[Wannier] pw2wannier90 CRASH in example5/6/7

Arash A Mostofi mostofi at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 14 18:49:29 CEST 2006

Are you running on multiple CPUs? You may want to try the attached files: 
put pw2wannier90.f90 in the PP directory of espresso and wannier.f90 in 
the Modules directory and recompile pw2wannier90.

Let us know if the problem persists. If so, you'll need to send us more 
information, ie pwscf and wannier90 input/output files.


On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, lan haiping wrote:

> Hi, all
>  Recently, i try to use wannier function to analyze TM-oxide born
> charge.But Right now i come to CRASH when i tried to understand
> these examples implemented in wannier90 package.
> of coz, there is no problem for me to run example1-example4 just with
> wannier90.x without pw2wannnier.x following the guide of tutorial.pdf.  But
> i turned to example5-7 ,all came to CRASH when i run pw2wannier90.x.
> Information stated in CRASH is
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>    task #         0
>    from davcio : error #        10
>    i/o error in davcio
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Would you please do me a favor? any hints would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> hai-ping
-------------- next part --------------
! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
program pw2wannier90
  ! This is the interface to the Wannier90 code: see http://www.wannier.org
  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
  USE mp_global,  ONLY : mpime, kunit
  USE mp,         ONLY : mp_bcast
  USE cell_base,  ONLY : at, bg
  use lsda_mod,   ONLY : nspin, isk
  use klist,      ONLY : nkstot
  use ktetra,     ONLY : k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3
  use io_files,   ONLY : nd_nmbr, prefix, tmp_dir
  use noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
  use wvfct,            ONLY : gamma_only
  use wannier
  implicit none
  integer :: ik, i, kunittmp, ios
  CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: spin_component
  CHARACTER(len=256) :: outdir

  ! these are in wannier module.....-> integer :: ispinw, ikstart, ikstop, iknum
  namelist / inputpp / outdir, prefix, spin_component, wan_mode, &
       seedname, write_unk, write_amn, write_mmn, wvfn_formatted, reduce_unk
  call start_postproc (nd_nmbr)
  ! Read input on i/o node and broadcast to the rest
  if(ionode) then
     ! Check to see if we are reading from a file
     call input_from_file()
     !   set default values for variables in namelist
     outdir = './'
     prefix = ' '
     seedname = 'wannier'
     spin_component = 'none'
     wan_mode = 'standalone'
     wvfn_formatted = .false.
     write_unk = .false.
     write_amn = .true.
     write_mmn = .true.
     reduce_unk= .false.
     !     reading the namelist inputpp
     read (5, inputpp, err=200,iostat=ios)
200  call errore( 'phq_readin', 'reading inputpp namelist', abs(ios) )
     !     Check of namelist variables
     tmp_dir = TRIM(outdir) 
     ! back to all nodes
  end if
  ! broadcast input variable to all nodes
  call mp_bcast(outdir,ionode_id)    
  call mp_bcast(tmp_dir,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(prefix,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(seedname,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(spin_component,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(wan_mode,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(wvfn_formatted,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(write_unk,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(write_amn,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(write_mmn,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(reduce_unk,ionode_id)
  !   Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
  logwann = .true.
  write(stdout,*) ' Reading nscf_save data'
  call read_file  
  ! Make sure we aren't reading from a GAMMA or NCLS calculation
  if (gamma_only) call errore('pw2wannier90',&
       'KPOINT GAMMA calculation is not implemented',1)
  if (noncolin) call errore('pw2wannier90',&
       'Non-collinear calculation is not implemented',1)
  ! Here we should trap restarts from a different number of nodes.
  ! or attempts at kpoint distribution
  SELECT CASE ( TRIM( spin_component ) )
  CASE ( 'up' )
     write(stdout,*) ' Spin CASE ( up )'
     ispinw  = 1
     ikstart = 1
     ikstop  = nkstot/2
     iknum   = nkstot/2
  CASE ( 'down' )
     write(stdout,*) ' Spin CASE ( down )'
     ispinw = 2
     ikstart = nkstot/2 + 1
     ikstop  = nkstot
     iknum   = nkstot/2
     write(stdout,*) ' Spin CASE ( default = unpolarized )'
     ispinw = 0
     ikstart = 1
     ikstop  = nkstot
     iknum   = nkstot
  write(stdout,*) ' Wannier mode is: ',wan_mode
  if(wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
     write(stdout,*) ' -----------------'
     write(stdout,*) ' *** Reading nnkp '
     write(stdout,*) ' -----------------'
     call read_nnkp
     write(stdout,*) ' Opening pp-files '
     call openfil_pp
     call ylm_expansion
     if(write_amn) then
        write(stdout,*) ' ---------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** Compute  A '
        write(stdout,*) ' ---------------'
        call compute_amn
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** A matrix is not computed '
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
     if(write_mmn) then
        write(stdout,*) ' ---------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** Compute  M '
        write(stdout,*) ' ---------------'
        call compute_mmn
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** M matrix is not computed '
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
     write(stdout,*) ' ----------------'
     write(stdout,*) ' *** Write bands '
     write(stdout,*) ' ----------------'
     call write_band
     if(write_unk) then
        write(stdout,*) ' --------------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** Write plot info '
        write(stdout,*) ' --------------------'
        call write_plot
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
        write(stdout,*) ' *** Plot info is not printed '
        write(stdout,*) ' -----------------------------'
     write(stdout,*) ' ------------'
     write(stdout,*) ' *** Stop pp '
     write(stdout,*) ' ------------' 
     call stop_pp
  if(wan_mode.eq.'library') then
!     seedname='wannier'
     write(stdout,*) ' Setting up...'
     call setup_nnkp
     write(stdout,*) ' Opening pp-files '
     call openfil_pp
     write(stdout,*) ' Ylm expansion'
     call ylm_expansion
     call compute_amn
     call compute_mmn
     call write_band
     if(write_unk) call write_plot
     call run_wannier
     call lib_dealloc
     call stop_pp
  if(wan_mode.eq.'wannier2sic') then
     call read_nnkp
     call wan2sic
end program pw2wannier90
subroutine lib_dealloc
  use wannier

  implicit none


end subroutine lib_dealloc
subroutine setup_nnkp
  use io_global, only : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
  use kinds,     only : DP
  use constants, only : eps6, tpi
  use cell_base, only : at, bg, alat
  use gvect,     only : g, gg
  use ions_base, only : nat, tau, ityp, atm
  use klist,     only : xk
  USE mp,         ONLY : mp_bcast
  use wvfct,     only : nbnd,npwx
  use wannier

  implicit none
  real(DP) :: g_(3), gg_
  integer  :: ik, ib, ig, iw, ia, indexb, type
  real(DP) :: xnorm, znorm, coseno
  integer  :: exclude_bands(nbnd)
  real(DP) :: bohr

  ! aam: translations between PW2Wannier90 and Wannier90
  ! pw2wannier90   <==>   Wannier90
  !    nbnd                num_bands_tot
  !    n_wannier           num_wann
  !    num_bands           num_bands
  !    nat                 num_atoms
  !    iknum               num_kpts
  !    rlatt               transpose(real_lattice)
  !    glatt               transpose(recip_lattice)
  !    kpt_latt            kpt_latt
  !    nnb                 nntot
  !    kpb                 nnlist
  !    g_kpb               nncell
  !    mp_grid             mp_grid
  !    center_w            proj_site
  !    l_w,mr_w,r_w        proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial
  !    xaxis,zaxis         proj_x,proj_z
  !    alpha_w             proj_zona
  !    exclude_bands       exclude_bands
  !    atcart              atoms_cart
  !    atsym               atom_symbols

  bohr = 0.5291772108d0

  allocate( kpt_latt(3,iknum) )
  allocate( atcart(3,nat), atsym(nat) )
  allocate( kpb(iknum,num_nnmax), g_kpb(3,iknum,num_nnmax) )
  allocate( center_w(3,nbnd), alpha_w(nbnd), l_w(nbnd), &
       mr_w(nbnd), r_w(nbnd), zaxis(3,nbnd), xaxis(3,nbnd) )
  allocate( excluded_band(nbnd) )

