<div dir="ltr">Dear All,<div><br></div><div>Can I make some enquiries about the Wannier90?</div><div><br></div><div>1. In tight binding hamiltonian for graphene with a two-atom unit cell, the hopping term is the hopping parameter multiplied by the phase factor. In Wannier90 output file, Can I also think of the hamiltonian (seedname_he.dat) in this way? The matrix element between each neighbour atom-pair (<i>e</i>.<i>g</i>. <i>H</i><font size="1">12</font>) in seedname_he.dat file is the hopping parameter multiplied by the phase factor, which is also the reason why there is an imaginary part in each matrix element? If so, can I just take the coefficient in the imaginary term as the hopping parameter? If not, could anyone give me some suggestions on how to extract the hopping parameter from this seedname_hr.dat file?</div><div><br></div><div>2. I am trying to use VASP with the version of 5.4 to get interfaced with Wannier90 code to compute the spin texture (the expectation value for spin operator along <i>x</i>, <i>y</i> and <i>z</i> axes). I heard that Wannier90 interfaced with Quantum Espresso can compute this spin texture but I am not whether Wannier90 interfaced with VASP (version 5.4) can compute the spin texture or not. Could anyone give me some suggestions on it?</div><div><br></div><div>3. Does Wannier90 also generate the Wannier basis matrix?</div><div><br></div><div>4. I only found that Wannier90 can compute anomalous hall conductivity (AHE). Does Wannier90 code also compute the spin hall conductivity (SHE)?</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you all in advance for any helpful answer.</div><div><br></div><div>Kind regards,</div><div><br></div><div>Kieran Song</div></div>
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