<div dir="ltr">Hi !<br>
I'm trying to obtain the wannier functions from a vasp-run and also from a<br>
My first intent is to use as many wannier functions as bands, avoiding the<br>
disentangle process.<br>
Both cases (wien and vasp) the wannierization process reach a delta spread of<br>
10^(-5) and the spread is 1521 Ang^2.<br>
Both cases I activate both, the "use_bloch_phases" and "guiding_centres" flags.<br>
I try lowering the trial_step flag, but nothing change.<br>
The system is FeMnAs in a orthorombic structure as shown in ref. Crys. Growth.<br>
Des. 13, 4279 (2013).<br>
any ideas?, suggestion? any road map to follow in these cases?<br>
I add the .win file created by vasp<br>
Thanks in advance!!<br>
# First part: generate the inputs for the wannierization process<br>
# using the DFT tool (VASP). It will produce wannier90.eig,<br>
# wannier90.amn, wannier90.mmn, and write some more data into<br>
# this file (atomic positions, lattice vectors, k points)<br>
# ----------<br>
num_wann = 104 # set to NBANDS by VASP<br>
# exclude_bands :<br>
#Begin Projections<br>
#End Projections<br>
num_iter = 1000<br>
# num_cg_steps = 5<br>
# #conv_window = -1<br>
# #conv_tol = 1.0E-10<br>
# #conv_noise_amp = -1<br>
# #conv_noise_num = 3<br>
# #num_dump_cycles = 100<br>
num_print_cycles = 100<br>
# #write_r2mn = F<br>
guiding_centres = T<br>
# #num_guiding_centres = 1<br>
# #num_no_guide_iter = 0<br>
# trial_step = 0.5 # Si no converje hay que achicar este número<br>
fixed_step = 0.001 # OJO no se puede usar con el trial<br>
use_bloch_phases = T<br>
write_xyz=.TRUE. # write the center of the Wannier functions and the atom<br>
# positions into the file <a href="http://wannier90_centres.xyz" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">wannier90_centres.xyz</a><br>
#restart = wannierise<br>
begin unit_cell_cart<br>
6.3600000 0.0000000 0.0000000<br>
0.0000000 3.8250000 0.0000000<br>
0.0000000 0.0000000 7.0400000<br>
end unit_cell_cart<br>
begin atoms_cart<br>
Mn 3.3891047 0.9562500 1.2508822<br>
Mn 0.2090557 0.9562500 2.2689905<br>
Mn 6.2088375 2.8687500 4.7076746<br>
Mn 3.0287991 2.8687500 5.8524437<br>
Fe 5.4889162 2.8687500 0.3869629<br>
Fe 2.3088824 2.8687500 3.1330466<br>
Fe 4.0007149 0.9562500 3.9121473<br>
Fe 0.8207207 0.9562500 6.6478703<br>
As 4.6843995 2.8687500 2.6205986<br>
As 4.8481463 0.9562500 6.1253609<br>
As 1.6680677 0.9562500 4.4347644<br>
As 1.5043553 2.8687500 0.8992580<br>
end atoms_cart<br>
mp_grid = 12 12 12<br>
begin kpoints<br>
0.0416667 0.0416667 0.0416667<br>
0.1250000 0.0416667 0.0416667<br>
a lot of kpoints.............<br>
end kpoints<div class=""><div id=":24n" class="" tabindex="0"><img class="" src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">Lic. Christian Helman<br>Gerencia de Investigaciones y Aplicaciones<br>Centro Atómico Constituyentes-CNEA<br>Av. General Paz 1499, Pdo de San Martin<br>Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina<br>Tel:++54-11-6772-7102</div>