  ! real lattice (Cartesians, Angstrom)
  rlatt(:,:) = transpose(at(:,:))*alat*bohr
  ! reciprocal lattice (Cartesians, Angstrom)
  glatt(:,:) = transpose(bg(:,:))*tpi/(alat*bohr)
  ! convert Cartesian k-points to crystallographic co-ordinates
  CALL cryst_to_cart(iknum,kpt_latt,at,-1)
  ! atom co-ordinates in Cartesian co-ords and Angstrom units
  atcart(:,:) = tau(:,:)*bohr*alat
  ! atom symbols
  do ia=1,nat

  ! MP grid dimensions
  call find_mp_grid(kpt_latt,mp_grid(3))

  write(stdout,'("  - Number of atoms is (",i3,")")') nat 

#ifdef __WANLIB
  if (ionode) then
     call wannier_setup(seedname,mp_grid,iknum, &          ! input
          rlatt,glatt,kpt_latt,nbnd,nat,atsym,atcart, &    ! input
          nnb,kpb,g_kpb,num_bands,n_wannier,center_w, &    ! output
          l_w,mr_w,r_w,zaxis,xaxis,alpha_w,exclude_bands)  ! output

  call mp_bcast(nnb,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(kpb,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(g_kpb,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(num_bands,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(n_wannier,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(center_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(l_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(mr_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(r_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(zaxis,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(xaxis,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(alpha_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(exclude_bands,ionode_id)

  allocate( gf(npwx,n_wannier), csph(16,n_wannier) ) 

  write(stdout,'("  - Number of wannier functions is (",i3,")")') n_wannier 

  band_loop: do ib=1,nbnd
     if (indexb>nbnd .or. indexb<0) then
        call errore('setup_nnkp',' wrong excluded band index ', 1)
     elseif (indexb.eq.0) then 
        exit band_loop
  enddo band_loop

  if ( (nbnd-nexband).ne.num_bands ) &
       call errore('setup_nnkp',' something wrong with num_bands',1)

  do iw=1,n_wannier
     xnorm = sqrt(xaxis(1,iw)*xaxis(1,iw) + xaxis(2,iw)*xaxis(2,iw) + &
     if (xnorm < eps6) call errore ('setup_nnkp',' |xaxis| < eps ',1)
     znorm = sqrt(zaxis(1,iw)*zaxis(1,iw) + zaxis(2,iw)*zaxis(2,iw) + &
     if (znorm < eps6) call errore ('setup_nnkp',' |zaxis| < eps ',1)
     coseno = (xaxis(1,iw)*zaxis(1,iw) + xaxis(2,iw)*zaxis(2,iw) + &
     if (abs(coseno) > eps6) &
          call errore('setup_nnkp',' xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal !',1)
     if (alpha_w(iw) < eps6) &
          call errore('setup_nnkp',' zona value must be positive', 1)
     ! convert wannier center in cartesian coordinates (in unit of alat)
     CALL cryst_to_cart( 1, center_w(:,iw), at, 1 )
  write(stdout,*) ' - All guiding functions are given '


  allocate( ig_(iknum,nnb) )

  do ik=1, iknum
     do ib = 1, nnb
        g_(:) = REAL( g_kpb(:,ik,ib) )
        call trnvect (g_, at, bg, 1)
        gg_ = g_(1)*g_(1) + g_(2)*g_(2) + g_(3)*g_(3)
        ig_(ik,ib) = 0
        ig = 1
        do while  (gg(ig) <= gg_ + eps6) 
           if ( (abs(g(1,ig)-g_(1)) < eps6) .and.  &
                (abs(g(2,ig)-g_(2)) < eps6) .and.  &
                (abs(g(3,ig)-g_(3)) < eps6)  ) ig_(ik,ib) = ig
           ig= ig +1
        end do
     end do
  end do
  write(stdout,*) ' - All neighbours are found '
end subroutine setup_nnkp
subroutine run_wannier
  use io_global, only : ionode, ionode_id
  use ions_base, only : nat
  use mp,        only : mp_bcast
  use wannier

  implicit none


#ifdef __WANLIB
  if (ionode) then
     call wannier_run(seedname,mp_grid,iknum,rlatt, &                ! input
          glatt,kpt_latt,num_bands,n_wannier,nnb,nat, &              ! input
          atsym,atcart,m_mat,a_mat,eigval, &                         ! input
          u_mat,u_mat_opt,lwindow,wann_centers,wann_spreads,spreads) ! output

  call mp_bcast(u_mat,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(u_mat_opt,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(lwindow,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(wann_centers,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(wann_spreads,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(spreads,ionode_id)

end subroutine run_wannier
subroutine find_mp_grid
  use io_global, only : stdout
  use kinds,     only: DP
  use wannier

  implicit none

  ! <<<local variables>>>
  integer  :: ik,ntemp,ii
  real(DP) :: min_k,temp(3,iknum),mpg1

  do ik=1,iknum
     if (kpt_latt(1,ik).eq.min_k) then

  do ik=1,ntemp
     if (temp(2,ik).eq.min_k) then

  do ik=1,ntemp
     if (temp(3,ik).eq.min_k) then

  if ( (mp_grid(2).eq.0) .or. (mp_grid(3).eq.0) ) &
       call errore('find_mp_grid',' one or more mp_grid dimensions is zero', 1)  


  mp_grid(1) = nint(mpg1)

  write(stdout,'(3(a,i3))') '  MP grid is ',mp_grid(1),' x',mp_grid(2),' x',mp_grid(3)

  if (real(mp_grid(1),kind=DP).ne.mpg1) &
       call errore('find_mp_grid',' determining mp_grid failed', 1)

end subroutine find_mp_grid
subroutine read_nnkp
  USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
  use kinds,     only: DP
  use constants, only : eps6, tpi
  use cell_base, only : at, bg, alat
  use gvect,     only : g, gg
  use io_files,  only : find_free_unit
  use klist,     only : nkstot, xk
  USE mp,        ONLY : mp_bcast
  use wvfct,     only : npwx, nbnd
  use wannier

  implicit none

  real(DP) :: g_(3), gg_
  integer :: ik, ib, ig, ipol, iw, idum, indexb
  integer numk, i, j
  real(DP) :: bohr, xx(3), xnorm, znorm, coseno
  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: line1, line2
  logical :: have_nnkp

  if (ionode) then  ! Read nnkp file on ionode only

     if(.not. have_nnkp) then
        write(stdout,*) ' Could not find the file '//TRIM(seedname)//'.nnkp'
     end if

     iun_nnkp = find_free_unit()
     open (unit=iun_nnkp, file=TRIM(seedname)//".nnkp",form='formatted')


