<html>Hello,<br /><br />I'm a bit confused by the parallelization scheme of QE. First of all, I run calculations on a cluster with usually 1 to 8 nodes, each of which has 16 cores. There is a very good scaling of pw.x e.g. for structural relaxation jobs. I do not specify any particular parallelization scheme as mentioned in the documentation, i.e. I start the calculations with<br />mpirun -np 128 pw.x < job.pw<br />on 8 nodes, 16 cores each. According to the documentation ni=1, nk=1 and nt=1. So in which respect are the calculations parallelized by default? Why do the calculations scale so well without specifying ni, nk, nt, nd?<br /><br />Second question is, whether one can speed up bands.x calculations. Up to now I start these this way:<br />mpirun -np 64 bands.x < job.bands<br />on 4 nodes, 16 cores each. Does it make sense to define nb for bands.x? If yes, what would be reasonable values?<br /><br />The systems of interest consist of typically ~50 atoms with periodic boundaries.<br /><br />Maxim Skripnik<br />Department of Physics<br />University of Konstanz</html>