<P>Dear all:</P>
<P>In lambda.f90 of QE-5.0.1, I find a explanatory note "1THz=50K", <BR>which is used to evaluate the superconducting transition temperature Tc.<BR>But using E=hv=kBT, we can get 1THz=47.99K, so my question is the<BR>output of lambda.x is the actual Tc, or should be multiplied by 47.99/50?</P>
<P>Thank you for your help.</P>
<P>Best<BR>Miao Gao</P>
<P>---------------------------------------<BR>Ph.D. student of Department of Physics, <BR>Renmin University of China.<BR>---------------------------------------<BR><BR><BR></P><SPAN></SPAN><br><br>