<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Dear QE users and developers,<br><br></div>Recently, I tried to use PWgui6.0 to generate input files for neb calculations, but everytime PWgui displays the following error:<br><br><b>RROR: an error occured while parsing the separator option: -label<br><br></b></div><b></b><div><br></div><div>and the following is its details:<br></div><div><br><<ERROR: an error occured while parsing the separator option: -label<br><br> while executing<br>"error $::tclu::error(errMsg) $::tclu::error(info) $::tclu::error(code)"<br> ("uplevel" body line 2)<br> invoked from within<br>"uplevel 1 {<br> error $::tclu::error(errMsg) $::tclu::error(info) $::tclu::error(code)<br> }"<br> (procedure "::tclu::ERROR" line 20)<br> invoked from within<br>"::tclu::ERROR "an error occured while parsing the separator option: $opt""<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::_separator" body line 4)<br> invoked from within<br>"_separator [_getCurrentObj] $args"<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::separator" body line 2)<br> invoked from within<br>"separator --label "--- Fictitious Charge Particle (FCP) options ---""<br> ("eval" body line 2)<br> invoked from within<br>"eval $code"<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::_manageNameObj" body line 40)<br> invoked from within<br>"_manageNameObj group fcp -decor normal {<br> separator --label "--- Fictitious Charge Particle (FCP) options ---"<br><br> var lfcpopt {<br> -label "Perfo..."<br> ("eval" body line 1)<br> invoked from within<br>"eval _manageNameObj group $ident $args"<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::group" body line 2)<br> invoked from within<br>"group fcp -decor normal {<br> separator --label "--- Fictitious Charge Particle (FCP) options ---"<br><br> var lfcpopt {<br> -label "Perform a constant b..."<br> ("eval" body line 126)<br> invoked from within<br>"eval $code"<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::_manageNameObj" body line 40)<br> invoked from within<br>"_manageNameObj namelist inputpp -name PATH {<br><br> var string_method {<br> -label "Type of path calculation (string_method):"<br> -widget radiobo..."<br> ("eval" body line 1)<br> invoked from within<br>"eval _manageNameObj namelist $ident $args"<br> (object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" method "::guib::moduleObj::namelist" body line 11)<br> invoked from within<br>"namelist inputpp -name "PATH" {<br><br> var string_method {<br> -label "Type of path calculation (string_method):"<br> -widget radiobox<br> -textv..."<br> ("eval" body line 9)<br> invoked from within<br>"eval $script "<br> while constructing object "::guib::NEBmoduleObj0" in ::guib::moduleObj::constructor (body line 15)<br> invoked from within<br>"moduleObj ${moduleName}\#auto -title $opt(title) -script $opt(script) -varscope $opt(varscope)"<br> (procedure "module" line 9)<br> invoked from within<br>"module NEB -title "PWSCF GUI: module NEB.x" -script {<br><br> readfilter ::pwscf::nebReadFilter<br><br> #<br> # PATH<br> # <br><br> namelist inputpp -name "PAT..."<br> (file "neb.tcl" line 3)<br> invoked from within<br>"source $file"<br> (procedure "loadModule" line 11)<br> invoked from within<br>"loadModule $moduleFile $varscope"<br> (procedure "::guib::embedGUI" line 5)<br> invoked from within<br>"::guib::embedGUI $moduleFile $wid"<br> (object "::gUI0" method "::guib::GUI::_newInput" body line 56)<br> invoked from within<br>"$cmd $moduleIdent $moduleName $moduleFile"<br> (object "::gUI0" method "::guib::GUI::_toolbarCmd" body line 3)<br> invoked from within<br>"::gUI0 _toolbarCmd .gUI0_toolbarnew _newInput neb {NEB.X's neb.dat} /home/koma/software/QE-USER/PWgui/PWgui-6.0/modules/neb/neb.tcl"<br> (in namespace inscope "::guib::GUI" script line 1)<br> invoked from within<br>"namespace inscope ::guib::GUI {::gUI0 _toolbarCmd .gUI0_toolbarnew _newInput neb {NEB.X's neb.dat} /home/koma/software/QE-USER/PWgui/PWgui-6.0/modules..."<br> invoked from within<br>".gUI0_toolbarnew.1 invoke"<br> ("uplevel" body line 1)<br> invoked from within<br>"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"<br> (procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 22)<br> invoked from within<br>"tk::ButtonUp .gUI0_toolbarnew.1"<br> (command bound to event)>><br><br></div><div>Then, I tried to update iwidgets4, but had no effect. Also, note that other options in PWgui are generating correct inputs (only neb is not functioning).<br><br>Can anyone recommend me on how to fix this error?<br><br></div><div>Thanks,<br></div><div>Afshin<br></div><div><br><div><div><div><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div style="font-family:arial;font-size:small"><font size="1">With Best Regards</font></div><div style="font-family:arial;font-size:small"><font size="1">Afshin Arjhangemehr</font></div><div style="font-family:arial;font-size:small"><font size="1">PhD student in Radiation Application</font></div><div style="font-family:arial;font-size:small"><font size="1">Shahid Beheshti University G.C, Tehran, IRAN</font></div><div style="font-family:arial;font-size:small"><font size="1">(+98) 912 439 20 64</font></div></div></div>