[Wannier] Neighbour not found Reading overlaps

Wei Zhang zhangw at nfpc.edu.cn
Sun Jul 29 07:31:21 CEST 2018

Hi, everyone,
I use vasp5.4.4 and wannier90-1.2 to plot the band, but meet the following error when I use command "wannier90.x wannier", no matter what kind (dense or  coarse) of KPOINTS file used. Other files such as .eig .amn .chi  are also got before typing this command. 

"Reading overlaps from wannier90.mmn    : File generated by VASP: unknown system
 Error reading wannier90.mmn:       2    1   28   0    0  0  0
 Neighbour not found"

The input of  wannier90.win:
num_wann =    34
num_bands=   144

mp_grid =     15     15     1

A: l=0; l=1; l=2
B: l=0; l=1
C: l=0; l=1; l=2


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