  !   check the information from *.nnkp with the nscf_save data
  write(stdout,*) ' Checking info from wannier.nnkp file' 
  bohr = 0.5291772108d0
  if (ionode) then   ! read from ionode only

     call scan_file_to('real_lattice')
     do j=1,3
        read(iun_nnkp,*) (rlatt(i,j),i=1,3)
        do i = 1,3
           rlatt(i,j) = rlatt(i,j)/(alat*bohr)
     do j=1,3
        do i=1,3
           if(abs(rlatt(i,j)-at(i,j)).gt.eps6) then
              write(stdout,*)  ' Something wrong! '
              write(stdout,*)  ' rlatt(i,j) =',rlatt(i,j),  ' at(i,j)=',at(i,j)
     write(stdout,*) ' - Real lattice is ok'

     call scan_file_to('recip_lattice')
     do j=1,3
        read(iun_nnkp,*) (glatt(i,j),i=1,3)
        do i = 1,3
           glatt(i,j) = (alat*bohr)*glatt(i,j)/tpi
     do j=1,3
        do i=1,3
           if(abs(glatt(i,j)-bg(i,j)).gt.eps6) then
              write(stdout,*)  ' Something wrong! '
              write(stdout,*)  ' glatt(i,j)=',glatt(i,j), ' bg(i,j)=',bg(i,j)
     write(stdout,*) ' - Reciprocal lattice is ok'

     call scan_file_to('kpoints')
     read(iun_nnkp,*) numk
     if(numk.ne.iknum) then
        write(stdout,*)  ' Something wrong! '
        write(stdout,*)  ' numk=',numk, ' iknum=',iknum
     do i=1,numk
        read(iun_nnkp,*) xx(1), xx(2), xx(3)
        CALL cryst_to_cart( 1, xx, bg, 1 )
        if(abs(xx(1)-xk(1,i)).gt.eps6.or. &
             abs(xx(2)-xk(2,i)).gt.eps6.or. &
             abs(xx(3)-xk(3,i)).gt.eps6) then
           write(stdout,*)  ' Something wrong! '
           write(stdout,*) ' k-point ',i,' is wrong'
           write(stdout,*) xx(1), xx(2), xx(3) 
           write(stdout,*) xk(1,i), xk(2,i), xk(3,i)
     write(stdout,*) ' - K-points are ok'

  endif ! ionode

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(rlatt,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(glatt,ionode_id)
  if (ionode) then   ! read from ionode only
     call scan_file_to('projections')
     read(iun_nnkp,*) n_wannier

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(n_wannier,ionode_id)

  allocate( center_w(3,n_wannier), alpha_w(n_wannier), gf(npwx,n_wannier), &
       l_w(n_wannier), mr_w(n_wannier), r_w(n_wannier), &
       zaxis(3,n_wannier), xaxis(3,n_wannier), csph(16,n_wannier) )

  write(stdout,'("  - Number of wannier functions is ok (",i3,")")') n_wannier 

  if (ionode) then   ! read from ionode only
     do iw=1,n_wannier
        read(iun_nnkp,*) (center_w(i,iw), i=1,3), l_w(iw), mr_w(iw), r_w(iw)
        read(iun_nnkp,*) (zaxis(i,iw),i=1,3),(xaxis(i,iw),i=1,3),alpha_w(iw)
        xnorm = sqrt(xaxis(1,iw)*xaxis(1,iw) + xaxis(2,iw)*xaxis(2,iw) + &
        if (xnorm < eps6) call errore ('read_nnkp',' |xaxis| < eps ',1)
        znorm = sqrt(zaxis(1,iw)*zaxis(1,iw) + zaxis(2,iw)*zaxis(2,iw) + &
        if (znorm < eps6) call errore ('read_nnkp',' |zaxis| < eps ',1)
        coseno = (xaxis(1,iw)*zaxis(1,iw) + xaxis(2,iw)*zaxis(2,iw) + &
        if (abs(coseno) > eps6) &
             call errore('read_nnkp',' xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal !',1)
        if (alpha_w(iw) < eps6) &
             call errore('read_nnkp',' zona value must be positive', 1)
        ! convert wannier center in cartesian coordinates (in unit of alat)
        CALL cryst_to_cart( 1, center_w(:,iw), at, 1 )

  write(stdout,*) ' - All guiding functions are given '

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(center_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(l_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(mr_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(r_w,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(zaxis,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(xaxis,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(alpha_w,ionode_id)

  write(stdout,*) 'Projections:'
  do iw=1,n_wannier
     write(stdout,'(3f12.6,3i3,f12.6)') &

  if (ionode) then   ! read from ionode only
     call scan_file_to('nnkpts')
     read (iun_nnkp,*) nnb

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(nnb,ionode_id)
  nnbx = max (nnbx, nnb )
  allocate ( kpb(iknum,nnbx), g_kpb(3,iknum,nnbx),ig_(iknum,nnbx) )

  !  read data about neighbours
  write(stdout,*) ' Reading data about k-point neighbours '
  if (ionode) then
     do ik=1, iknum
        do ib = 1, nnb
           read(iun_nnkp,*) idum, kpb(ik,ib), (g_kpb(ipol,ik,ib), ipol =1,3)

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(kpb,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(g_kpb,ionode_id)

  do ik=1, iknum
     do ib = 1, nnb
        g_(:) = REAL( g_kpb(:,ik,ib) )
        call trnvect (g_, at, bg, 1)
        gg_ = g_(1)*g_(1) + g_(2)*g_(2) + g_(3)*g_(3)
        ig_(ik,ib) = 0
        ig = 1
        do while  (gg(ig) <= gg_ + eps6) 
           if ( (abs(g(1,ig)-g_(1)) < eps6) .and.  &
                (abs(g(2,ig)-g_(2)) < eps6) .and.  &
                (abs(g(3,ig)-g_(3)) < eps6)  ) ig_(ik,ib) = ig
           ig= ig +1
        end do
     end do
  end do
  write(stdout,*) ' All neighbours are found '

  allocate( excluded_band(nbnd) )

  if (ionode) then     ! read from ionode only
     call scan_file_to('exclude_bands')
     read (iun_nnkp,*) nexband
     do i=1,nexband
        read(iun_nnkp,*) indexb
        if (indexb<1 .or. indexb>nbnd) &
             call errore('read_nnkp',' wrong excluded band index ', 1)

  ! Broadcast
  call mp_bcast(nexband,ionode_id)
  call mp_bcast(excluded_band,ionode_id)

  if (ionode) close (iun_nnkp)   ! ionode only

end subroutine read_nnkp
subroutine scan_file_to (keyword)
   use wannier, only :iun_nnkp
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
   implicit none
   character(len=*) :: keyword
   character(len=80) :: line1, line2
! by uncommenting the following line the file scan restarts every time 
! from the beginning thus making the reading independent on the order 
! of data-blocks
!   rewind (iun_nnkp)
10 continue
   read(iun_nnkp,*,end=20) line1, line2
   if(line1.ne.'begin')  goto 10
   if(line2.ne.keyword) goto 10
20 write (stdout,*) keyword," data-block missing "
end subroutine scan_file_to
subroutine compute_mmn
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout, ionode
   use kinds,           only: DP
   use wvfct,           only : nbnd, npw, npwx, igk, g2kin
   use wavefunctions_module, only : evc, psic
   use gsmooth,         only: nls, nrxxs, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s
   use klist,           only : nkstot, xk
   use io_files,        only : nwordwfc, iunwfc
   use io_files,        only : find_free_unit
   use gvect,           only : g, ngm, ecutwfc
   use cell_base,       only : tpiba2, omega, alat, tpiba, at, bg
   USE ions_base,       only : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau
   use constants,       only : tpi
   use uspp,            only : nkb, vkb
   USE uspp_param,      ONLY : nh, tvanp, lmaxq
   use becmod,          only : becp
   use wannier

   implicit none

   integer :: mmn_tot, ik, ikp, ipol, ib, npwq, i, m, n
   integer :: ikb, jkb, ih, jh, na, nt, ijkb0, ind, nbt
   integer :: ikevc, ikpevcq
   complex(DP), allocatable :: phase(:), aux(:), evcq(:,:), becp2(:,:), Mkb(:,:)
   complex(DP), allocatable :: qb(:,:,:,:), qgm(:)
   real(DP), allocatable    :: qg(:), ylm(:,:), dxk(:,:)
   integer, allocatable     :: igkq(:)
   complex(DP)              :: mmn, ZDOTC, phase1
   real(DP)                 :: aa, arg, g_(3)
   character (len=9)        :: cdate,ctime
   character (len=60)       :: header
   logical                  :: any_uspp
   integer                  :: nn,inn
   logical                  :: nn_found

