Dear Forum,<div><br></div><div>I am currently trying to relax multiple structures using QE5 using PBE pseudos with spin included in the calculation. However most of my jobs fail with the following message:</div><div><div> from bfgs : error # 1</div>
<div> dE0s is positive which should never happen</div></div><div><br></div><div>Some unexplainably work perfectly, others that are nearly identical will fail. What I've tried to do to bypass this is simply taking the last coordinates and restarting from there, however I am in a situation where I am constantly babysitting my jobs for this particular error.</div>
<div>The parameters I use are:</div><div><div> ecutwfc = 30.0</div><div> ecutrho = 280.0</div></div><div>and k-points are around 6 per unit cube of 8 atoms (I am mostly working on perovskites, so I have a metal A, metal B and three oxygens, but I may divide by 2 say if I have two unit cubes on top of each other, and so on). I use the fairly low parameters for the ecuts because I am using the same numbers for a surface calculation with over 60 atoms.</div>
<div><br></div><div>The commands I used to load the libraries I used to compile QE are (in case the libraries might have to do with it as I saw in some previous messages)</div><div><div>module load Compilers/Intel/11/11.1.069</div>
<div>module load MPI/OpenMPI/1.4.4</div><div>module load Libs/MKL/10.2</div></div><div><br></div><div>I'm sorry if my question is silly, I just started using this code properly and other members in my group didn't run into this problem as often. They are using QE 4.2 if that helps.</div>