############################################################################## # Optional parameters, any information specific for the system studied # SysInfo='TiO2' # Mandatory parameters # Specify SystemName and Force Constants matrix Sysname='Rutile' FC_file='rut.fc' # # Specify lattice type (used to create ttrinp file). It should be the same as in scf.in file # Specify atoms in the unit cell as they specified in scf.in file # Specify atomic masses for these atoms in the same order as in scf.in # Specify the frequency step (delta_e) as well, but 0.75 is a good choice ibrav=6 atoms="Ti1 Ti2 O1 O2 O3 O4 " mass="47.867 47.867 15.9999 15.9999 15.9999 15.9999 " delta_e=0.75 # Edit ONLY amass parameters # Please do not change flfrq='frequency' line # leave asr (acoustic sum rule) and flfrc lines cat >matdyn.init < Temperature <T_Debye.in <