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<p>Dear Sir,</p>
<p>I would like to know whether QE 6.4 supports the following section,</p>
<p>&ions<br/> calculation='relax'<br/> ion_dynamics='damp',<br/> ion_velocities='zero',<br/> ion_radius(1)=1.0,<br/> ion_damping=0.01</p>
<p><br/> Command to Run : pw.x < pt.relax.in</p>
<p>If i include the above section, I am getting the following warning message,<br/> Warning: card &IONS ignored<br/> Warning: card CALCULATION='RELAX' ignored<br/> Warning: card ION_DYNAMICS='DAMP', ignored<br/> Warning: card ION_VELOCITIES='ZERO', ignored<br/> Warning: card ION_RADIUS(1)=1.0, ignored<br/> Warning: card ION_DAMPING=0.01 ignored<br/> Warning: card / ignored</p>
<p>Kindly suggest me the solution to fix the error.</p>
<p>Thanks and Regards,<br/> B.Arunachalam</p>
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