<html>Dear users,<br />I would like to observe the evolution of a given electronic state as a function of the cell parameter (2 Si-atoms cell).<br />The problem is that the electronic state observe is the sp3, which is 4 times degenerated.<br />This implies that, between 2 scf calculations at different cell parameter, the order of these 4 electronic states is totally random.<br />As a consequence, the post-processing visualization of one electronic state (pp.x with plot_num=7 and kband=2 for example)<br />does not return always the same orientation of the sp3 bond.<br /><br />Question: is there a way to preserve the order of these 4 degenerated states between different calculations despite their equal energy,<br />such that kband=2 is always the same one?<br /><br />-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Antoine Jay LAAS-CNRS<br /><a data-jsarwt="1" data-usg="AOvVaw2dma9pkaRKEmU1HxOZr2tk" data-ved="2ahUKEwjf2pi-4aL0AhUBxoUKHSP4AQ4QFnoECBMQAQ" href="https://www.laas.fr/public/fr/m3">ajay@laas.fr</a> 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche <br />(+33)5 61 33 79 56 BP 54200, 31031 Toulouse cedex 4 <br />Equipe<strong> M^3 M</strong>odélisation <strong>M</strong>ulti-niveaux des <strong>M</strong>atériaux <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</html>