Dear All,<br>I am trying to understand the format of the force constant file (*.fc) generated by running the executable q2r.x<br><br>I hope someone could answer (or comment on) my questions below.<br><br>Below is the part of q2r.f90 that prints force constants to *.fc<br>
<br> DO j1=1,3<br> DO j2=1,3<br> DO na1=1,nat<br> DO na2=1,nat<br> WRITE (2,'(4i4)') j1,j2,na1,na2<br> nn=0<br> DO m3=1,nr3<br> DO m2=1,nr2<br>
DO m1=1,nr1<br> nn=nn+1<br> WRITE (2,'(3i4,2x,1pe18.11)') &<br> m1,m2,m3, DBLE(phid(nn,j1,j2,na1,na2)) ! why nn not<br>
END DO<br> END DO<br> END DO<br> END DO<br> END DO<br> END DO<br> END DO<br clear="all"><br>Here are my notes and questions: <br>
1- j1 and j2 stands for x, y, and z directions?<br>2- m1, m2, and m3 represents the integers for the position vector of a given unitcell? <br>3- Why in phid(nn, j1,j2,na1, na2) m1, m2 and m3 are mapped into nn? Where nn=m1*m2*m3<br>
4- How can I build from the *.fc file a square force constants matrix where each element is 3x3. That is, to build the conventional matrix we see in text books?<br><br>Thank you very much,<br>IYAD Al-Qasir<br><br>X-ray and Neutron Scattering and Spectroscopy Group<br>
Materials Science and Technology Division<br>ORNL<br><br><br><br>