[Wannier] Interface with vasp

Vijaya A R vijayarangadi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 09:28:41 CEST 2017

As mentioned in the user guide, i tried to install wannier90 interface with
vasp like editing the makefile in the vasp directory and installing
but while making it showing an error
fpp -f_com=no -free -w0 base.F base.f90  -DMPI  -DHOST=\"LinuxIFC\" -DIFC
-DCACHE_SIZE=32000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DNGZhalf -DMPI_BLOCK=64000
-Duse_collective  -DscaLAPACK  -DMKL_ILP64  -DNGZhalf -D VASP2WANNIER90
fpp: fatal: Usage:    fpp [-flags]... [filein [fileout]]
Makefile:333: recipe for target 'base.o' failed
make: *** [base.o] Error 1
please help me to sort it out.

Vijaya A R
PhD student
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