[Wannier] how to get the van der waals energy

巍 梁 hubuliangwei at yahoo.com.cn
Fri Mar 25 15:01:18 CET 2011

Dear all:
I am a beginner in using the Wannier90 code, I have done the following steps:
1 Run scf/nscf calculations with pw.x
2 Run wannier90.x generates seedname.nnkp
3 Run pw2wannier90.x generates seedname.mmn, seedname.amn, seedname.eig
How could I get the van der waals energy using the formula EvdW (equation 4 of 
PRL 100, 053002, 2008)?
Thanks for your help.

 Wei Liang
PH.D Candidate in Electrochemistry
College of Chemistry and Molecular Science
Wuhan University, 430072, Hubei Province, China
Email:hubuliangwei at yahoo.com.cn 

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