Dear All,<br><br> When i tried to run my scf cal, i got following message<br><br>At line 155 of file read_cards.f90<br>Fortran runtime error: End of file<br>At line 155 of file read_cards.f90<br>Fortran runtime error: End of file<br>
At line 155 of file read_cards.f90<br>Fortran runtime error: End of file<br>At line 155 of file read_cards.f90<br>Fortran runtime error: End of file<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
mpirun has exited due to process rank 1 with PID 1914 on<br>node shiva exiting without calling "finalize". This may<br>have caused other processes in the application to be<br>terminated by signals sent by mpirun (as reported here).<br>
<br>Whereas for VERY SIMILAR file do not give any error. Where can be problem.<br><br>Thank you so much.<br><br>Kind Regards<br>Pankaj<br>Research Assistant<br>AU India<br>