Dear All,<br>I am trying to run the examples directory provided in PWCOND which gives the following error in all three given example01, example02 and example03 in svn version.<br>running pwcond.x to calculate the complex bands of Al...forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred<br>
Image PC Routine Line Source <br>pwcond.x 08062C04 gramsh_ 48 gramsh.f90<br>pwcond.x 08077039 local_1_ 276 local.f90<br>
pwcond.x 08073F98 local_ 74 local.f90<br>pwcond.x 0805DE17 do_cond_ 493 do_cond.f90<br>pwcond.x 08058056 MAIN__ 22 condmain.f90<br>
pwcond.x 0804B354 Unknown Unknown Unknown<br> B68754D3 Unknown Unknown Unknown<br>Error condition encountered during test: exit status = 174<br>Aborting<br><br>This is coming in pwcond.x part but unable to figure out to fixed this error.<br>
Please your help is heartily appreciated in any form.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks and Regards<br>Bramha Prasad Pandey<br>Indian School of Mines(ISM)<br>Dhanbad, INDIA.<br><br>