I couldn't figure it out for a while, e-mailed the mailing list, then
finally figured it out a half hour later. The problem (I think) was
that ATLAS suggests installing LAPACK first, then installing ATLAS.
However, LAPACK needs a BLAS at installation. Since I didn't have the
ATLAS BLAS (not installed yet) I provided another BLAS for the LAPACK
initial installation. Perhaps this was bad simply because it wasn't
the BLAS I wanted to use later, or because this BLAS was compiled not
using g95, I'm not sure. However, this seems like a pretty convoluted
way to do it in retrospect.<br>
<br>What I did instead, which seems to work (and make more sense), is
install ATLAS first, use that BLAS library for the LAPACK installation,
then add the extra LAPACK routines to ATLAS's. Then wannier compiled! (everything using g95)<br><br>-Keith<br>