ierr_ccmg)
WRITE( file_ccmg,'(I4)') myid_ccmg
file_ccmg = TRIM(ADJUSTL(file_ccmg))
file_ccmg = 'wave_ccmg/'//'rho'//TRIM(file_ccmg)//'.dat'
OPEN(unit = 12306, file = file_ccmg)
DO ig = 1, size(rho_r_ccmg,1)
WRITE(12306,*) rho_r_ccmg(ig,current_spin)
! if reading wavefunction.
IF ( io_wave_ccmg == 'read' ) THEN
CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid_ccmg, ierr_ccmg)
WRITE( file_ccmg,'(I4)') myid_ccmg
file_ccmg = TRIM(ADJUSTL(file_ccmg))
file_ccmg = 'wave_ccmg/'//'rho'//TRIM(file_ccmg)//'.dat'
INQUIRE(file = file_ccmg, exist = alive_ccmg )
IF ( alive_ccmg == .false. ) CALL errore( 'sum_band', 'rho.dat does not exsit!', 1 )
OPEN(unit = 12306, file = file_ccmg)
DO ig = 1, size(rho_r_ccmg,1)
READ(12306,*) rho_r_ccmg(ig,current_spin)
rho%of_r(:, current_spin)=rho%of_r(:, current_spin)+rho_r_ccmg(:,current_spin)
ENDIF ! noncolinear or colinear
ENDIF ! loc_ccmg or not
Is the place correct?
From: Paolo Giannozzi
Date: 2015-06-12 04:21
To: Jiqiang Li
Subject: Re: About charge density
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Jiqiang Li <jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn> wrote:
(3) Actually I want to realize these process: First I run a whole ordinary SCF calculation and at the end output the wavefunction on the disk. Then I run another new SCF calculation, but in this new calculation a new charge density, rho_new = rho + <m|n> = \sum_i(occupation) { <i|i>} + <m|n>, is treated as input charge density in SCF loop . The term <m|n> is fixed as a constant array read from disk in every SCF loop. So Where should I add the code to realize rho_new=rho + <m|n> ?
In subroutine PW/src/potinit.f90, which either reads from file or generates the starting charge
density (not the potential, actually: it is computed at the end by calling routine "v_of_rho").
You might also use routine "plugin_scf_potential" to add your preferred term to the charge density.
Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
hone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
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