Dear PWSCF users,<br>I am interested in el-ph calculations in Nb. I am studying the effect of k-mesh size, smearing width, and smearing type on the el-ph constant and phonon linewidths. <br><br>I am comparing Gaussian (gauss) and Fermi-Dirac (fd) using smearing width 0.022Ry =0.30 eV. I am also using 64 64 64 k-mesh for el-ph and 16 16 16 k-mesh for the scf calculations. The calculations are performed with QE-5.0.<br>
<br>However, in case of Fermi-Dirac smearing the phonon calculations (ph.x) proceed smoothly, whereas in case of Gaussian smearing the the phonon calculations stops from the beginning with an error message : too many kpoints ==> <span style="background-color:rgb(204,0,0)">Why it works in case of (fd) and not in case of (gauss) smearing???????</span><br style="background-color:rgb(204,0,0)">
<br><br>below is my input file for the el-ph calculations:<br>&control<br> calculation='scf',<br> restart_mode='from_scratch',<br> title='Nb',<br> outdir='./',<br> prefix='Nb',<br>
pseudo_dir='./',<br> wf_collect=.true.,<br>/<br>&system<br> ibrav=3,<br> celldm(1)=6.1389,<br> nat=1, ntyp=1,<br> ecutwfc=60.0,<br> ecutrho=480.0,<br> occupations='smearing',<br> degauss=0.022,<br> smearing='gauss',<br>
la2F= .true.,<br>/<br>&electrons<br> conv_thr=1.0d-8,<br> mixing_mode='plain',<br> mixing_beta=0.7,<br> diagonalization='cg',<br>/<br>ATOMIC_SPECIES<br>Nb 92.906 Nb.pz-sp-van.UPF<br>ATOMIC_POSITIONS {alat}<br>
Nb 0.00 0.00 0.00<br>K_POINTS {automatic}<br>64 64 64 0 0 0<br clear="all"><br>Kindest Regards, <br>___________________________<br>IYAD I. AL-QASIR, PhD<br>Postdoc Research Associate <br><br>X-Ray and Neutron Scattering and Spectroscopy Group<br>
Materials Science and Technology Division<br>Oak Ridge National Lab<br>Oak Ridge, TN<br><br>