   allocate( phase(nrxxs), aux(npwx), evcq(npwx,nbnd), igkq(npwx) )

   if (wan_mode.eq.'library') allocate(m_mat(num_bands,num_bands,nnb,iknum))
   if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
      iun_mmn = find_free_unit()
      if (ionode) open (unit=iun_mmn, file=TRIM(seedname)//".mmn",form='formatted')

   mmn_tot = 0
   do ik=1,iknum
      mmn_tot = mmn_tot + nnb * nbnd * nbnd
   end do
   !   USPP
   any_uspp = ANY(tvanp(1:ntyp))
   if(any_uspp) then
      CALL init_us_1
      allocate ( becp(nkb,nbnd),becp2(nkb,nbnd))
   end if
   !     qb is  FT of Q(r) 
!   nbt = 0
!   do ik=1, iknum
!      nbt = nbt + nnb
!   enddo
   nbt = nnb * iknum
   allocate( qg(nbt) )
   allocate (dxk(3,nbt))
   ind = 0
   do ik=1,iknum
      do ib=1,nnb
         ind = ind + 1
         ikp = kpb(ik,ib) 
         g_(:) = REAL( g_kpb(:,ik,ib) )
         call trnvect (g_, at, bg, 1)
         dxk(:,ind) = xk(:,ikp) +g_(:) - xk(:,ik) 
         qg(ind) = dxk(1,ind)*dxk(1,ind)+dxk(2,ind)*dxk(2,ind)+dxk(3,ind)*dxk(3,ind)
!      write (stdout,'(i3,12f8.4)')  ik, qg((ik-1)*nnb+1:ik*nnb)
   !  USPP
   if(any_uspp) then

      allocate( ylm(nbt,lmaxq*lmaxq), qgm(nbt) )
      allocate( qb (nkb, nkb, ntyp, nbt) )
      call ylmr2 (lmaxq*lmaxq, nbt, dxk, qg, ylm)
      qg(:) = sqrt(qg(:)) * tpiba
      do nt = 1, ntyp
         if (tvanp (nt) ) then 
            do ih = 1, nh (nt)
               do jh = 1, nh (nt)
                  CALL qvan2 (nbt, ih, jh, nt, qg, qgm, ylm)
                  qb (ih, jh, nt, 1:nbt) = omega * qgm(1:nbt)
      deallocate (qg, qgm, ylm )
   end if
   write (stdout,'(/a)') "MMN"

   if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
      CALL date_and_tim( cdate, ctime )
      header='Created on '//cdate//' at '//ctime
      if (ionode) then
         write (iun_mmn,*) header
         write (iun_mmn,*) nbnd-nexband, iknum, nnb
   allocate( Mkb(nbnd,nbnd) )
   write(stdout,'(a,i8)') ' iknum = ',iknum

   ind = 0
   do ik=1,iknum
      write (stdout,'(i8)') ik
      ikevc = ik + ikstart - 1 
      call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikevc, -1 )
      call gk_sort (xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
      !  USPP
      if(any_uspp) then
         call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk(1,ik), vkb)
         ! below we compute the product of beta functions with |psi> 
         call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, becp, vkb, evc)
      end if
      !do ib=1,nnb(ik)
      do ib=1,nnb
         ind = ind + 1
         ikp = kpb(ik,ib)
! read wfc at k+b
         ikpevcq = ikp + ikstart - 1
         call davcio (evcq, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikpevcq, -1 )
         call gk_sort (xk(1,ikp), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npwq, igkq, g2kin)
! compute the phase
         phase(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
         if ( ig_(ik,ib)>0) phase( nls(ig_(ik,ib)) ) = (1.d0,0.d0)
         call cft3s (phase, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, +2)
         !  USPP
         if(any_uspp) then
            call init_us_2 (npwq, igkq, xk(1,ikp), vkb)
            ! below we compute the product of beta functions with |psi> 
            call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npwq, nbnd, becp2, vkb, evcq)
         end if
         Mkb(:,:) = (0.0d0,0.0d0) 
         if (any_uspp) then
            ijkb0 = 0
            do nt = 1, ntyp
               if ( tvanp(nt) ) then
                  do na = 1, nat
                     arg = DOT_PRODUCT( dxk(:,ind), tau(:,na) ) * tpi 
                     phase1 = CMPLX ( COS(arg), -SIN(arg) )
                     if ( ityp(na) == nt ) then
                        do jh = 1, nh(nt)
                           jkb = ijkb0 + jh
                           do ih = 1, nh(nt)
                              ikb = ijkb0 + ih
                              do m = 1,nbnd
                              do n = 1,nbnd
                                 Mkb(m,n) = Mkb(m,n) + &
                                     phase1 * qb(ih,jh,nt,ind) * &
                                     CONJG( becp(ikb,m) ) * becp2(jkb,n) 
                           enddo !ih
                        enddo !jh
                        ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh(nt)
                     endif  !ityp
                  enddo  !nat 
               else  !tvanp
                  do na = 1, nat
                     if ( ityp(na) == nt ) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh(nt)
               endif !tvanp
            enddo !ntyp
         end if ! any_uspp
! loops on bands
         if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
            if (ionode) write (iun_mmn,'(7i5)') ik, ikp, (g_kpb(ipol,ik,ib), ipol=1,3)
         do m=1,nbnd
            psic(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
            psic(nls (igk (1:npw) ) ) = evc (1:npw, m)
            call cft3s (psic, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, +2)
            psic(1:nrxxs) = psic(1:nrxxs) * phase(1:nrxxs)
            call cft3s (psic, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, -2)
            aux(1:npwq) = psic(nls (igkq(1:npwq) ) )
            aa = 0.d0
            do n=1,nbnd   
              mmn = ZDOTC (npwq, aux,1,evcq(1,n),1)
              !  Mkb(m,n) = Mkb(m,n) + \sum_{ijI} qb_{ij}^I * e^-i(b*tau_I)
              !             <psi_m,k1| beta_i,k1 > < beta_j,k2 | psi_n,k2 > 
              call reduce(2,mmn)
              Mkb(m,n) = mmn + Mkb(m,n)
              aa = aa + abs(mmn)**2
            end do ! n
         end do   ! m

         do n=1,nbnd
            if (excluded_band(n)) cycle
            do m=1,nbnd
               if (excluded_band(m)) cycle
               if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
                  if (ionode) write (iun_mmn,'(2f18.12)') Mkb(m,n)
               elseif (wan_mode.eq.'library') then
                  call errore('compute_mmn',' value of wan_mode not recognised',1)
      end do !ib
   end do  !ik

   if (ionode .and. wan_mode.eq.'standalone') close (iun_mmn)
   deallocate (Mkb, dxk, phase, aux, evcq, igkq)
   if(any_uspp) deallocate (becp, becp2, qb)
   write(stdout,*) ' MMN calculated'

end subroutine compute_mmn
subroutine compute_amn
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout, ionode
   use kinds,           only : DP
   use klist,           only : nkstot, xk
   use wvfct,           only : nbnd, npw, npwx, igk, g2kin
   use wavefunctions_module, only : evc
   use io_files,        only : nwordwfc, iunwfc
   use io_files,        only : find_free_unit
   use gvect,           only : g, ngm, ecutwfc
   use cell_base,       only : tpiba2
   use uspp,            only : nkb, vkb
   use becmod,          only : becp
   use wannier
   USE ions_base,       only : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau
   USE uspp_param,      ONLY : tvanp

   implicit none

   complex(DP) :: amn, ZDOTC
   complex(DP), allocatable :: sgf(:,:)
   integer :: amn_tot, ik, ibnd, ibnd1, iw,i, ikevc, nt
   character (len=9)  :: cdate,ctime
   character (len=60) :: header
   logical            :: any_uspp

