<P>Dear all£º</P>
<P>I am calculating phonon with QE-5.0.1.<BR>A 20x20x10 k-mesh is used in scf calculation. Phonon wave vectors are sampled<BR>on 10x10x5 mesh. But when I set degauss=0.03Ry in scf run, a imaginary frequency<BR>was found for the first branch with omega= -105.6 cm^-1 at wave vector (0.2, 0.346410162, 0.0).<BR>But if degauss=0.05Ry in scf run, this imaginary frequency disappear and become 132.1 cm^-1.<BR>Meanwhile, the frequencies of all other branches change slightly for these two degauss values.<BR>So my question is which results should I trust, degauss=0.03 Ry or 0.05Ry?</P>
<P>Btw: both lattice parameters and the inner coordinates of atoms are well relaxed for <BR>different degauss values.</P>
<P>I am greatly indebted to you for your help. Thanks again!</P>
<P>Best<BR>Miao Gao</P>
<P>---------------------------------------<BR>Ph.D. student of Department of Physics, <BR>Renmin University of China.<BR>---------------------------------------<BR><BR><BR></P><SPAN></SPAN><br><br>