Dear all, <br><br>I have a problem while performing el-ph calculation with PWSCF .<br><br>I did 2 small tests: <br>1) A calculation at q=Gamma and with only 1 k-pt (also gamma).<br>2) A calculation at q=Gamma and a 2x2x2 k-kpt grid (only 3 kpt in the IBZ with gamma).<br>
<br>In both cases I first computed the dvscf and dyn matrices on a 2x2x2 kpt grid (they are the same in both cases and I read them).<br><br>The electron-phonon matrix elements (GKK) that QE gives me should be the same for k= gamma. In the second case the GKK file is bigger since it also contain the two other k-points. I verified this for other arbitrary q-points and it work. I got the exact same GKK file.<br>
<br>The only problem I have is with q=Gamma. In that case you have "IF (nksq.GT.1) THEN" flag that treat the calculation of dvscf_q*psi_k differently. <br><br>After some debugging I've come to realize that the only difference was in<br>
DO ig = 1, npw<br> aux1 (nls (igk (ig) ) ) = evc (ig, ibnd)<br>ENDDO<br><br>The evc are the same in both cases (except that in the second cases you have some additional "0"s at the end that come from the fact that the evc vector is allocate with the biggest npw for all k-pts. <br>
<br>The difference come from the nls mapping. The mapping is strongly different in both cases and as a result the GKK files outputed by PWSCF are different. <br><br>I must point out that I'm using an old version of PWSCF (4.0.5) but I need this version to be able to run Yambo afterward. The code of the 5.0 seems somewhat similar ...<br>
<br>Could you help me figure out why the mapping is different in both cases?<br><br>Thank you, <br><br>Best regards, <br><br>Samuel Poncé. <br>