   !call read_gf_definition.....>   this is done at the begin

   any_uspp =ANY (tvanp(1:ntyp)) 

   if (wan_mode.eq.'library') allocate(a_mat(num_bands,n_wannier,iknum))

   if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
      iun_amn = find_free_unit()
      if (ionode) open (unit=iun_amn, file=TRIM(seedname)//".amn",form='formatted')

   amn_tot = iknum * nbnd * n_wannier
   write (stdout,*) "AMN"

   if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
      CALL date_and_tim( cdate, ctime ) 
      header='Created on '//cdate//' at '//ctime
      if (ionode) then
         write (iun_amn,*) header 
         write (iun_amn,*) nbnd-nexband,  iknum, n_wannier 
   allocate( sgf(npwx,n_wannier))
   if (any_uspp) then
      allocate ( becp(nkb,n_wannier))
      CALL init_us_1
   end if
   write(stdout,'(a,i8)') ' iknum = ',iknum
   do ik=1,iknum
      write (stdout,'(i8)') ik
      ikevc = ik + ikstart - 1
      call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikevc, -1 )
      call gk_sort (xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
      call generate_guiding_functions(ik)   ! they are called gf(npw,n_wannier)
      !  USPP
      if(any_uspp) then
         call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ik), vkb)
         ! below we compute the product of beta functions with trial func.
         call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, n_wannier, becp, vkb, gf)
         ! and we use it for the product S|trial_func>
         call s_psi (npwx, npw, n_wannier, gf, sgf)  
         sgf(:,:) = gf(:,:)
      do iw = 1,n_wannier
         ibnd1 = 0 
         do ibnd = 1,nbnd
            amn = ZDOTC(npw,evc(1,ibnd),1,sgf(1,iw),1) 
            call reduce(2,amn)
            if (excluded_band(ibnd)) cycle
            if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
               if (ionode) write(iun_amn,'(3i5,2f18.12)') ibnd1, iw, ik, amn
            elseif (wan_mode.eq.'library') then
               a_mat(ibnd1,iw,ik) = amn
               call errore('compute_amn',' value of wan_mode not recognised',1)
         end do
      end do
   end do  ! k-points
   deallocate (sgf,csph)
   if(any_uspp) deallocate (becp)
   if (ionode .and. wan_mode.eq.'standalone') close (iun_amn)
   write(stdout,*) ' AMN calculated'

end subroutine compute_amn
subroutine generate_guiding_functions(ik)
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
   use constants, only : pi, tpi, fpi, eps8
   use wvfct, only : npw, g2kin, igk
   use gvect, only : ig1, ig2, ig3, g
   use cell_base,  ONLY : tpiba2, omega, tpiba
   use wannier
   use klist,      only : xk 
   USE cell_base, ONLY : bg

   implicit none

   integer, parameter :: lmax=3, lmax2=(lmax+1)**2
   integer :: iw, ig, ik, bgtau(3), isph, l, mesh_r
   integer :: lmax_iw, lm, ipol, n1, n2, n3, nr1, nr2, nr3, iig
   real(DP) :: arg, anorm, fac, alpha_w2, yy, alfa
   complex(DP) :: ZDOTC, kphase, lphase, gff, lph
   real(DP), allocatable :: gk(:,:), qg(:), ylm(:,:), radial(:,:)
   complex(DP), allocatable :: sk(:) 
   allocate( gk(3,npw), qg(npw), ylm(npw,lmax2), sk(npw), radial(npw,0:lmax) )
   do ig = 1, npw
      gk (1,ig) = xk(1, ik) + g(1, igk(ig) )
      gk (2,ig) = xk(2, ik) + g(2, igk(ig) )
      gk (3,ig) = xk(3, ik) + g(3, igk(ig) )
      qg(ig) = gk(1, ig)**2 +  gk(2, ig)**2 + gk(3, ig)**2

   call ylmr2 (lmax2, npw, gk, qg, ylm)
   ! define qg as the norm of (k+g) in a.u.
   qg(:) = sqrt(qg(:)) * tpiba

   do iw = 1, n_wannier
      gf(:,iw) = (0.d0,0.d0)

      call radialpart(npw, qg, alpha_w(iw), r_w(iw), lmax, radial) 

      do lm = 1, lmax2
         if ( abs(csph(lm,iw)) < eps8 ) cycle
         l = int (sqrt( lm-1.d0))
         lphase = (0.d0,-1.d0)**l
         do ig=1,npw
            gf(ig,iw) = gf(ig,iw) + csph(lm,iw) * ylm(ig,lm) * radial(ig,l) * lphase
         end do !ig
      end do ! lm
      do ig=1,npw
         iig = igk(ig)
         arg = ( gk(1,ig)*center_w(1,iw) + gk(2,ig)*center_w(2,iw) + &
                                           gk(3,ig)*center_w(3,iw) ) * tpi
         ! center_w are cartesian coordinates in units of alat 
         sk(ig) = CMPLX(cos(arg), -sin(arg) )
         gf(ig,iw) = gf(ig,iw) * sk(ig) 
      end do
      anorm = REAL(ZDOTC(npw,gf(1,iw),1,gf(1,iw),1))
      call reduce(1,anorm)
!      write (stdout,*) ik, iw, anorm
      gf(:,iw) = gf(:,iw) / dsqrt(anorm)
   end do
   deallocate ( gk, qg, ylm, sk, radial)
end subroutine generate_guiding_functions

subroutine write_band
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout, ionode
   use wvfct, only : nbnd, et
   use klist, only : nkstot
   use constants, only: rytoev
   use io_files, only : find_free_unit
   use wannier

   implicit none

   integer ik, ibnd, ibnd1, ikevc

   if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
      iun_band = find_free_unit()
      if (ionode) open (unit=iun_band, file=TRIM(seedname)//".eig",form='formatted')

   if (wan_mode.eq.'library') allocate(eigval(num_bands,iknum))

   do ik=ikstart,ikstop
      ikevc = ik - ikstart + 1
      do ibnd=1,nbnd
         if (excluded_band(ibnd)) cycle
         ibnd1=ibnd1 + 1
         if (wan_mode.eq.'standalone') then
            if (ionode) write (iun_band,'(2i5,f18.12)') ibnd1, ikevc, et(ibnd,ik)*rytoev
         elseif (wan_mode.eq.'library') then
            eigval(ibnd1,ikevc) = et(ibnd,ik)*rytoev
            call errore('write_band',' value of wan_mode not recognised',1)
      end do
   end do
end subroutine write_band

subroutine write_plot
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout, ionode
   use wvfct, only : nbnd, npw, igk, g2kin
   use wavefunctions_module, only : evc, psic
   use io_files, only : find_free_unit, nwordwfc, iunwfc
   use wannier
   use gsmooth,         only : nls, nrxxs, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s
   use klist,           only : nkstot, xk
   use gvect,           only : g, ngm, ecutwfc
   use cell_base,       only : tpiba2

   implicit none
   integer ik, ibnd, ibnd1, ikevc, i1, j, spin
   character*20 wfnname

   ! aam: 1/5/06: for writing smaller unk files 
   integer :: n1by2,n2by2,n3by2,i,k,index,pos
   COMPLEX(DP),allocatable :: psic_small(:)   

