<font face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> <span>Dear all<br><br>I would be very grateful if you could let me know of possible capabilities in<br>quantum espresso to compute chiroptical properties of periodic systems<br><br>The literature seems to indicate:<br><br>- Prof Agnes Szabados' group has done some implementation of raman optical activity?<br><br>- the existence of a package called QEdark which probably has to do with axion electrodynamics?<br><br>- probably the axion electrodynamics framework by David Vanderbilt (for orbital magnetism)?<br><br>regards<br><br>Dr Manuel Pérez Jigato, Research and Technolgy Associate<br>Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)<br>Materials Research and Technology (MRT)<br>41 rue du Brill<br>L-4422 BELVAUX<br>Grand-Duché de Luxembourg<br>Tel (+352) 275 888 - 581<br>e-mail <a href="mailto:manuel.perez@list.lu">manuel.perez@list.lu</a></span></font>