<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi everyone!<br><br></div>I'm trying to use the Grimme dispersion correction in my calculations.<br></div>The studied system is CH3NH3PbI3. <br><br></div>Since I'm using the v.5.0.2 (svn rev. 9656) of the program I used the keyword london='.true.'<br>
<br></div>The problem is that I have in the output the following lines:<br><br> -------------------------------------<br> Parameters for Dispersion Correction:<br> -------------------------------------<br> atom VdW radius C_6<br>
<br> Pb 3.673 *******<br> I 3.575 *******<br> C 2.744 60.710<br> N 2.640 42.670<br> H 1.892 4.857<br><br>
</div>Does it mean that C_6 are not defined for Pb and I? Or am I wrong in something?<br><br></div>Thank you for your answers.<br><br></div>Valentina Cantatore<br></div>PostDoc Researcher @ DISIT - Università del Piemonte Orientale<br>
</div>Alessandria, Italy<br></div>