#ifdef __PARA
   integer nxxs
   COMPLEX(DP),allocatable :: psic_all(:)
   nxxs = nrx1s * nrx2s * nrx3s
   allocate(psic_all(nxxs) )

   if (reduce_unk) then
      write(stdout,'(3(a,i5))') 'nr1s =',nr1s,'nr2s=',nr2s,'nr3s=',nr3s
      write(stdout,'(3(a,i5))') 'n1by2=',n1by2,'n2by2=',n2by2,'n3by2=',n3by2

   do ik=ikstart,ikstop

      ikevc = ik - ikstart + 1

      iun_plot = find_free_unit()
      !write(wfnname,200) p,spin
      if(ispinw.eq.0) spin=1
      write(wfnname,200) ikevc, spin
200   format ('UNK',i5.5,'.',i1)

   if (ionode) then
      if(wvfn_formatted) then
         open (unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='formatted')
         if (reduce_unk) then
            write(iun_plot,*)  n1by2,n2by2,n3by2, ikevc, nbnd-nexband
            write(iun_plot,*)  nr1s,nr2s,nr3s, ikevc, nbnd-nexband
         open (unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='unformatted')
         if (reduce_unk) then
            write(iun_plot)  n1by2,n2by2,n3by2, ikevc, nbnd-nexband
            write(iun_plot)  nr1s,nr2s,nr3s, ikevc, nbnd-nexband
   end if

      call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikevc, -1 )
      call gk_sort (xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)

      ibnd1 = 0
      do ibnd=1,nbnd
         if (excluded_band(ibnd)) cycle
         ibnd1=ibnd1 + 1
         psic(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
         psic(nls (igk (1:npw) ) ) = evc (1:npw, ibnd)
         call cft3s (psic, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, +2)
         if (reduce_unk) pos=0
#ifdef __PARA
         call cgather_smooth(psic,psic_all)
         if (reduce_unk) then
            do k=1,nr3s,2
               do j=1,nr2s,2
                  do i=1,nr1s,2
                     index = (k-1)*nr3s*nr2s + (j-1)*nr2s + i
                     psic_small(pos) = psic_all(index) 
      if (ionode) then
         if(wvfn_formatted) then
            if (reduce_unk) then
               write (iun_plot,'(2ES20.10)') (psic_small(j),j=1,n1by2*n2by2*n3by2)
               write (iun_plot,*) (psic_all(j),j=1,nr1s*nr2s*nr3s)
            if (reduce_unk) then
               write (iun_plot) (psic_small(j),j=1,n1by2*n2by2*n3by2)
               write (iun_plot) (psic_all(j),j=1,nr1s*nr2s*nr3s)
      end if
         if (reduce_unk) then
            do k=1,nr3s,2
               do j=1,nr2s,2
                  do i=1,nr1s,2
                     index = (k-1)*nr3s*nr2s + (j-1)*nr2s + i
                     psic_small(pos) = psic(index) 
         if(wvfn_formatted) then 
            if (reduce_unk) then
               write (iun_plot,'(2ES20.10)') (psic_small(j),j=1,n1by2*n2by2*n3by2)
               write (iun_plot,*) (psic(j),j=1,nr1s*nr2s*nr3s)
            if (reduce_unk) then
               write (iun_plot) (psic_small(j),j=1,n1by2*n2by2*n3by2)
               write (iun_plot) (psic(j),j=1,nr1s*nr2s*nr3s)
      end do !ibnd

      if(ionode) close (unit=iun_plot)

   end do  !ik
   if (reduce_unk) deallocate(psic_small)   

#ifdef __PARA
   deallocate( psic_all )
end subroutine write_plot

subroutine wan2sic 

  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
  USE kinds, only : DP
  use io_files, only : iunwfc, iunatsicwfc, nwordwfc, nwordwann
  USE cell_base, only : omega, tpiba2
  use gvect, only : g, ngm, ecutwfc
  use gsmooth, only: nls, nrxxs, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s
  use wavefunctions_module, only : evc, psic
  use wvfct, only : nbnd, npwx, npw, igk, g2kin
  use klist, only : nkstot, xk, wk
  use wannier

  integer :: i, j, nn, ik, ibnd, iw, ikevc 
  complex(DP), allocatable :: orbital(:,:), orb(:,:), u_matrix(:,:,:) 

  open (20, file = TRIM(seedname)//".dat" , form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown')
  write(stdout,*) ' wannier plot '

  allocate ( u_matrix( n_wannier, n_wannier, nkstot) )
  allocate ( orbital( npwx, n_wannier), orb( nrxxs, n_wannier))

  do i = 1, n_wannier
     do j = 1, n_wannier
        do ik = 1, nkstot
           read (20, * ) u_matrix(i,j,ik)
           !do nn = 1, nnb(ik)
           do nn = 1, nnb
              read (20, * ) ! m_matrix (i,j,nkp,nn)
        enddo  !nkp
     enddo !j
  enddo !i
  orb(:,:) = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
  do ik=1,iknum
     ikevc = ik + ikstart - 1
     call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikevc, -1)
     call gk_sort (xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc/tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
     write(stdout,*) 'npw ',npw
     do iw=1,n_wannier
        do j=1,npw
           orbital(j,iw) = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
           do ibnd=1,n_wannier
              orbital(j,iw) = orbital(j,iw) + u_matrix(iw,ibnd,ik)*evc(j,ibnd)
              write(stdout,*) j, iw, ibnd, ik, orbital(j,iw), &
                              u_matrix(iw,ibnd,ik), evc(j,ibnd)
           enddo !ibnd
        end do  !j
     end do !wannier
     call davcio (orbital, nwordwann, iunatsicwfc, ikevc, +1)
  end do ! k-points

  deallocate ( u_matrix) 
  write(stdout,*) ' dealloc u '
  deallocate (  orbital)
  write(stdout,*) ' dealloc orbital '
  deallocate ( orb )
  write(stdout,*) ' dealloc orb '
end subroutine wan2sic 

subroutine ylm_expansion 
   USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   USE random_numbers,       ONLY : rndm
   use wannier
   implicit none
   ! local variables
   integer, parameter :: lmax2=16
   integer ::  lm, i, ir, iw, m
   real(DP) :: capel
   real(DP), allocatable :: r(:,:), rr(:), rp(:,:), ylm_w(:), ylm(:,:), mly(:,:)
   real(DP) :: u(3,3)

   allocate (r(3,lmax2), rp(3,lmax2), rr(lmax2), ylm_w(lmax2))
   allocate (ylm(lmax2,lmax2), mly(lmax2,lmax2) )

   ! generate a set of nr=lmax2 random vectors
   do ir=1,lmax2
      do i=1,3
         r(i,ir) = rndm() -0.5d0
      end do
   end do
   rr(:) = r(1,:)*r(1,:) + r(2,:)*r(2,:) + r(3,:)*r(3,:)
   !- compute ylm(ir,lm)
   call ylmr2(lmax2, lmax2, r, rr, ylm)
   !- store the inverse of ylm(ir,lm) in mly(lm,ir)
   call invmat(lmax2, ylm, mly, capel)
   !- check that r points are independent
   call check_inverse(lmax2, ylm, mly)

   do iw=1, n_wannier

      !- define the u matrix that rotate the reference frame
      call set_u_matrix (xaxis(:,iw),zaxis(:,iw),u)
      !- find rotated r-vectors 
      rp(:,:) = matmul ( u(:,:) , r(:,:) )
      !- set ylm funtion according to wannier90 (l,mr) indexing in the rotaterd points
      call ylm_wannier(ylm_w,l_w(iw),mr_w(iw),rp,lmax2) 

      csph(:,iw) = matmul (mly(:,:), ylm_w(:))

