<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><br></div>Dear pwscf users, <br><br></div>I am running the wannier_ham.x, to construct a wannier hamiltonian for NiO. The scf and nscf runs finished quickly, but the wannier_ham.x took much longer time than I expected. <br>
<br>Currently I am running it on Cray XC30 (nersc, edison) with 96 processors, and 4 hrs didn't finish the job. Of course I am submitting new jobs with longer time limits now, but meanwhile I am not sure if I did something wrong, or it's just indeed a very consuming calculation. <br>
<br></div>I attached all input/output files for the scf, nscf and wannier_ham.x runs. The inputs are basically copied from "examples/WannierHam_example/run_example", with small changes. Is there anything that I should improve? <br>
<br>If the inputs are ok, then how large should I expect the job to be (how many cpus and hrs) ? <br></div><div>And, just curious, why it's consuming? we already have the needed information for all k-points, saved in that .save folder, it should be quick, am I right? <br>
<br></div><div>Thanks for any help. <br><br></div><div>Long Zhang <br></div><div>Dept of Physics, U of Florida <br></div><div><br></div><br></div>