<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Dear Quantum Espresso users,<br></div>Earlier I had knocked you about "Error in routine stop_exx (1):<br>
dft is not hybrid, wrong call" problem. Well the problem was quite solved. Whenever I used pbe pseudo potentials, the optimization converged. But if I use pz pseudo potentials, the simulation terminates saying:<br>
"Error in routine scale_h (1):<br> Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a larger cell_factor."<br><br></div>I have used larger cell_factor of 2, and tried with lattice parameter of 3 angstrom [The quantum espresso page said to use larger cell factor or larger unit cell] but the problem persists. I would like to mention again that the problem does not arise when I use pbe pseudo potentials. I have attached the input and output files, please let me know whether I am missing something or doing anything wrong. I had tried the simulation with both version 5.1 and 5.0.2. The results are all the same.<br>
<br>Thank you in advance.<br></div>