!      write (stdout,*) 
!      write (stdout,'(2i4,2(2x,3f6.3))') l_w(iw), mr_w(iw), xaxis(:,iw), zaxis(:,iw)
!      write (stdout,'(16i6)')   (lm, lm=1,lmax2)
!      write (stdout,'(16f6.3)') (csph(lm,iw), lm=1,lmax2)

   end do
   deallocate (r, rp, rr, ylm_w, ylm, mly )

end subroutine ylm_expansion

subroutine check_inverse(lmax2, ylm, mly)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   use constants, ONLY :  eps8
   implicit none
   ! I/O variables
   integer :: lmax2
   real(DP) :: ylm(lmax2,lmax2), mly(lmax2,lmax2)
   ! local variables
   real(DP), allocatable :: uno(:,:)
   real(DP) :: capel
   integer :: lm
   allocate (uno(lmax2,lmax2) )
   uno = matmul(mly, ylm)
   capel = 0.d0
   do lm = 1, lmax2
      uno(lm,lm) = uno(lm,lm) - 1.d0
   end do
   capel = capel + SUM ( abs(uno(1:lmax2,1:lmax2) ) )
!   write (stdout,*) "capel = ", capel
   if (capel > eps8) call errore('ylm_expansion', &
                    ' inversion failed: r(*,1:nr) are not all independent !!',1)
   deallocate (uno)
end subroutine check_inverse
subroutine set_u_matrix(x,z,u)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   use constants, ONLY : eps8
   implicit none
   ! I/O variables
   real(DP) :: x(3),z(3),u(3,3)
   ! local variables
   real(DP) :: xx, zz, y(3), coseno

   xx = sqrt(x(1)*x(1) + x(2)*x(2) + x(3)*x(3))
   if (xx < eps8) call errore ('set_u_matrix',' |xaxis| < eps ',1)
!   x(:) = x(:)/xx
   zz = sqrt(z(1)*z(1) + z(2)*z(2) + z(3)*z(3))
   if (zz < eps8) call errore ('set_u_matrix',' |zaxis| < eps ',1)
!   z(:) = z(:)/zz

   coseno = (x(1)*z(1) + x(2)*z(2) + x(3)*z(3))/xx/zz
   if (abs(coseno) > eps8) call errore('set_u_matrix',' xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal !',1)

   y(1) = (z(2)*x(3) - x(2)*z(3))/xx/zz
   y(2) = (z(3)*x(1) - x(3)*z(1))/xx/zz
   y(3) = (z(1)*x(2) - x(1)*z(2))/xx/zz

   u(1,:) = x(:)/xx
   u(2,:) = y(:)
   u(3,:) = z(:)/zz

!   write (stdout,'(3f10.7)') u(:,:)


end subroutine set_u_matrix

subroutine ylm_wannier(ylm,l,mr,r,nr) 
! this routine returns in ylm(r) the values at the nr points r(1:3,1:nr) 
! of the spherical harmonic identified  by indices (l,mr) 
! in table 3.1 of the wannierf90 specification.
! No reference to the particular ylm ordering internal to quantum-espresso
! is assumed. 
! If ordering in wannier90 code is changed or extended this should be the 
! only place to be modified accordingly
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   use constants, ONLY : pi, fpi, eps8
   implicit none
! I/O variables
   integer :: l, mr, nr
   real(DP) :: ylm(nr), r(3,nr)
! local variables
   real(DP), external :: s, p_z,px,py, dz2, dxz, dyz, dx2my2, dxy, &
                        fz3, fxz2, fyz2, fzx2my2, fxyz, fxx2m3y2, fy3x2my2
   real(DP) :: rr, cost, phi
   integer :: ir
   real(DP) :: bs2, bs3, bs6, bs12
   bs2 = 1.d0/sqrt(2.d0)
   bs6 = 1.d0/sqrt(6.d0)
   bs12 = 1.d0/sqrt(12.d0)
   if (l > 3 .OR. l < -5 ) call errore('ylm_wannier',' l out of range ', 1)
   if (l>=0) then
      if (mr < 1 .OR. mr > 2*l+1) call errore('ylm_wannier','mr out of range' ,1)
      if (mr < 1 .OR. mr > abs(l)+1 ) call errore('ylm_wannier','mr out of range',1)
   end if

   do ir=1, nr
      rr = sqrt( r(1,ir)*r(1,ir) +  r(2,ir)*r(2,ir) + r(3,ir)*r(3,ir) )
      if (rr < eps8) call errore('ylm_wannier',' rr too small ',1)

      cost =  r(3,ir) / rr
      !  beware the arc tan, it is defined modulo pi
      if (r(1,ir) > eps8) then
         phi = atan( r(2,ir)/r(1,ir) )
      else if (r(1,ir) < -eps8 ) then
         phi = atan( r(2,ir)/r(1,ir) ) + pi
         phi = sign( pi/2.d0,r(2,ir) )
      end if

      if (l==0) then   ! s orbital
                    ylm(ir) = s(cost,phi)  
      end if
      if (l==1) then   ! p orbitals
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = p_z(cost,phi) 
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = px(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = py(cost,phi)
      end if
      if (l==2) then   ! d orbitals
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = dz2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = dxz(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = dyz(cost,phi)
         if (mr==4) ylm(ir) = dx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==5) ylm(ir) = dxy(cost,phi)
      if (l==3) then   ! f orbitals
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = fz3(cost,phi)
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = fxz2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = fyz2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==4) ylm(ir) = fzx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==5) ylm(ir) = fxyz(cost,phi)
         if (mr==6) ylm(ir) = fxx2m3y2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==7) ylm(ir) = fy3x2my2(cost,phi)
      if (l==-1) then  !  sp hybrids
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = bs2 * ( s(cost,phi) + px(cost,phi) ) 
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = bs2 * ( s(cost,phi) - px(cost,phi) ) 
      end if
      if (l==-2) then  !  sp2 hybrids 
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi)-bs6*px(cost,phi)+bs2*py(cost,phi)
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi)-bs6*px(cost,phi)-bs2*py(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi) +2.d0*bs6*px(cost,phi) 
      end if
      if (l==-3) then  !  sp3 hybrids
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0*(s(cost,phi)+px(cost,phi)+py(cost,phi)+p_z(cost,phi))
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0*(s(cost,phi)+px(cost,phi)-py(cost,phi)-p_z(cost,phi))
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0*(s(cost,phi)-px(cost,phi)+py(cost,phi)-p_z(cost,phi))
         if (mr==4) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0*(s(cost,phi)-px(cost,phi)-py(cost,phi)+p_z(cost,phi))
      end if
      if (l==-4) then  !  sp3d hybrids
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi)-bs6*px(cost,phi)+bs2*py(cost,phi)
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi)-bs6*px(cost,phi)-bs2*py(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = bs3*s(cost,phi) +2.d0*bs6*px(cost,phi) 
         if (mr==4) ylm(ir) = bs2*p_z(cost,phi)+bs2*dz2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==5) ylm(ir) =-bs2*p_z(cost,phi)+bs2*dz2(cost,phi)
      end if
      if (l==-5) then  ! sp3d2 hybrids
         if (mr==1) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)-bs2*px(cost,phi)-bs12*dz2(cost,phi)+.5*dx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==2) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)+bs2*px(cost,phi)-bs12*dz2(cost,phi)+.5*dx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==3) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)-bs2*py(cost,phi)-bs12*dz2(cost,phi)-.5*dx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==4) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)+bs2*py(cost,phi)-bs12*dz2(cost,phi)-.5*dx2my2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==5) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)-bs2*p_z(cost,phi)+bs3*dz2(cost,phi)
         if (mr==6) ylm(ir) = bs6*s(cost,phi)+bs2*p_z(cost,phi)+bs3*dz2(cost,phi)
      end if

