<html>Dear all,<br />I ckecked the phonon frequencies at q=gamma of a 512-atoms cubic supercell of bulk silicon. (kpoint=gamma also)<br />As the phonon code output the "wrong representation" error, I added nosym and noinv.<br />The output frequencies seem to be right (80-507cm^-1) except for the last one that is 1132cm^-1<br />Hopefully, a simple ASR was enough to decrease this frequency down to 507cm^-1.<br /><br />This calcul implies three questions:<br />1) How is it possible to have such a decrease between before ASR and after ASR, is the calcul wrong (input in PJ)?<br />2) Why is there a "wrong representation" error, whereas the atomic coordinates are exactelly symetric and not quasi-symetric?<br />3) Is it possible to know which modes are degenerated (nosym implies C_1 space group which looses the symetry analysis)?<br />For this last, I cannot use only the phonons frequencies because they are not exactelly equals, and due to the BZ folding in the supercell, several frequencies are very close from each other.<br /><br />Thank you very much for your help.<br /><br />Antoine Jay<br />LAAS-CNRS<br />Toulouse France</html>