   end do


end subroutine ylm_wannier

!======== l = 0 =====================================================================
function s(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) :: s, cost,phi
   s = 1.d0/ sqrt(fpi)
end function s
!======== l = 1 =====================================================================
function p_z(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::p_z, cost,phi
   p_z =  sqrt(3.d0/fpi) * cost
end function p_z
function px(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::px, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   px =  sqrt(3.d0/fpi) * sint * cos(phi)
end function px
function py(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::py, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   py =  sqrt(3.d0/fpi) * sint * sin(phi)
end function py
!======== l = 2 =====================================================================
function dz2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::dz2, cost, phi
   dz2 =  sqrt(1.25d0/fpi) * (3.d0* cost*cost-1.d0)
end function dz2
function dxz(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::dxz, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   dxz =  sqrt(15.d0/fpi) * sint*cost * cos(phi)
end function dxz
function dyz(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::dyz, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   dyz =  sqrt(15.d0/fpi) * sint*cost * sin(phi)
end function dyz
function dx2my2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::dx2my2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   dx2my2 =  sqrt(3.75d0/fpi) * sint*sint * cos(2.d0*phi)
end function dx2my2
function dxy(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::dxy, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   dxy =  sqrt(3.75d0/fpi) * sint*sint * sin(2.d0*phi)
end function dxy
!======== l = 3 =====================================================================
function fz3(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fz3, cost, phi
   fz3 =  0.25d0*sqrt(7.d0/pi) * ( 5.d0 * cost * cost - 3.d0 ) * cost
end function fz3
function fxz2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fxz2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fxz2 =  0.25d0*sqrt(10.5d0/pi) * ( 5.d0 * cost * cost - 1.d0 ) * sint * cos(phi)
end function fxz2
function fyz2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fyz2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fyz2 =  0.25d0*sqrt(10.5d0/pi) * ( 5.d0 * cost * cost - 1.d0 ) * sint * sin(phi)
end function fyz2
function fzx2my2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fzx2my2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fzx2my2 =  0.25d0*sqrt(105d0/pi) * sint * sint * cost * cos(2.d0*phi)
end function fzx2my2
function fxyz(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fxyz, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fxyz =  0.25d0*sqrt(105d0/pi) * sint * sint * cost * sin(2.d0*phi)
end function fxyz
function fxx2m3y2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fxx2m3y2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fxx2m3y2 =  0.25d0*sqrt(17.5d0/pi) * sint * sint * sint * cos(3.d0*phi)
end function fxx2m3y2
function fy3x2my2(cost,phi)
   use kinds, ONLY :  DP
   implicit none
   real(DP), parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979d0, fpi =4.d0*pi
   real(DP) ::fy3x2my2, cost, phi, sint
   sint = sqrt(abs(1.d0 - cost*cost))
   fy3x2my2 =  0.25d0*sqrt(17.5d0/pi) * sint * sint * sint * sin(3.d0*phi)
end function fy3x2my2
subroutine radialpart(ng, q, alfa, rvalue, lmax, radial)
  ! This routine computes a table with the radial Fourier transform 
  ! of the radial functions.
  USE kinds,      ONLY : dp
  USE constants,  ONLY : fpi
  USE cell_base,  ONLY : omega
  implicit none
  ! I/O
  integer :: ng, rvalue, lmax
  real(DP) :: q(ng), alfa, radial(ng,0:lmax)
  ! local variables
  real(DP), parameter :: xmin=-6.d0, dx=0.025d0, rmax=10.d0

  real(DP) :: rad_int, pref, x
  integer :: l, lp1, ir, ig, mesh_r
  real(DP), allocatable :: bes(:), func_r(:), r(:), rij(:), aux(:)

  mesh_r = nint ( ( log ( rmax ) - xmin ) / dx + 1 )
  allocate ( bes(mesh_r), func_r(mesh_r), r(mesh_r), rij(mesh_r) )
  allocate ( aux(mesh_r))
  !    compute the radial mesh
  do ir = 1, mesh_r
     x = xmin  + DBLE (ir - 1) * dx 
     r (ir) = exp (x) / alfa
     rij (ir) = dx  * r (ir)
  if (rvalue==1) func_r(:) = 2.d0 * alfa**(3.d0/2.d0) * exp(-alfa*r(:))
  if (rvalue==2) func_r(:) = 1.d0/sqrt(8.d0) * alfa**(3.d0/2.d0) * & 
                     (2.0d0 - alfa*r(:)) * exp(-alfa*r(:)*0.5d0)
  if (rvalue==3) func_r(:) = sqrt(4.d0/27.d0) * alfa**(2.0d0/3.0d0) * &
                     (1.d0 - 1.5d0*alfa*r(:) + 2.d0*(alfa*r(:))**2/27.d0) * &
  pref = fpi/sqrt(omega)
  do l = 0, lmax
     do ig=1,ng
       call sph_bes (mesh_r, r(1), q(ig), l, bes)
       aux(:) = bes(:) * func_r(:) * r(:)
       call simpson (mesh_r, aux, rij, rad_int)
       radial(ig,l) = rad_int * pref

  deallocate (bes, func_r, r, rij, aux )
end subroutine radialpart

-------------- next part --------------
! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
module wannier
   USE kinds, only : DP
   !integer, allocatable :: nnb(:)       ! #b  (ik)
   integer              :: nnb          ! #b
   integer, allocatable :: kpb(:,:)     ! k+b (ik,ib)
   integer, allocatable :: g_kpb(:,:,:) ! G_k+b (ipol,ik,ib)
   integer, allocatable :: ig_(:,:)     ! G_k+b (ipol,ik,ib)
   integer, allocatable :: lw(:,:), mw(:,:) ! l and m of wannier (16,n_wannier)
   integer, allocatable :: num_sph(:)   ! num. func. in lin. comb., (n_wannier)
   logical, allocatable :: excluded_band(:)
   integer  :: iun_nnkp, iun_mmn, iun_amn, iun_band, iun_plot, nnbx, n_wannier, nexband
   complex(DP), allocatable :: gf(:,:)  ! guding_function(npwx,n_wannier)
   integer               :: ispinw, ikstart, ikstop, iknum
   character(LEN=15)     :: wan_mode    ! running mode
   logical               :: logwann, wvfn_formatted, write_unk, &
                            write_amn, write_mmn, reduce_unk
   ! input data from nnkp file
   real(DP), allocatable :: center_w(:,:)     ! center_w(3,n_wannier)
   integer, allocatable  :: l_w(:), mr_w(:) ! l and mr of wannier (n_wannier) as from table 3.1,3.2 of spec.
   integer, allocatable  :: r_w(:)      ! index of radial function (n_wannier) as from table 3.3 of spec.
   real(DP), allocatable :: xaxis(:,:),zaxis(:,:) ! xaxis and zaxis(3,n_wannier)
   real(DP), allocatable :: alpha_w(:)  ! alpha_w(n_wannier) ( called zona in wannier spec)
   real(DP), allocatable :: csph(:,:)    ! expansion coefficients of gf on QE ylm function (16,n_wannier)
   CHARACTER(len=256) :: seedname  = 'wannier'  ! prepended to file names in wannier90
   ! For implementation of wannier_lib
   integer               :: mp_grid(3)            ! dimensions of MP k-point grid
   real(DP)              :: rlatt(3,3),glatt(3,3) ! real and recip lattices (Cartesian co-ords, units of Angstrom)
   real(DP), allocatable :: kpt_latt(:,:)  ! k-points in crystal co-ords. kpt_latt(3,iknum)  
   real(DP), allocatable :: atcart(:,:)    ! atom centres in Cartesian co-ords and Angstrom units. atcart(3,nat)
   integer               :: num_bands      ! number of bands left after exclusions
   character(len=3), allocatable :: atsym(:) ! atomic symbols. atsym(nat)
   integer               :: num_nnmax=12
   complex(DP), allocatable :: m_mat(:,:,:,:), a_mat(:,:,:)
   complex(DP), allocatable :: u_mat(:,:,:), u_mat_opt(:,:,:)
   logical, allocatable     :: lwindow(:,:)
   real(DP), allocatable    :: wann_centers(:,:),wann_spreads(:)
   real(DP)                 :: spreads(3)
   real(DP), allocatable    :: eigval(:,:)
end module wannier

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